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About MDF86

  • Birthday 11/13/1984

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  1. Afraid as I got no interest here or on a couple of other sites I am in the process of stripping the parts out and selling them seperately, having kept all of my addons in case I ever get back to it.
  2. Bristol, UK
  3. Yes I wouldn't have done that at all. Believe me I certainly wouldn't be selling if I had plans to use the software as im already looking at a massive loss compared to what I spent!
  4. Interesting, thanks Mark. On an unrelated topic is anyone interested in an excellent PC with several hundreds of pounds of FSX addons
  5. Ok so looks like I need to wipe the PC clean and then sell as 'new' What a waste :(
  6. Hi all Random question but can you sell a PC with software on it to another person? The time has come sadly where I must say goodbye to my custom made gaming PC and the flight simulation hobby, and it's killing me how much I've spent on software addons etc to just wipe it all off and sell the PC as new. I was hoping I could sell it to a fellow simmer who would be able to use the hundreds of pounds of addon software and aircraft I have. We're talking PMDG NGX and 777, ORBX global, vector, open LC, England, Norway, Australia, as well as many addon airports, FS GLobal mesh...the list goes on. I'm hoping I'm allowed to do that and can therefore attach a price to the PC and a small extra to recoup a small fraction of the money I've spent on the hobby. Obviously a fellow simmer would appreciate the value for money here whereas Joe Bloggs on eBay wouldn't have the slightest interest and I'd just end up reformatting the entire PC. If this in anyway violates any rules then please delete. Just putting some feelers out to see what I am and am not allowed to do re selling on software. Thanks
  7. Thanks Ian! Is that a variable that can be altered to taste or is it just a setting which reduced sensitivity by a fixed amount?
  8. Great news. I've been waiting for their Prague for what seems like an eternity.
  9. Hi Guys I have a Saitek X52 which seems really sensitive. Hand flying is very difficult because even the slightest movement sends the aircraft all over the place! Is there any settings I can change that will make the control feel a bit 'heavier' ? Thanks!
  10. You can use the PILOTS Aerodrome Flattening Tool which will sort out any airports that have their elevations messed up by third party mesh.
  11. Here you go, just for you! Flight TK2411 from Antalya to Istanbul. I stayed quite low in the early phase of the flight to better capture the textures. Last time I flew in Turkey (before OpenLC) I remember being horrified at the miles and miles of repeating textures as far as the eye can see. Totally different now!
  12. Some shots coming up in the next hour or so, watch this space!
  13. Thanks Richard!
  14. Another test of ORBX OpenLC, this one from the beautiful Greek island of Zakynthos Near Svidnik, Slovakia North of Perugia, Italy Girona, Spain
  15. A quick test of ORBX OpenLC after departing Alicante
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