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About jewel77

  • Birthday 07/15/1977

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    Greece LGAV

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  1. Thanks Steve for your reply! Ok after 2 hours of search i had a memory flash :smile: and i remembered that i had the same issue in the past with DX9! The issue caused by the fsx control of hat switch! The slider was in the middle and i moved it to the far right and tataaaa stutters gone
  2. Hello Steve and DX10 fans! I have a problem here. When i look around in VC i have stutters even with the Trike and my CPU goes very high too! My fps are solid 30. I've never had any issues with DX10 until now and maybe it's not Fixer's fault. Maybe i did something but i can't remember what! Any help?! Thanks!
  3. It's ok now. I used IE and i'm ready to fly the 777!
  4. You work for Google? :rolleyes: Tell us the secret code
  5. Hello! I'm already a customer. When i try login in the pmdg site a message appears that the page is not available! I want to buy the 777 product so please help me! Thanks! EDIT: It looks a Google Chrome issue because i can login with Internet Explorer. If your site opens only with IE it's ok. I just prefer Chrome.
  6. I do this and VOXatc keep guide me to wrong stars and runways.
  7. I think that this new sun effect came from REX texture SP1 because i have the 340.52 driver.
  8. Thank you for your answers! I load flight plan before loading the flight and i click OK when it asks to move my aircraft to the selected runway but voxatc taxi me to different runways and (most annoying) different stars when approach than those of my flight plan :( What am i doing wrong?
  9. Hello, I can't understand the new way of importing a flight plan in voxatc 6.46. In their site they say this " VoxATC will use the currently loaded flight plan. You no longer have to load a flight to change the flight plan, just load the new flight plan and enable" Where to enable? Load the fsx flight plan? I use fsbuild for flight plans.
  10. I'm happy because with version 2.4 i can see now shadows with Aerosoft Airbus X 318/319! This adds too much in realism! Congrats Steve! I was in a hurry to post the good news so i didn't fly with other addon airplanes. I'll check them soon and post again.
  11. Just a BIG THANKS to Steve for his Fixer and also to Paul for his support! :Applause: With my new GTX760 and after many hours of flying i can say that i have a new sim that will accompany me for the next years without make any further upgrade to my rig or touch any sliders! UPDATE from my first post is that 1) i fixed (not dissapearing) more the shimmering issue. The cause was some changes that i made in nvidia's control panel. I reinstalled driver and without touch control panel i made changes in the Inspector and the image became like DX9! VC is crystal clear now and this is what i like most than a distant shimmering! WOW! GTX rocks! :smile: 2) Frames can drop down to 10-15 fps when at heavy airports and with PMDG 737 but without OOM! Every addon works fine! Now i can fly from A to B succesfully! P.S.: Paul how i can put your DX10 signature in mine? :smile:
  12. I like Adi's settings: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/427579-discovered-fix-for-dx10-sfx-smaa-disable-problem/page-2
  13. Yes Charles! REX4 has new DX9, DX10 and DX11 water and textures! I see that you have GTX too. My previous ATI card displayed awful DX10 water. I use too REX3 weather engine until the release of REX4 weather engine.
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