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About Les1974

  • Birthday 06/20/1974

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    Daytona Beach, Florida

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  1. Les1974


    I have the 200LR only. Thanks I will give that a shot. Oh will I lose my current navdata?
  2. Les1974


    Do I need to uninstall my 777 before I install the latest version? Or can I simply run over the top of the existing version?
  3. Sad to hear. I was hoping by changing the values I might of seen a more realistic behavior.
  4. I just realized that my max weight and empty weight values for virtually all of my AI planes are way too light. For instance, my Fruit Stand A330-300 has an empty weight value of only 103,170 pounds. Could this error be the reason AI planes seem to have such incredible stopping and takeoff power? I want to go in and change all the planes to the correct RW weights, but will changing the values cause any harm to their behavior? I just looked at the A380 and its empty weight is only 287,500lbs.
  5. Yeah its a fun approach I used to fly in and out of all the time. Oh well guess I'll pull out my old charts and plan my flight from Lima by hand, should be fun simulating an FMC failure, sort of.
  6. I cant the runways to show up in the FMC, just the airport.
  7. Clicked on the link but it took me to my dropbox but no Airac file.
  8. Thanks for the link. Yeah I added Kai Tak before so I how things could get messed up. Thanks again.
  9. It opened in FEB 2013 so any cycle before that should be good...thanks! Arluster Turner
  10. Does anyone know how to create or have the Navdata for the old Quito Airport? Since I still have the excellent Quito scenery from Borisforero I would love to fly in and out of it with my PMDG birds.
  11. I purchased Flightbeam's KSFO, KDEN and KPHX and all I can say is wow!!! The new Hong Kong from Taxi 2 Gate is well done too. I have so many add on airports I cant recall them all. Just activate the ones you are using for that flight, cuts load times for me. Still waiting for ZBAA though.
  12. Consult the STARS and Approach plates for PHNL. I use aeroplanner.com.
  13. I'm waiting for someone to tackle Beijing and the surrounding area, I would buy that in a microsecond! These are absolute favorites. 1. UK2000 EGLL EGCC 2. Flytampa Dubai, Tampa, Vienna and St. Marteen and Kai Tak 3. Taxi 2 Gate Manilla and Orlando 4. LatinVFR Miami ( Although it seems a little framerate heavy) 5. Aerosoft Mega Airports EHAM, ESSA, LEBL EFHK and ENGM.
  14. The 300ER has a maximum range of 7,825 NM at maximum payload according to Boeing.In topcat, the flight distance is 7,300NM, so you're right at the edge. Does FPXP take step climbs into account for increased fuel efficiency? I would bet there is no cargo on the flight, just baggage and or it is not filled to max passenger capacity.
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