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Posts posted by Kermit_70

  1. OK thanks. So I guess at the moment I will need two buttons: one to pause/unpause ChasePlane (which I don't see in the screenshot, by the way) and a different one to pause/unpause TrackIR.

    Not the cleanest solution.


    Do you plan having a board (like Trello) where users could vote for most requested features in future releases? That is often very helpful for developers .



  2. Thank you, Keven.

    Is it something you are considering developing? I am pretty sure what I described is the most common situation simmers would like to have... 

    As a work-around, would it be possible to assign a SINGLE button to switch between the two applications (pausing one and un-pausing the other), so to switch from inside view to outside view with one press?


    I am following your work and I think it is a breakthrough for outside views, although I believe that for inside the cockpit nothing can be better than trackIR or VR.



  3. Hello,

    I know that ChasePlane can be "paused" and trackIR used with no problems, but I really would like to have trackIR for inside the cockpit and ChasePlane for outside views, without ever have to pause anything....

    Is/will that be possible?



  4. You guys know that there's a 10 day trial period?


    Yes of course, but my free time is very limited and before even starting downloading, installing, troubleshooting (I will have to install on laptop not running FSX and for sure there will be minor hiccups...), etc, I would like to see what the final thing can offer to VFR environment.

  5. Hi,

    does anybody know of a video showing off P2A in a VFR cross-country flight in light GA airplane?

    I would like to see it handling traffic advisories , flight following and departure/landing assignments (with pattern instructions?)




    • Upvote 1

  6. Hello,

    just one quick question or suggestion for potential future feature:

    is it possible to work with a minimal version of the GUI on the screen? I mean just the SpeechAssistant/Clear/SayIt/PTT/? section.

    Personally I prefer to use the GPS, weather radar, radios, transponder on my aircraft virtual cockpit, and keep P2A only for realistic ATC communication.

    Would then be possible to maintain P2A as a small window on top of Full Windowed FSX? Even better if I could make it appear/disappear with the click of a button (maybe through FSUIPC?).


    Is that currently possible?



  7. It works with any traffic reported by the SIM to FSUIPC, so it depends.  I do know that many of the 3rd party AI generators produce AI Traffic that is visible to FSUIPC and therefore P2A, but I don't know which ones do or what the settings have to be.





    OK, i didn't know that FSUIPC could "read" the traffic conditions, as I only use it to program my switches and controls. 

    Does anybody here know which AI Traffic add ons can report traffic status to FSUIPC?

    I think this would be good information for Dave, to put in a future manual or Q&A page in support of his product.



  8. This is really just a baby step at this point. 

    Before this, regardless of traffic waiting to take off or on final, P2A would clear you onto the runway as soon as you reported you are ready for departure.  This could easily result in you driving through or around ground traffic and traffic on final landing on top of you if you pulled blindly onto the runway.


    Now, when you arrive at the departure hold point, it advises you if there are aircraft in front of you, waits until they have cleared and also checks final approach to be sure you have at least 2 minutes of open time before it clears you onto the runway.

    On landing, it will advise you of what number you are for landing if traffic is ahead of you on final.


    Hope this clarifies,



    That sounds fantastic, Dave. Thanks.

    Will that work with any third-party add on injecting AI traffic in FSX? For example, I am currently using UT2.


    It would be great to hear back reports from users who actually see all this in action.

  9. Hi there, congrats again for the amazing speed this product is taking shape. I can't wait for final release.

    Could the developer please elaborate and explain a bit what is the "AI Traffic awareness" built in release v2.0.0.26?

    Does it mean that now runway assignments and takeoff/landing clearances take into account the movements of existing (not controlled by P2A) AI traffic?

    That would be a great thing!





  10. I use voxatc today but am interested to see what competition is out there especiallybsince voxatc is not p3d compatible. I have seen the previews for v2 but not a single in flight video. I am not so interested in flight planning, I use other software for that and all these videos seem to show is that big planning window.


    I would like to know what pilot2atc has that voxatc does not. I am primarely interested in how it controls AI traffic. Too many atc addons conflict with AI due to the fact it does not really control it fully (like voxatc does) This is an important feature for me because I want that World of AI world around me and not having to deactivate it.


    Also I fly VFR only so the procedures for that is important like flight following, how close to real world that is, traffic patterns, real ATC sectors corresponding to resl world approach, centers etc.


    I noticed it support external voice, thats good. Ivona is in my opinion the best. Can you control speed snd volume for this?


    I also dont care for some addons where you basically have to set everything beforehand like a script and then just follow along that static flight script already beforehand having ser your SID/STAR and the percentage chance you will have to fly in to a holding pattern. I want the runwat and controller to tell me this and I want the present traffic situation to determine if a holding pattern is needed. More dynamic factors and less static ones is features I look for.




    Hi Mike,

    I posed very similar questions in my post "Pilot2ATC & other add ons",  and was suggesting the developer to have potential customer vote for most desirable new feature.

    Please take a look and leave a message if you think it might be a good idea.

