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  1. Oceanic Centre Conclusions From Testing: With Regards to my previous comment: I used the Slew function to climb to 10,000 ft to try and see if the issue was altitude related. This appears not to be the case as I was once again handed over to Oceanic Centre. From further testing I found that the Centre Areas that have the following Altitude designation handed me over to the correct Centre frequency for the VFR Flights I tried. From Littlenavmap: Min altitude: 0 ft AGL Max altitude: Unlimited The above is only true running VoxATC (7.43) from the Flightsim PC. No matter what I tried with a Network setup I always was handed over to Oceanic Centre on tested VFR flights. I ran two identical VFR Flights one from the network PC and one from the Flightsim PC. When comparing the VoxATC Error logs the only difference I could see in the files was the placement of the LAT/LONG for handover to the Centre Frequency. I sent these files to VoxATC Support in the hope that the Network setup will at least be checked out (the issue has been reported on a previous post). In the mean time I am running VoxATC from the Flightsim PC and using the Proxy Server to view the message windows on the network PC. In my testing I also found that changing the Centre frequency assigned to an Airport made no difference to the Oceanic Centre issue (regardless if there was a match/mismatch between AFCAD File and the Area Centre frequency shown in LNM). It did however make a difference for the FSS Frequency if one was not assigned to an Airport (fixed the Utopia Radio message). I also found that by deleting the PAL Frequency in the AFCAD VoxATC stopped referring to the CTAF as “Activate Lights Only Traffic.” John – thanks for your comments, useful and helpful. You mentioned BNXWorld0.bgl in your comments above. This helped me discover from Littlenavmap that the data in these types of files refer to other classes of airspace (C, D, E ect.)? Cheers.
  2. Hello all. Here is my update regarding Oceanic Centre. I tested a small VFR Cross country flight from YMNG to YBDG all in class G airspace using a VoxATC’s network setup 7.42. I used the Slew function to climb to 10,000 ft to try and see if the issue was altitude related. This appears not to be the case as I was once again handed over to Oceanic Centre. I then ran the same flight again this time from the main PC running FSX – ie with no network. This time VoxATC did pick up the Area Control Frequency listed in YMNG’s Airport frequencies! Reversing this flight however from YBDG to YMNG using just the main PC I was once again handed over to Oceanic Centre. YBDG’s Area Control Frequency is (Centre) is listed as Class C Airspace YMNG’s Area Control Frequency is (Centre) is listed as Class B Airspace (Works with VoxATC) So the only clue I have to go on at this stage for VFR flights is that VoxATC possibly uses Class B airspace for its Area Control (Centre) frequencies? Also strange is that VoxATC is picking up the Class B Frequency when the lower limit is 8,500 ft even though the flight takes place well below that (3000 odd feet for testing). So I’m not sure that editing the bvcf.bgl file will help at this stage. I will have to test this some more and change the frequency of YBDG to a class B frequency to see if it makes any difference. After repeated testing there appears to be a fault with VoxATC’s Network side of things for the Ocenic Centre issue (Tested 7.41, 7.42 & 7.43). Using the VFR flight above departing from YMNG repeatedly just keeps handing me over to Oceanic Centre. This issue has been reported before on this Forum by another VoxATC user. Also using Netserver 7.43 there is a glitch when getting ready to taxi to the runway. It comes up with the following message: Announce taxi intentions#COMMA press ‘0’(Zero) to select another runway. Pressing 0 does nothing, but when using Netserver 7.42 it let you select another runway. Another thing I found during this testing is: In the VAsettings.xml there is this line: <CruiseNoCenter Value="TRUE" /> If the TRUE is changed to FALSE a flight can be completed (Network or Main PC) without having to contact a Centre which for some VFR flights is OK. I will report back again with further findings. Any comments welcome. Thanks.
  3. Hi John. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my Question. You appear to be correct with your comment relating to my flight plan altitudes and the lower limits of the FIR Boundaries. I wanted to attach a screen shot of the area around Melbourne with just the FIR boundaries and lower/upper limit altitudes but I don't understand "Insert Image From URL?" (I haven't used Flight Sim in a while) When I have done small flights to test "contacting Centre" (eg from YMNG to YBDG) my altitude has never been above 4000 ft. By editing the file (I assume you mean the bvcf.bgl) would that mean setting the all FIR Lower Limits to 0 to enable VoxATC to recognise them for VFR Flights? Before any editing I will try another flight plan with the cruise altitude set above the FIR Lower Limit, then after take off circle above the departure Apt to reach the Alt before setting course. I will report back. Thanks again.
  4. Hello all. I am trying to resolve the issue of VoxATC not handing over to the correct Centre frequency on both a VFR and IFR Flight. Some back ground: Simulator: FSX SP2 Operating System: Win 7 Sim Setup: Basic - I only use ORBX Aus/NZ regions for flight sim, no other scenery addons. Usage: General Aviation flights between CTAF’s & Class C/D VoxATC Setup: Networked (although this problem occurs when running from simulator machine as well). Problem: Leaving the CTAF Area VoxATC requests contact Oceanic Centre 122.00 (Instead of Melbourne Centre for example). Mod’s tried to resolve the issue: Disabled bvcf.bgl as an experiment – This made no difference to the flight. Could this possibly indicate VoxAtc is not referencing this file for ARTCC/FIR boundary information as has been suggested? Modified the airport frequencies – This made no difference for the Centre frequency, but VoxATC did recognise the changed FSS frequencies instead of Utopia Radio. It also fixed VoxATC referring to an Airport as “Pilot Activated Lighting.” Created an airport file in apdata and tried adding ATSUCenter – This made no difference, but a couple of the other frequency codes had an effect when running VoxATC with a flight. Made a copy of some default scenery airports then modified the frequencies – This made no difference. Turned off all Default scenery – This made no difference. VoxATC Indexer was run after trying each of the above. It is almost as though VoxATC is picking up its frequencies from some other source? Anyway if anyone has had any success resolving the Oceanic Centre issue and can provide me with some guidance I would be very grateful. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I hope the following helps out anyone with the same problem: I purchased a Melbourne airport (addon) and had exactly the same issue with aircraft parked "inside" buildings and taxing off to one side of the taxiway. After about two weeks of trying different things the following resolved the issue: 1) Install the new addon (Aircraft/Scenery/Airport) 2) Go to Start/All Programs/VoxAtc 3) Run the VoxAtc Indexer 4) Exit the Indexer and launch Flight Sim
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