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Everything posted by chrisbmxr

  1. Another vote for flyuk.aero Fantastic VA with realistic ops, lot's of variety and support.
  2. Agree with this! If you haven't tried it, go for a 'spin' (🙃) round TNCM and St Barts ... it's great fun!
  3. I was hovering round TNCM last night in the G2. I found it really immersive. Great to see loads of yachts/cruise ships etc as well. The hotels on approach seem really detailed and well modelled (though I haven't been in real life ... yet!).
  4. How is this not a quick fix? Such a frustrating issue when panning around to view the outside world!
  5. Hi all, As above, I am about to pull the trigger on ordering a new Quest 2 to replace my faithful early model Rift CV1. The question is, is it going to be noticeably better image quality wise? I'm pretty sure my PC is plenty capable. Has anyone else done this upgrade? Should I hold out for any other HMD's which are going to be launched? Thanks all and happy flying! Chris.
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