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Posts posted by Kermit_70

  1. Hi all,

    I am actually very interested in sharing over the internet the cockpit of Carenado planes (Bonanza F33a, anybody?) but until now I had no clue how to do it .

    The experience I am looking for is to flight from the left seat while a more experienced friend sits on the right seat of the same plane, even if he is an ocean away.

    Could this be achieved with the Hamachi network mentioned in this thread?

    Could anybody have the patience to guide me through the process? Or to point me to the right link?



  2. Sorry to hijack this, but my question is in line with topic:

    do you guys actually suggest adding FS Global Ultimate Europe/Africa, since I already have:

    FS Global 2010 (mesh)

    ORBX OpenLC Europe (landclass)

    ORBX Global Base + Vector (scenery)


    I am thinking that ORBX will most likely extend its FTX Terrain to cover the entire Europe (currently just in UK + Ireland), so is it worth adding this extra mesh from Pilot's FS Global series? It ain't cheap...

    Will I see real improvements in Europe, right now?


    Many thanks!

  3. Hello, I have a quite specific question for setting the best possible connection between Saitek Switch Panel and A2A Piper Cherokee180.

    I have both SPAD and FSUIPC4 registered version.
    My understanding is that I can use SDAP to generate and send "virtual commands" directly to FSUIPC, which will then communicate directly with FSX and the aircraft (assuming I de-activate FSX default controls management). 
    Does this mean I don't really need to use A2A's Input Configurator?

    Is this sequence of correct? Saitek --> SPAD --> FSUIPC --> FSX (and A2A aicrafts)

    Many thanks!

  4. Hello,

    I would like to practice with Piper PA-28 Warrior with FSX, but I see that Carenado did not make one... I see they have a Piper Archer

    Would you say the Archer is a good substitution for the Warrior?

    Do they flight similarly?

    Major differences?

    Alternatively, does anybody makes a Piper PA-28 Warrior for FSX?


    many thanks!

  5. Hello,

    does anybody know how to make sure that the WAAS GNS 430 from RealityXP is truly in sync with the airports coordinates/altitudes of all airports/strips loaded on FSX?

    I am using ORBX FTX scenery with some of they airports sceneries: can I be confident I will find all of them on my GNS 430, or do I have to adjust some settings to make this happening?


    many thanks!


  6. I will try later to use the black panel filler, and report back.


    Meanwhile, does anybody here know how to make a gauge "not transparent"? Basically the problem we are discussing is how to put this large xgauge instead on the two ADF radios, in vc. The problem is that the horizontal separation ( 3mm-thick black line) between the two original ADFs is still visible on top of the new gauge, once this is positioned. I figured that if there was a way to make the new gauge "not transparent", then it would probably cover effectively this annoying line...


    Any suggestion welcome.


  7. OK, Bert, thank you.

    Just 3 final questions, before I really give up:

    1) I would like to try the "black panel filler" you mentioned above (I only tried the rxpgns!plate so far... How do I get it?

    2) can you confirm there is no way to move the transponder down?

    3) could I try to put the xgauge below the transponder, instead? What would be the correct panle and coordinate then?



  8. update:

    the rxpgns plate is in principle a good idea. I can hide the two phantom ADF part of the background.

    Unfortunately I cannot hide the black horizontal line that used to separate the two ADF radios...

    So I end up with the xgauge cut in half by a 3mm black line...

    Any idea how to get rid or hide that line? We are very close to a solution!



  9. Yes I tried to make it narrower, to maintain correct ratio, but underneath I still see some "phantom" (low resolution and not functional) version of the two ADF that I thought I had taken out... The only thing I did to take them out was (as suggested) to comment out the two gauges lines in panel.cfg...

    Any idea what these phantom images of ADF are? Can I get rid of them? I would still be happy with a smaller but in-ratio version of the xgauge, but not one out-of ratio.



  10. update:

    I tried Bert's suggestion and it works, excepet that the embedded xgauge is all stretched out in x, because now its x/y ratio is not right.

    As it is, is useless and looks horrible.

    In the past 2 hours I tried to make room for a larger xgauge (wide330, high248, to get original ratio) but without success.


    In essence, I am not able to move the transponder down....

    Can this be done?

    If not, I give up and use the xgauge as pop-up...



  11. Many thanks, Bert. I will give it a try later tonight and let you know.


    Is it correct to say that with my Garmin WAAS GPS 430 (RealityX) I won't really need the ADF radios, anyway? Is there an instance when you still would like to tune to a NDB, even with GPS on board?

    Can the NAV frequency of the GPS be tuned to an NDB, anyway?


    Many thanks!

