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Everything posted by BSV1191

  1. Any news regarding a project towards MSFS? In addition, is it possible to make available in a new version of FFX on P3D V4 the possibility of having the FLIR camera if possible, it's super cool in multiplayer when you find yourself with more than 4 it helps a lot in realism. Good day.
  2. Hello Oliver, Ok thanks for the reply ! ๐Ÿ™‚ See you soon. Florent
  3. Hello Oliver, Just a question, is there a version in preparation for FS2020, are there projects already in progress maybe ? ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you in advance and always on top of the app, latest picture taken in France 2 days ago on the IVAO network. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Normally, yes I have successfully uninstalled
  5. Thanks for your help. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ps: I tried to delete the .cfg so that P3Dv4 creates a new one but nothing to change, always the same problems
  6. Indeed, I may well be that. I have re-installed the program, it's even worse, I can't see my drops, the smoke from the fires no longer appears, so thin. I don't understand, everything worked a few days ago and then nothing works now, even after installation, when I have not touched anything or installed on my computer. Unbelievable PS: I specify anyway but I do not have crack versions, I bought FireFighterX Best regards. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Hello, Thanks for this response. I have however checked "Disable surface checks" but that does not solve the problem. The simulator always crashes and idles and very jerky. Best regards. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Hello, I noticed a recent problem that goes with the installation of ORBX Global: certain parts of land in the game are changed to "UNKNOWN" type. It does the same with a friend. The problem with this is that when I start a fire on a plot type "unknown", as soon as the fire is at size 3, FireFighterX starts to slow down my P3D V4, I only shoot at 4 fps instead of 60 in normal times, and everything is jerky, in short unplayable. Also, my friend who has the same scenery configs as me does not have this problem. It has an unknown size 3 fire, but P3D continues to rotate normally. Very weird ... Thank you for your help in advance. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a nice day. Florent
  9. Hello, Thank you, now it's ok. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a nice day.
  10. Hello Lorby, With The Rlaborie Cl415, i have a problem with the system of release and scooping. When I press the arming button, the button turns on and off as soon. It is therefore impossible to scoop or drop (except with the emergency system).
  11. Hello, The CL 415 from Rlaborie does not work with FFX, still nothing planned to make it operational ?
  12. Hello Sir, Thank you very much for your answer. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Regards, Florent.
  13. This seems to be once again a great application. Will she see the day on FSX ?
  14. Ok thanks Oliver ๐Ÿ˜‰ And 1 day will appear on FSX ...?
  15. Hi guys, Where is this wonderful VHF / COM radio tool in multiplayer ? ๐Ÿ˜„
  16. Very nice. A big thanks Oliver !! :)
  17. Hello Oliver, Thanks for your answer. Good day. Florent.
  18. Hello everyone, I have a lot of ideas in mind that may be able to take place in a future edition: - I find that placed fires via Google Earth would be very nice and we would have more precision exactly. - Creation of an alarm to alert the crew in a multiplayer of a fire departure (so be able to start FirefighterX without fire and then it starts a fire by adding a crew alert). - On each fire, add the firefighters (fireman with their fire trucks) to the ground: either simply in decoration but if possible, that it can also extinguish the fire. - Add in the fire editor the ability to export fire into scene FSX, P3D ... to create fires for everyone quickly that don't have the application. Here are some ideas that come to mind. If some have other ideas, why not put them here. ;) Good day. Florent.
  19. Ok thanks for your information. ;) We will see without Bambi and with to see if there is a difference. Thanks.
  20. Hello; Ok, I reopen the topic because after doing several sessions in multiplayer with friends, we encountered another problem. Indeed, 2 of my friends have seen their P3D freeze and then crash in full session right after opening the main window of FFX. We tried to watch what could not go but we could not find anything. I hope you can help us. In any case my friends and I, we love your application ! Thank you for everything. ;) Good day, Florent.
  21. Hello guys, Thanks, it's ok now ! :) Thank you very much.
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