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Everything posted by Driver170

  1. Cheers kyle and jamie. I will select a Transition after my SID and build it in PFPX!
  2. Take a look at LSZH they have a few TRANSITIONS From a SID like VEBIT
  3. Was looking to do a flight out of LSZH and they have SID TRANSITIONS, but not showing up in the FMS and PFPX TRANSITION BOX is greyed out for TRANSITIONS. So how does this work then will i need to manually create the SID TRANSITION in PFPX to the same waypoints on my SID TRANSITION chart?
  4. Been speaking to a PMDG tech member and he has no record if this so called bug been reported or i should say a ticket been sent. So if kyle says send a support ticket why not do it guys.... He said - Unfortunately we have no documentation from Boeing to back up the findings so it is unlikely to be implemented until such time as we can get that supporting documentation. I will have to look into the new issue you are reporting as I have no other reports of that type of behavior up until now.
  5. Angelo thanks for that sound advice that seemed to do the trick !
  6. I'll Try explain a bit better lol the ace yoke pretty much does go back to the centre but its the NGX yoke that doesn't go back to the centre. Never had this problem with my 50 pound saitek yoke lol Using FSUIPC i played about with settings but it seems to be the yoke or the ngx
  7. Yeh love it just the annoying bank prob won't get this with Prosim A etc. Its all very nice! Got a custom built NG cockpit from FlyByCockpits and getting all my hardware from FDS.
  8. Hi mark. Do you find it kinda sticky when banking left or right aileron and when you return the ACE Yoke back to neutral the NGX is still slightly in a bank?
  9. I've already got it just had a question for someone who has it
  10. Any simmers out there using this Yoke? I just got it yesterday and hoping someone is using it because i have a question!?
  11. Found what i was looking for https://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/publicuser/protect/pu/main.jsp;jsessionid=Oib8B3XF1MNXaYaoVPZkENNC-zXTYNi8MxNIwLpIgxcuhLBzYuGC!-356548941
  12. Can someone confirm you need to pay to access the AIP of Switzerland? Unlike the UK where its readily available. Cheers
  13. Check this website out guys https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/Animation/airrel/anrel.html Great animations Also this https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/move.html
  14. Cheers kevin! So the obvious is having a TW will reduce the TAS as the TW is pushing along with the acft...
  15. Very nicely done, seems like you fly in the RW? You mention time is the most important so on my OFP after starting the timer on takeoff roll, i should check my elapsed time against my ETA at each waypoint...
  16. Only thing i done was swap wind direction. Thanks for that explanation of effects to TAS
  17. Can anyone explain why my TAS changes i thought this never changed?
  18. But surely if you have a bad gen it won't connect regardless if you check or not?
  19. These are my results from PFPX. EPGD / EGKK. I modified the winds for the same route, to a TW and HW. HWC 27 GND DIST 763 AIR DIST 810 TAS 454 GS 430 TWC 22 GND DIST 763 AIR DIST 725 TAS 441 GS 473
  20. Thanks thats what i've been reading.
  21. Just found out the speed restriction won't apply if you have been cleared above the SID.
  22. So i hear, most pilots don't even bother with either the AC or DC metering panel.
  23. Grab yourself a Physics book or search google and read up on the electricity part. Thats what i done
  24. For convenience, frequency is most often measured in cycles per second (cps) or the interchangeable Hertz (Hz) (60 cps = 60 Hz), named after the 19th C. physicist. 1000 Hz is often referred to as 1 kHz (kilohertz) or simply '1k' in studio parlance.
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