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  1. Hi Ben, Thanks for getting back to me and so promptly too. Looking forward to the first officer training. Thanks again.
  2. Hi Ben, I'm a bit behind the times i know, but really quite new to the flight sim world. Thought i'd begin at the beginning and have recently bought your excellent Q400 cadet training vids. I'm blown away!, really great quality. Just wondering what your REX settings were or do you have a theme to share? I noticed further up this thread that certain vendors may have been offering discounts to some of the scenery addons, do you know if this is still the case? Once i've mastered the Q400 cadet level i'll be into the FO series for sure. Keep up the great work. Rick
  3. Hi Drew, Same for me too, however the G1000 is really pretty dated as far as i can tell. There are quite a few youtube videos about using it. As you will know the documentation with the Phenom is very poor so have a look on the Web. I don't know any way to get the GPU working correctly unfortunately. I get the feeling that it hasn't been coded correctly and is pretty much just for show. Drop the support team an email, I found that they are very prompt in getting back to you. Let us know how you get on. Sorry I can't help you on this one.
  4. Hi Guys, apart from the recent forums list is there a way to see a list of the forums available.
  5. Hi Guys, I've recently bought the Phenom and was hoping someone could enlighten me on the issue of inputting flight plans using the FMC. I can't seem to enter SIDS. Is this something that Carenado have omitted or am i doing something wrong here? I'd be interested to know what other issues people have encountered with the Phenom after SP1.
  6. Guys, Just got the Phenom and noticed the same issue. Has anyone managed to resolve it yet?
  7. Thanks Maarten for the info
  8. Hi there, at what point do you press the shift and 6 keys? Just found it..at last
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