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Jahni Slim

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Everything posted by Jahni Slim

  1. That's what I figured. I wish they would take the leap that RealAir did with the Turbine Duke and add the GTN 650. I'm almost considering buying the Turbine Duke just to have an aircraft with the 750/650 setup.
  2. The GTN 750 in this a/c is truly awesome, and I would love to have the GTN 650 companion, instead of the NAV2/COM2 handled by the GNS 430. According to the panel guru, Bert, over at simforums.com there is no way for this to be implemented by anyone other than Alabeo. I haven't heard anything from Alabeo about plans for the full 750/650 implementation, but maybe somebody else knows something I don't?
  3. I would love to see Alabeo update this model to include VC modeling for the GTN 650 companion.
  4. Test 2: I am quite pleased to say that after turning off all damage/collision detection I landed at KRCQ without once hearing the gear warning, and taxied to the ramp with full nose wheel steering! I am going to see if I can leave the crash detection on, but only uncheck the stress detection box, which I have a theory will still work. Anyway, this should be the fix we're looking for.
  5. So I got an official response from Alabeo support and although I haven't tested it, I think they are right. They said these issues would happen if the gear was extended while exceeding Max Landing Gear Extension Speed (VLO), which according to their reference sheet is 132 KIAS. I have been almost primarily extending the gear around 135-140 KIAS and so their theory may well be correct. They added that if the problem persists to disable the collision detection in the realism options. I am about to test this and will edit this post with the results. Test 1: Flew a short shop on Pilot Edge from KCRQ to KSNA, lowered the gear at 128 KIAS, all problems still occurring (i.e. stall warning constantly on, no nose wheel steering after landing.) I have now turned off all damage detection in the realism and will try the return flight to see if that works.
  6. In order to "fix" this, I simply changed "gear_warning_available=0" in the aircraft.cfg. It feels like a cop out fix, but I figure it's a major distraction during landing and is safer off than on.
  7. Hate to bring up the zombie thread, but I'm still having this issue. I tried the yaw damper solution, but the YD is not on, even when AP is engaged. I tested turning it on and off on the ground and it makes no difference. Has anyone had any luck with alabeo support regarding this?
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