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  1. Hi Jamespaul If in the UK, google "Chillblast". They do a range of PCs set up for FSX. Mine cost less than £700 and is OK Silent but a little larger than expected. ( To deaden the sound?) Came very well packaged. Corrie
  2. Hi all Charliearon had the fix. Somehow the panel file had got renamed, I fixed that and now have all my boeing 747 aircraft. That is still a mystery because the file date was 23/01/2016 (UK date) and it was working until a week or so ago. In Steam I renamed the FSX cfg file X-cfg and allowed it to rebuild the cfg file. My Aircraft initialisation failure is now fixed. Thank you to every one who helped. Corrie
  3. Hi Charliearon I missed your Post this morning somehow. The CFG file has got the Panel= on all the 747-400 aircraft but they still do not show Example [fltsim.7] title=Boeing 747-400 Martinair Cargo sim=Boeing747-400 model= panel= sound= texture=MAR kb_checklists=Boeing747-400_check kb_reference=Boeing747-400_ref atc_id=PH-MPP atc_airline=Martinair atc_flight_number=100 atc_heavy=1 atc_parking_types=CARGO,RAMP ui_manufacturer="Boeing" ui_type="747-400" ui_variation="Martinair" ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner" ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation" Thanks Corrie
  4. Hi Johnman Yes. It only has the fsx cfg file Thank you Corrie
  5. Thank you but the problem still exists. I can't find the FSX-SE cfg file; so i guess both FSX and FSX-SE are using the same FSX cfg file. I also only just noticed the boxed FSX has lost all of the Boeing 747-400s except the iFly 747s. Normally I only fly the iFly one. They are still listed in the aircraft cfg file. Have also checked integrity of game on steam. Corrie Windows 10 3.3 GHz Core i5 4460. 8GB. GeForce GTX 950
  6. I agree Charliearon. But I have no idea how to fix it. FSX-SE is finding the iFly 747-400 from FSX somehow and messing up other aircraft as well. Thanks for the interest Corrie
  7. Hello I would like some advice please. When I open FSX Steam Edition, as soon as the initial screen appears I get the following message box. Aircraft initialisation failure IFly 747-400 AF. Please Note; I do not have this aircraft in the Steam Edition. However it is in my boxed version of FSX, which is in its own Folder. C:\ FSX. I click on close; and the loading continues to the Steam FSX Home page and” Free Flight” Where I get the same message box again. After closing that message the current aircraft page has a black panel where an aircraft should be. If I change Aircraft it loads Cold & Dark with empty fuel tanks. Saving it with full fuel tanks makes no difference, it always loads in the same condition. This problem only occurred since I bought the Embraer feelThere Phenonm 100 from Steam. At first I thought the problem may be caused by the Phenom Configuration Tool which I have now deleted, but that made no difference. While this is not a major problem, it never used to do this. The Aircraft initialisation failure concerns me more. It does not affect loading the Learjet45 (Using the load button), only if I Change to that aircraft when that also loads Cold & Dark with no Fuel. I understood the two versions of FSX were separate, but it seems they are not. Can someone help with this, I do not wish to delete the Steam version and start again because of its download size. I don’t mind deleting the Phenonm 100 if necessary. Note: the Boxed FSX is working alright I normally fly the early version iFly 747-400 which has its problems, but I can get around those; and always start Cold & Dark but it does have an overhead panel and FMC etc. Thanks for reading this. Corrie United Kingdom.
