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Frank Zych

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  1. I'm a Newbie. I see flows for First Officer/ Pilot Not Fling Flows and Captain / Pilot Flying Flows. How does FS2Crew know if the Captain is fllying or not?. Example: I start up the 737 in Cold and Dark. and run the Pre-Flight events. Who is responsible for turning the IRISs to Nav? I'm waiting for the IRS's to be turned on by the First Officer but nothing happens .
  2. I can't seem to find the PMDG NGX Lua module. Do you have a Link? Never mind.........I found it Thanks Flightman49
  3. Thanks. I'm not familiar with Lindaa but I'll give it a try Flightman49
  4. I am trying to set the cabin pressure in the PMDG 737 with a rotary encoder, I have no problem increasing the cabin pressure in increments of 500 when I turn the rotary shaft clockwise. When I turn the shaft counterclockwise it continues to increase the cabin pressure, How can I get it to decrease? I've tried different parameter combinations without success.. Flightman49
  5. I don't understand what is taking so long. They talked about the DC6 coming soon back in March 2015. (That was a year ago) McDonell Douglas can build the real plane in less than 6 months
  6. I am still using the trial version. I am requesting to cross a runway with Ground. When I made the request I was told I am on the wrong frequency. I go to info and it shows two different frequencies. I tried both frequencies and I was told I am on the wrong frequency.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to purchase this product but these obstacles are prventing me from laying out $59.95
  7. When you buy a product online and it does not meet the expectations of what was advertized then go back to the vendor and tell them you want a refund. If they refuse then go to your credit card company and complain. It has worked for me. I bought an aircraft that did not function as advertized, called the vendor and they refused to refund my money. I then called my credit card company which happens to be American Express and explained the situation. Within 6 weeks I received a credit on my account
  8. I'm trying to change the heading and altitude but when I click on the heading and altitude knobs nothing happens. I tryied pressing and rotating the knobs but still nothing happens. Can someone explain how these knobs operate? Thanks Frank Zych
  9. I uninstalled and reinstalled the 737NGX and now I see the P3d version of Liveries in the OC Thanks Frank Zych
  10. I went into the Operations Center to download liveries for the 737NGX P3D. I don't see a a Livery manager or the Livery downloader. Are there liveries for the P3D version? Frank
  11. I do have a PMDG\FMCWP folder. I just deleted it. No more out of date message. Thank you very much!!!!! But!!! when I download the new cycle from Navigraph it still creates the FMCWP folder Frank Zych
  12. The time is set for the month of April which is the current cycle I downloaded. Can't understand why I would get that message. Oh well I'll just have to keep using the clear key Frank Zych
  13. Where do I check the date of the sim? If it is the date of the computer then I am in the correct date range. I am using a save flight and took Dave's suggestion and updated the flight to todays date and still I get the out of date range message in the FMC Frank Zych
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