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  1. I have been out of the loop for a while, but isn't it standard ops now to keep the cockpit door shut? Obviously the door would have to open at some time, whether for the fuel loads, manifests, etc. But, in general, does the door simply stay open/shut until pushback?
  2. In Real-Life, we did a family trip to Anchorage, Alaska (PANC) from Houston, Texas (KIAH), non-stop, years ago. I believe, a 737-800. Regardless, it was roughly an 8.5 hour flight, at around 2900 nm (though Simbrief rates the flight at 7.5 hrs). Let me tell you, it obviously made the flight-distance, but for the passengers, cramped, not fed, and only feeding peanuts was about the dumbest and worst flight of cramped--ness I had ever experienced with any airline (as well as the longest, for me). The scenery below was stunning. The flight was in late June. If I were to do this flight again, I think I would rather go out of Seattle, than Houston, just to shorten the flight. It was uncomfortable, and I felt cramped the whole flight. Not to mention, no food is just ridiculous for an 8.5 hour flight. I never knew these small planes could be so versatile on long-haul flights. I never realized that these smaller planes could fly so far, for so long. However, I see why Boeing is retiring the 747 since their smaller planes can literally do the same longer flights that they couldn't years ago. Considering the flight from New York to London is around 3100 nm miles, perhaps there will be a change from the airlines to the smaller 737? Seems the business model is steering that direction. I took a video of the landing, and posted on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=takH6csSTpo).
  3. Well, I have, but I cannot get the cut-paste function to work with this website. It asked me to allow access to the clipboard, and I did. But, I still cannot cut-paste anything to the post I am trying to write, and I am not about to type the whole thing. And no, can't attach anything, either. I don't know what it is about THIS website that I can't paste or attach anything. Perhaps my security settings? Anyway, yes, it can be done. I have done it for years and it works. Since I cannot post here, perhaps at Flightsim.com website? I know I can cut-paste there.
  4. I can't say whether it was a bug from the early days. If it is, for what ever reason, it is being triggered by something now, that for the longest time, has not - ever (for me). BOTH hydraulics A and B are overheating, and appear so in the FMC failures section. Yes, I followed the QRH for what I interpreted was a failure and found I had to turn both switches off, leaving me with little control of the airplane. The question isn't what to do when it happens. The question is WHY does it keep happening when it hasn't up-until-now. If it IS a bug, nothing has triggered it for me until now (years). I have searched other posts for an answer to this. But, have found nothing, hence the posting now.
  5. Simply, I fly from Orlando - FL, a lot. All cases, this is where I was taking off. It has been hot, but around 35° - 37°C (95°-98°F) approximately (actual temps). In all cases this has occurred, I set the fuel to 1/3 full fuel tanks from the FMC (relative to the distance of flight). Since this is a recent eventuality, and the only recent change is the addon Active Sky 2016, I have no idea what the cause is. I have used Active Sky Next for years, and this has not occurred. Not casting stones, just the only thing that has changed. I am unsure that AS16 would be the cause. Also, I noted (because I am brainstorming) that at least once I had a prolonged tarmac delay. Would sitting on the tarmac cause this Hydraulic A/B overheat? I have read other posts from the past (regarding this same issue) that it could be a fault saved from flight to flight. Since I don't save any of my flights, I don't see how this could be it. I DID look into the Default, CLDDRK, LONG and SHORT.sav files under the "fuel temp" section. All of them have a value of "10013".
  6. I have apparently hit something in the setup menus on the FMC that is now causing me to have this simultaneous failure occur with relative persistence. How do I stop this dual-failure from continually occurring on nearly every flight? * I don't save nor reuse flights * I don't know what I have changed to cause this, but this is a recent event * I don't have failures turned on * It is consistent, the only failure that is occurring, both Hydraulics Elec 1 + 2, overheat/low pressure * This is always on the ground while setting up for a takeoff * This will NOT reset within the failures menu * I use Active Sky 2016 (live weather) Any thoughts / ideas? I have used the PMDG 737 NGX for quite a while. This has never happened until now. I expect it is something I have done.
  7. Thanks to all. I am SOOooo sorry I didn't understand that minor difference. I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks for straightening me out. I am grateful for the feedback, and thanks for always putting out a GREAT product! Cheers!
  8. I just installed the update to the 777 Fs2Crew extra voice / version 2. It seems to run just fine, except I cannot find where the updated FO packs are. I have the same voice versions, as I thought came with version 1 (US1, UK1, EU, AU, and FR). Where is Germany, Scandinavia, Asia, Spain/Latin and Italy? I use the CFG to change to the various voice sets, but there doesn't seem to be a CFG for the added voice sets. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks. Other than this, the version 2 seems to work fine. Of course, I installed with Admin rights from the unzipped file.
  9. (EDIT) I found the route to the portal and placed a ticket for my issues. . thank you.
  10. I am eagerly waiting for this update, as well. Thanks for all your diligent work, Bryan.
  11. There is no "rush", but future planning for a replacement computer(s) (laptop or desktop). As the business model for Dell Computers, Windows 7 will not be available for purchase much longer. And currently, it costs more to buy Windows 7 than Windows 8.1 - So, as with a budget in mind for me and my family, every $100 matters with every feature offered with every new build of a computer (what processor, video, ram, hard drive/SSD, monitor, etc). What computer (and features) I purchase today will have to last for about 5 years. And since Windows 10 is being advertised that my new-born will grow up with it, this seems to be the business model of Microsoft for the future. Thank you for the info. I am grateful for your time to answer. I will continue to enjoy the products by PMDG until such time I can't.
  12. I have looked and don't seem to be finding answers. Is PMDG going to support, currently supporting, or has already been supporting Windows 8.1(+)? I think PMDG is great. As I upgrade hardware, and more importantly, a new system wherein Windows 7 is NOT available anymore (and is not supported by Microsoft anymore), will support be provided? I want to continue to enjoy the products provided by PMDG. But, the costs to purchase won't be worth it (as an experiment to see if it WILL work or not) IF windows 8.1(+) are not supported, not to mention digital copies are NOT refundable if by experimentation, they don't work with an unsupported Windows product. My general questions, where do we go from here as Windows 7 is being phased out, and later versions of Windows are being phased in? Is PMDG just going to disappear, or will later products be tailored for later versions of Windows? Thanks for your time and consideration.
  13. Without downloading from your website every day/week/month to verify the current file number (to ensure we have the most up-to-date version, not to mention there are a limited amount of active downloads made available from purchase), how do we know when updates occur with REBOOT? Many thanks.
  14. I read in the tutorial to only use the PMDG pushback until the new FS2Crew product is released. We can't, or shouldn't, use FSDreamTeam's GSX pushback?
  15. How do I set the Transition Level and Transition Altitude in FS2Crew? When flying in other countries, their TA and TL may be something other than 10,000' and 18,000' (respectively); wherein the standard barometric pressure is set to 29.92 at 18,000' in USA, for example. How do I get FS2Crew to recognize a level other than 10,000' and 18,000', or have I an "understanding" challenge? Set me straight.
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