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Posts posted by Superdelphinus

  1. Views from outside echo chambers are generally useful, but they have to be assessed along with everything else. I don’t really consider myself to be a raging msfs zealot but this article throws up all the normal sorts of red flags. Very little to no factual information, extreme views designed to grab attention, potential biases to competitors and not from a reputable source. Safe to dismiss, as is 95% of everything on Facebook. Will be interesting to see some considered, constructive criticism of the game when possible, but this certainly isn’t it.  

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  2. 9 hours ago, Livingston said:

    Looking at these photos, I notice that some have a blurred background.
    In a simulator, all shots are sharp. When an image is blurred in the background like some of them, it reminds me of the focus in shooting photo. Correct ?

    These days quite a few games have depth of field effects built in, in real-time, which is probably what’s going on here. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ludekbrno said:

    What do you mean by "photo mode"? You think, that scenery and planes suddenly looks nicer and different than in a "normal game mode", by pushing a "magical photo mode button"? 😄

    It’s a very common feature in many games, and most of them do as you describe (and the better ones include basic photography controls too) - doesn’t seem to be the case here though. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, jhnWik said:

    what blows me away is how good things like trees look at ground level, it's amazing at 10,000 feet and at 10 feet.

    sick detail


    It’s mad. If you just photoshopped in a bit of a slight grain filter and something to slightly randomise and wash out the colour shades a bit I reckon most people would think this is a photo - it’s 90% there already. I hadn’t noticed the trees, but they just look real here. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, raspian300 said:

    A quick question for you guys. If between the cpu and the graphics card I want to get one from the ideal list and the other from the recommended list, which combination is the optimized one? In another word, which of the cpu or graphics is more important to get higher fps in maximum settings?

    Most of us won’t know for sure. If I had to bet I’d put millions of pounds on the ‘Ideal’ gpu having a much bigger overall impact than the cpu. 

  6. 20 hours ago, Turpentine said:

    This may sound like heresy on these boards, but I am semi-seriously considering the option of getting an Xbox Series X for MSFS2020... Reality is, I would be spending 1.5k-2k on a new desktop solely for FS, I would not need it for anything else. I'm not a big gamer, but I certainly would be using the Xbox for more than only flying.

    I guess my main worries about the Xbox option are (1) that MSFS2020 gets released months later on this platform and (2) the limitations related to peripherals. Am I forgetting other downsides with that plan? Anyone considering this option?

    It’s quite a sensible thought I think. It’s at least worth waiting to see what the experience looks like on the system, and consoles have a habit of producing performance that’s much higher than the sum of its parts. The main problem I think though is we have no idea how long it will be until an Xbox version actually arrives. 

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  7. 15 hours ago, mp15 said:

    This comparison is not fair.

    One man develope an aircraft usually in more than a year for a few copies revenue while a sim revenues hundred thousand or even million copies.

    The comparison is fair, just interpretation differs. The argument that small volume = high price is as old as time itself (or at least since the British empire invented capitalism), but buyers are basically paying more to subsidise the developer. Nothing wrong with that if the market is prepared to support it though, but it isn’t a golden rule that has to exist. 

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