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About hillbilly20

  • Birthday 01/25/1957

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  • Location
    Sheffield, UK

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. Hi, I am Alan Hill and I recently purchased a motorized throttle that is German made - and I am looking for assistance to get it functioning properly with a current version of FSX and PMDG 737 NGX. The Throttle is the SimHard motorized throttle and although it came with cables, 12v power supply and some software, I cannot understand it and I am becoming frustrated trying to get it to work. The throttle obviously has motors and I believe can be made to work through PMDG's SDK facility but a knowledge of C and C++ programming is required and I do not have this. Open Cockpits have told me that the throttle was developed by Hermann Hummer and I have tried contacting him but nothing has come back from a 2004 post on a forum site (not sure if that was ever a good idea given the age of the post). According to OC, the throttle uses their USBDC Motor Cards but there is also a card for the switches on the throttle. Whatever the solution, I am simply a duck out of water here and I need someone who knows what they are doing to help here. Maybe this could be done online, by phone or even face to face if distance permits but the little hair I have left is getting thinner lol. I work long nights and this project that I have established is just going nowhere (I am sure others will be able to relate to this particular challenge). Is there anyone out there who may be able to help me to produce the necessary scripts to make this throttle work? I will obviously be prepared to pay for a successful solution to this challenge. I may also be looking for some qualified assistance with setting up my whole simulator if there is anyone out there who may be able to help with this ??? Pictures.... http://www.simw.com/simware_images/pictures/large/MotorizedThrottleQuadrant_1.jpg http://www.simw.com/simware_images/pictures/large/MotorizedThrottleQuadrant_2.jpg Please get back to me if you can help - any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Regards Alan
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