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About QuantumPilot

  • Birthday March 15

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  1. Did you delete the shader files? I usually delete them with every new driver install and also reset my NI settings. Folder: P3Dv3: "C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Shaders\" FSX: "C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX\Shaders" "C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX\Shaders10"
  2. In the mean time, to keep everyone busy, just post the license agreement and price. Also, will it support XP 11 and 12 and will it go 128 bit one day?
  3. But Kyle, you know the gents in these forums will not discuss or speculate once pictures are posted. It will be safe here. We all will keep it super secret and it will never leave these pages.... :rolleyes:
  4. I think that I have missed some of the finer details here, but after sitting back and thinking I think I now get it. P3D v1 and v2 might on the surface seem to have a similar architecture to FSX. What eluded me (even though it has been posted a few times) is that the P3D platform is starting to change and will over time diverge from the FSX architecture quite significantly. The 777 product for P3D comes at a (for a limited time) discounted price that covers the future updates to keep it aligned to a dynamic and changing platform architecture. If for example (hypothetically) P3D one day offers an API for a weather radar and generic monthly Navdata updates, then the 777 product could be enhanced to make use of that in the platform without the simmer needing to buy a 3rd party product (remember a hypothetical scenario here). A few years from now, the P3D architecture might be as different from FSX as X-Plane is now. I also understand now that if PMDG releases say the 777 next week for X-Plane, I would have to buy it and pay full price for that platform. The murky veil now has been that P3D at this point in time SEEMS similar to FSX, but one has to look at it over the next 2 years and understand that various parts of it will change. The API and even SimConnect could change for the better and proper addons will have to follow. Cheap ports will at that point fall from the moving train. Wait for that time and see how many of the current free dual installer products will then start to charge separately. It is simply not conceivable that product XYZ will offer a FSX version AND a "free" 64 bit P3D version for the price of one. FSX is like a fun pub where everyone knows your name and we will sit there and enjoy the music. P3D is a train that is parked next to the pub. It will soon depart and move on to different pubs. One can buy a ticket now for $89 that includes free drinks for at least 2 years... Thank you Robert for an insightful post that made me sit back and think. After payday I shall click on the buy button, not because anyone forces me to, but because I want to invest in a long term future with these products. P.S. That 737 NGX will also reach out to my wallet and rip out the credit card. </ 2 cents >
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