  8. I too have a new Windows 10 PC (i5 6400). It was built with-out any junk ware.by a company here in the UK. I use FSX-SE version with no problems at all. However It is a 10 GB download. I also use the Boxed version, but do have a few minor problems including the odd, 'microsoft have found a problem and are closing the program'. I would suggest getting FSX-SE and Not using Microsoft Boxed version. Happy flying. Corrie
  9. Your calculation is more or less what I thought, am still learning the FMC. Had got to Thrust LIM, and had also entered the runway. Had to leave it for a few days. Have printed off some more pages from P.195 - 226. Back to flying default 747 for a while i think. Thank you Peter. Corrie
  10. Thank you Peter Unless I have miss-understood something, the Empty Weight is 317,000 lbs Payload is 98,532 lbs Fuel is 380,506 lbs Total = 796,038 lbs Well under T/O weight of 875,000 lbs. However I will try again with a lot less fuel, which I should have done anyway. Is there a way of increasing Takeoff Thrust? Corrie
  11. Hello I am trying to get to grips with the iFly 747-400 FMC. In FSX. Can some one please explain how to increase the Thrust limit on Takeoff. Mine has a default setting of 89.6 and I cannot get it to change. I was hoping to set it around 104.5. The Aircraft is fully loaded and full of fuel Flaps set to 20 GR set 785.3 Fuel set 367.4 ZFW in small letters 417.8 Reserves 9.9 Cost Index 50 One other thing, The Autopilot Speed, Heading, and Altitude will not change. There is a caution, warning lamp on. But no Red lines on the EICAS As you can tell I need Help. (Yes I have read most of the Manual) Thank You Corrie
  12. I don't quite understand your last sentence. Are you thinking I should uninstall the boxed version? Corrie
  13. Thank you Joe for the quick response. Supposing I put up with clicking OK a few times, do you think it would have an effect on any Aircraft downloads. I really want the iFly747-400v2 or the PMDG 747-400 if they will run on Windows 10. Mine also has Directx 12. I am not sure if they both work on FSX-SE. Not too keen on deleting and re-installing Steam. Have seen reports that installing the Boxed version first also causes the same scenery cfg error. Thanks again Joe. Corrie
  14. Hello I would appreciate some help if possible please with FSX Deluxe installed on a Brand New Windows 10 PC. (Chillblast i5 6400, 3.3 GHz, 8GB DDR4 RAM) I am getting the Message ‘Scenery CFG File Error’ (Scenery\Cities\Reno\Scenery) Area.115. Through to Area .119 This PC also has the Steam version installed. In fact the Steam version was installed first and has no problems. I get the impression FSX is looking in the wrong place for the scenery files. Let me explain. On another PC (windows 7) I noted there are 2 Scenery CFG files. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX, and C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE The FSX-SE file must be a left over, because that game was Deleted a month ago. I only mention these two files because they are different. The FSX scenery file does Not include Area .115 Reno etc with the last being Area .115 Title Addon Scenery, but the FSX-SE file Does include all five missing files with the last being ‘Area.120 Title Addon Scenery’. On the Windows 10 PC The FSX scenery CFG file is exactly the same as the Windows 7 FSX scenery file. I cannot find the FSX-SE scenery CFG file on the Windows 10 PC to compare them. I hope I haven’t made this too confusing. The Windows 7 PC does run FSX as normal, which is why I guess it reads the FSX-SE Data. My Question is: - If I Copy the following files from my Windows 7 PC FSX-SE Data and Paste them into the Windows 10 FSX Scenery CFG renumbering the present Area.115 to number Area.120 would this possibly work? (I don’t wish to upset the Steam version) [Area.115] Title=Reno Local=Scenery\Cities\Reno Layer=115 Active=TRUE Required=TRUE [Area.116] Title=Istanbul Local=Scenery\Cities\Istanbul Layer=116 Active=TRUE Required=TRUE [Area.117] Title=Longleat Local=Scenery\Cities\Longleat Layer=117 Active=TRUE Required=TRUE [Area.118] Title=Berlin Local=Scenery\Cities\Berlin Layer=118 Active=TRUE Required=TRUE [Area.119] Title=Edwards_AFB Local=Scenery\Cities\Edwards_AFB Layer=119 Active=TRUE Required=TRUE [Area.120] Title=Addon Scenery Local=Addon Scenery Layer=120 Active=TRUE Required=FALSE Thank you for your patience in reading this. Corrie
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