    My impression is that right now P2A is mainly aimed to carefully planned IFR missions (airliners?), The fact that it currently ignores simulated AI traffic and simulated weather (it does work with real weather, yes!) is a bit disappointing. 

    Potentially a great product, though....



  11. Thank you for your clear and quick reply, Dave.

    I know that building a truly complete ATC add on for FSX is a big task, but I also recognize it is a commercial opportunity.

    Personally I am Certainly willing to pay for an addon that simulates the real-life reason of ATC: keeping me separated from traffic, both on the ground and in the skies, and in doing so coordinate approaches and landings according to both traffic and weather.

    An ATC service that is blind to both weather and traffic sounds a bit "light"...

    Please don't take this as a hard criticism, as I understand P2A does take in consideration real weather, and this is indeed a good starting point.

    I am just wondering how important are to potential customers simulated weather and traffic, that is what is actually going on in the simulator.


    I would like to offer a simple suggestion: would it be too difficult to set up a sort a electronic board on your website, where potential customers vote on possible improvements to put in your to-do list? This would take away most of the guess work on your side about what should be on top or bottom of your priorities. You might be surprised to see that a lot of us are not necessarily flying airliners in long and standard IFR routes, but maybe enjoying shorter VFR routes in Ga aircrafts, where ATC is equally important and enjoyable.

    You could require that people sign up to some news mailing list, before being able to vote on the list that you set up. So they would already become "potential customer".

    Trello might an easy platform for that, but anything would do, really.


    Looking forward to seeing the new improvements during beta, and wish you the best luck with this very promising product!



  12. Hello,

    I have been looking for a complete ATC product for my FSX setup, and I am really impressed about this product, and I am trying to understand more its features before purchasing it.

    I read the manual of version 2 (beta), which covered most of my questions.

    I read threads here, but I still have a couple of unresolved questions. Basically it all comes back to the way Pilot2ATC is set to interact with other add ons: Weather (I use ASN or REX Architect) and AI traffic (I use UT2).


    (1) AI traffic

    I understand that P2ATC does not inject or control AI, but I think it is aware of it. What I don't understand is to which extend ATC takes in consideration AI in the sim: 

    (a) is the active runway used by P2ATC the same used by AI in the sim?

    (b ) does P2ATC make me taxi/hold according to AI on the ground?

    ( c)) does P2ATC provide adequate separation with AI traffic in flight?


    (2) Weather

    I understand that P2ATC gets its live weather conditions online, BUT reads ATIS from the sim. Is it still true? The obvious problem is when flying with simulated weather (e.g. ASN historical or REX Weather Architect), which will generate a mismatch in ATIS and runway assignments. 

    I know there is an option to override runway assignment in P2ATC, but it is not very elegant. Has this been fixed?


    Overall I have to give "two thumbs up" to the developer. Really a nice piece of work so far!

    Any sense of when the beta will finish?



  13. Hi Randall,

    thank you for your comment, it helps.

    So you think it is not too basic/easy? I am already familiar with basic concepts of IFR procedures, but I was looking for an enjoyable way to practice them to become proficient. I am not a real pilot, but I like to be challenged.


    Thank you

  14. After FS has been re-started, the 'NewScenery.cfg' file will over-write the existing Scenery.cfg file, FS reads the updated Scenery.cfg file, then the 'NewScenery.cfg' file is deleted (until any new 'pending' changes to the scenery library are made during a FS task session). :wink:




    I still don't understand. It is really confusing, and clearly hard to explain.

    When you say "after FS has been re-started, the NewScenery.cfg file will over-write..." seems to suggest that it is not read yet as actual scenery.cfg? But that us exactly what I want, that my newly modified scenery becomes active now.

    Let's try again.


    Let's say I use the Scenery Editor to modify scenery list before I run FSX (so FSX is off); then I save the modified version as NewScenery.cfg (as suggested). Now I launch FSX, will it immediately read the NewScenery.cfg file or still the old scenery.cfg?

    Also, will the NewScenery.cfg be renamed and overwritten to old scenery.cfg at this time?


    I cannot think of posing the question in a clearer way, I hope the answer will finally clarify this...


    many thanks!


    The “Follow the NewScenery convention” option should almost always be set. In this convention when you open the default scenery file, it will be saved as NewScenery.cfg. This helps Flight Simulator notice there is a change in scenery.cfg. You want this to happen. Just be aware that when you open the default scenery.cfg when you save it will be saved as NewScenery.cfg not scenery.cfg."



    And of course this sounds like black magic to me... What is FSX doing different when reads a NewScenery.cfg that would not do if reading a simple Scenery.cfg?

    This could help clarify the utility of this rather mysterious "convention"... 

  15. FYI: The "NewScenery.cfg" file is an intermediate version of the Scenery.Cfg file which cues pending changes made to the Scenery Library GUI in FS (ex: during a flight) which will later be applied to the actual working copy of the Scenery.Cfg file after FS is next re-started.


    The "NewScenery.cfg" file is created by- and an intended part of- how the FS program itself works (it is created on the fly via code inside a FS executable created by ACES / MS Games Studio).