  12. Hello,

    I recently installed Active Sky Next and have their gauge (a radar gauge to visualise weather generated by ASN) as a pop-up window. It works fine, but it would be more realistic to have it embedded in the virtual cockpit on my Bonanza F33A. 

    I have very little idea of how to do it. I know I should add something in the Virtual Cockpit paragraphs in panel.cfg and maybe something in gauge.cfg, but really not sure of the details...


    Can anybody help/hint?

    I will share the result when finished.



  13. Hello,

    I recently moved to a Windows8.1 machine. All works fine (FSX Accelleration, ORBX Global Base & Vector, Global mesh, REX4). 


    I tried to install the RealityXP FLT and FLN gauges on my Carenado F33A Bonanza but with no luck. The aircraft just never loads up. I read many threads in various forums, and there seems to be no solution, at the moment (please tell me if you know one). My final understanding is that during installation RealityXP forces you to put a Reality folder in C:/Programs (x86) without giving the options to change that. And this might be a problem in Windows8.1. If anybody know how to hack this and change the default directory, please let us know (so my people would thank you for that!!!).


    I have installed RealityXP WAAS 430 (the GPS), and I have read that this should not give any trouble even in Windows8.1. In my hands, the aircraft loads up if I disable my antivirus (and run everything as administrator), but I am now experiencing some FSX crashes, which I wasn't before. 


    Anybody could suggest some step to optimise my installation of WAAS 430 on my F33A, in Windos8.1 environment?


    Many thanks!



  14. Hello again,

    I got the Cessna 172II from carenado and tried to put the same switches sounds in it, but I can barely hear anything. Actually, all cockpit sounds seem quite low volume (for example the flaps lever or the parking break). Engine and weather (REX4) sounds are clear and loud.

    I thought I followed the same steps I did to install this fix on my Bonanza F33A, where everything works well, but I guess I might have done something wrong.


    Any idea what I should look for? Is there an aircraft-specific regulation of cockpit sound volume?


    many thanks!!!!!!!

  15. I am having major probvlems after installing RealityXP gauges (FLN, FLN, GNS WAAS) on my Carenado Bonanza, in FSX. Essentially, FSX does not load up the aircraft...

    Could anybody tell me step-by-step what I should do to unistall them (one by one, so I could see what's causing the problem) without making a mess?


    Many thanks!

  16. Hi guys,

    I am wondering what is the best scenery package (mesh and/or LC and/or texture) for Italy.

    I currently have "ORBX FTX Global Base" and "ORBX FTX Global Vector", with "FS Global 2010" mesh.

    So I am looking for something (payware is OK) compatible with those...


    Any suggestion/review? I am particularly interested in the Western Alps region (Valle d'Aosta) and Tuscany.


    Many thanks!

  17. Hello,

    I am buying a new system for FSX and trying to get a SSD. What is a reasonable size, given the FTC that those are quite expensive?

    I am planning to include:


    FSX acceleration

    Few aircrafts (around 5) from Carenado

    Reality XP gauges and GPS

    EZ Cam

    ORBX fTX Golbal, vector, England, Scotland, Wales

    Few ORBX airports


    Active Sky Next

    VoxATC (with few AT&T or Ivona voices)

    FS Instant Approach Pro

    FS Flightscholl 2014 Pro


    Could I get away with 120GB SSD for everything, and putting the OS in a second, standard HD?


    Many thanks!

  18. Hello,

    I am quite new at these hardware tweaks, so please excuse the obvious question... I am getting a new machine and will re-install everything I have related to FSX (see below). 


    I read over and over in this Forum that FSX is better installed on a "separate HD" from OS, but I am not exactly sure about this:

    1) should it be a physically separated, second HD in the machine (internal second HD, as sometimes I see in PCs for sale)?

    2) could it be just a partition of a single HD?

    3) What exactly would you put in the second HD/partition, beside FSX, assuming that in the first HD/partition I will have OS? I have adds-on such as ORBX scenery, Carenado aircrafts, Reality XP gauges, EZDok camera, and I am planning to get REX4 for weather and VoxATC for ATC and traffic: where should all this go?


    Many thanks for the help!!

  19. Hello, I got the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, which comes with the quadrant for Throttle/Prop/Mix.

    All good so far, but I would light to program the 6 small switches on the quadrant to control the light switches (Beacon, Nav, taxi, landing, Strobe, ...) on my Bonanza F33A.

    Unfortunately, when I go in settings/buttons in FSX I don't see listed most of these lights (I think I see only NAV and Landing), so I don't know how to make the assignment virtual-switch to physical-button for all the others...


    Any help, please? Thanks!


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