    As stated under "Technical Notes" on the "Initial Setup" documentation page for the above cited "SceneryConfigEditor" (aka "SCE"):




    The “Follow the NewScenery convention” option should almost always be set. In this convention when you open the default scenery file, it will be saved as NewScenery.cfg. This helps Flight Simulator notice there is a change in scenery.cfg. You want this to happen. Just be aware that when you open the default scenery.cfg when you save it will be saved as NewScenery.cfg not scenery.cfg."


    Hope this helps ! :smile:




    So, just to be clear, if before running FSX I use SCE to tick off unwanted scenery, then SCE will save it as NewScenery.cfg, when I start FSX this will use my new NewScenery.cfg instead of the original scenery.cfg?

    When will the NewScenery.cfg be renamed as Scenery.cfg, then?


    My question sounds a bit silly, I know, but I am confused. 



    I am not entirely understanding what you are trying to do.  You activate an Orbx region then open up SCE and then untick (disable) all third party sceneries and save the scenery.cfg.  You can do this.  You can do this too when you start up your flight in FSX and then go to the Scenery Library and disable any scenery you will not be using. 


    Best regards,


    I will give you an example:

    I have FTX England and PNW, but also "third party" London VFR. If I want to flight in PNW I will select "North America" in FTX Central (which will deactivate FTX England), but Will also want to deactivate London VFR. I could do that through SCE.

    In this all process I would like the groups I made in SCE (for example of all my "third party" airports in UK) to be conserved as a structure, even though ticked off in SCE.


    Makes sense?



  16. Sorry guys, one more question on this topic. Maybe it has been answered, already, but I could not find it...

    I understand there are issues with FTX Central erasing SCE groups. I also understand it is strongly suggested not to mess up with ORBX sceneries via SCE. Ok, agreed.

    Now, the question:


    Can I do the following without being sorry:

    1) Use FTX Central to select (activate) ORBX region. 

    2) Close FTX Central

    3) Use SCE to untick all "third party sceneries" (to use ORBX language) that I won't use. Especially if previously "grouped" in SCE (e.g. London VFR, etc)

    4) Save new as scenery.cfg

    5) Close SCE. Launch FSX


    Comments? Previous experience?


    many thanks

  17. Hi Jay, thank you so much for your long and very detailed answer, very much appreciated.

    It all sounds quite exciting, but I am a bit disappointed by what you are saying about "being locked in VFR", even when transition from VMC to IMC. In real life this is an issue of much concern for safety, as VMC-to-IMC is the greatest cause of fatal accidents in GA.

    It is actually possible (and advisable) to file a IFR plan even if you departed VFR. It is unofficially called pop-up IFR, especially if you are already on VFR flight following. here is an article about it:



    I even heard people departing under VFR (weather permitting) and filing IFR in air, just to avoid long queues on the ground for IFR clearance (this becomes very much a reality in bigger, congested airports, as airliners must always get IFR clearances.).


    So I guess one follow-up question for you is: do you know of any way-around this with VOXAtc? I mean besides landing at an alternate a filing a new IFR plan from ground. Maybe some way to pause VOXAtc, and restarting it under IFR but starting right away with vectors from the point where you are to the next fix of your plan?

    Also, can you declare emergencies in VoxATC? I fly A2A aircrafts, where sometimes something fails... It would be cool to get on the com, declare emergency, and getting cleared to the closest avilable strip keeping all traffic out of the way.


    On another note, have you ever tried VATSIM/IVAO or even Pilot Edge? Would you care to comment on the different win experience between those and VOXAtc?


    Many thanks, again.


  18. Hi Jay, I am in the same situation as BreTT, meaning "considering purchasing this product". I have been thinking about this for a while, but I think I need a bit of a push.

    I flight exclusively small GA, mostly VFR cross-country, but sometimes IFR (VMC into IMC scenarios). 

    Even when in VMC sometimes I shoot IFR approaches, just for fun.

    Until now my ATC is (very poorly) handled by default FSX. I also run UT2 for AI traffic (with GA at 100%).


    In these conditions, would you say VOXATC is going to add much, or would it be an overkill? I like the idea of voice-recognition, but I will probably never fly full SID/STARS or other complex IFR procedures. Just VFR following and IFR published approach procedures. But I would enjoy requesting a runway change, or taxi clearances in towered  airports, or being told to hold until a AI lands, or calling a "go around" and being vectored to a hold. Your typical ATC activity for small GAs.

    Is it worth it? What is the best feature of VOXATC that you personally enjoy when flying GA?


    many thanks!

  19. Correct. One thing I've been meaning to ask on Avsim is; does anyone else have, what seems to me, too much 'slop' between the shaft and the 'bearings'? I don't remember them being so loose at the beginning. :unsure2:


    What do you mean by "too much 'slop' between the shaft and the 'bearings'"?

    Do you you see space around the shaft, if you look at the unit front? That could mean the front bearing is not properly fixed in its slot.

    When you closed it the last time, did you make sure the 3 bearings (two in the back and now in the front) properly fit in their slots on the case?


    I had a similar problem last night, and had to take it apart again to put the front bearing in its slot. Now it is fine.

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