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Everything posted by Deltaair1212

  1. Do any of us know the author of the tool? Is he/she on Avsim? Maybe we can beg and plead for a new 64 bit version lol
  2. Yeah I know of the feature, I just never had the opportunity to use it. The reason being is I fly a Citation II so my approach speed is usually slower than other jets lol. In fact, if I’m really light I can come in at 96 knots! That’s super slow! 😂
  3. Has anyone developed an AI Separation program for v4? Or has gotten a older program like AISmooth to work? I use UT Live and sometimes the ai traffic tends to stack up. This might have been covered already and I’ve just been out of the loop but the last post I saw on this matter was back in 2017. So I was curious if anything worth mentioning has surfaced.
  4. Okay guys so I think I solved the issue! I believe it was my saved default flight that was causing the problems! I reverted back to the P3D default scenario and after that any flight I started was all planted on the ground. I even tried spawning at different airports I was having issues with and they all seem to be back to normal. SEEM TO BE. As we all know in simulation, once you think you have a problem solved.....
  5. Alsoooooo I would like to note that none of this was going on before I manually added JetStream Designs KLIT airport into my scenery library. So that could be it as well. I had to manually add the airport, and the mesh to my scenery list. And that’s when this all started...
  6. Yes I do have orbx. Global, and NA open LC. My saved default flight is at KTNP airport, and when I load a flight at that airport my aircraft is on the ground. Also, in every scenario, my ai traffic is perfectly on the ground even though I might not be. And I have never tried slew mode. I don’t even know what it’s for.
  7. The problem is that whenever I load a new flight, my aircraft is about 2,000ft above the parking spot! It’s just.... suspended. My sim isn’t frozen, or anything. And it’s at almost every airport. Any clue of what this could be? I’ve had some really unusually aweful luck with my sim lately so this is just another problem on a much longer list of items that make me want to throw my computer out of the window and give up.
  8. I noticed while on the ground whenever I pan the camera around while outside, or in the cockpit, my cloud shadows will disappear and reappear making the terrain obviously lighter, then darker and vis Vera’s in the background which is really annoying and kinda kills the mood. Is this normal? I’m new to P3Dv4 so I’m still learning what quirks are from my settings or computer, and which ones the whole community is “suffering” from while waiting on patches and fixes. Thanks!
  9. Hello. Does anyone using ASP4 notice that clouds will pop up and disappear within a second? I have noticed that while using ASP4, my weather and cloud transitions are not smooth. I just need confirmation that’s the way it’s suppose to be. Just so I know I’m not crazy lol
  10. update: I have uninstalled P3D completely and reinstalled (also upgrading to 4.2 in the process). I also uninstalled all of my scenery add-ons to narrow down the process. My sim bare bones with no third party scenery or aircraft is having the same stuttering issues. So I’m super puzzled now.
  11. I just recently changed my motherboard to a newer model. Afterwards I configured everything to where I had it before (talking about my bios settings). But in my sim something weird keeps happening. Whenever I select my usual aircraft (carenado S550), I can move my joysticks hat around and I get smooth frames. But whenever I select cold and dark option in the aircraft, or if I manually turn off the battery, my frames still remain high but my screen stutters. This has never happened to me before. I have vsync on so my frames should not go above 60 since that is my screens refresh rate but oddly enough it’s jumping above 60fps. Whenever I turn vsync off it doesn’t make a difference. Now when I turn my battery back on the stuttering on my screen slowly fades away and returns back to smooth again. It’s just about the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me with simming. I thought it was my graphics card because after installing new mobo I updated the graphics driver and got bad stuttering with high frames so I rolled back the driver but no luck. This is a real head scratcher but any help would be appreciated as always. Thanks.
  12. P3Dv4.1. I had FSX:SE with FSForce a while ago but had the same issues. On different joysticks too.
  13. Well I’m in the process now of switching my motherboard, and I just bought a new case with 3.0USB connections so we’ll see if that makes any difference. I didn’t do this just because of FSForce, it was just time to upgrade my hardware anyways since I bought a new GPU.
  14. The fact remains that if you pay for a product, it needs to work consistently. Not half way. Not 80% of the time. You even said you loose forces sometimes too. Although not as frequently as I do, you still do none the less. That’s not okay. We as PAYING customers shouldn’t have issues with the program at all. I get if a product has a few minor bugs here and there. Nothing is perfect. But forces are something that makes the product. Just like if you buy a car you’d be word not allowed if the engine quit on you at every stop light and you had to restart it. It’s the same principle. Various other have said they loose forces as well. So what does that tell you? We need to come up with a solution. It’s unfortunate I don’t have the help of the dev, but honestly I don’t need his help I’ll figure it out myself. I think I found the cause in DirectX hence the questions I have asked.
  15. Same issues over two GPU’s, two sims, two FFB2 controllers? That’s kinda far fetched don’t you think?
  16. It’s no use with the author of FSForce. He believes his program is superior to anything out there and it’s always a joystick malfunction rather than his program. If you comb his forums long enough, you’ll run into some conversations in which he’s literally arguing with his customers. Hell he argued with me on an email thread and after I called him out on his lying, and horrible coding he stopped responding. He has an Avsim account but hasn’t been active in this community since like 2004. I hope that lets you know just how intune he is with modern technology. If you go to the FSForce website it still looks as though the front page hasn’t been changed since FS2004. The fact is folks that with as much as we all paid for that program, NONE of us should be experienceing loss of forces. That’s rediculous.
  17. It’s no use with the author of FSForce. He believes his program is superior to anything out there and it’s always a joystick malfunction rather than his program. If you comb his forums long enough, you’ll run into some conversations in which he’s literally arguing with his customers. Hell he argued with me on an email thread and after I called him out on his lying, and horrible coding he stopped responding. He has an Avsim account but hasn’t been active in this community since like 2004. I hope that lets you know just how intune he is with modern technology. If you go to the FSForce website it still looks as though the front page hasn’t been changed since FS2004.
  18. I think the problem might be that since I have DX12 installed on my computer, FS Force cannot function properly as it’s only compatible with DX11 and down. I wonder if you can disable DX12, or roll it back without messing with windows 10...
  19. That’s the problem I’m having. Something isn’t right and I’ve been searching high and low to pinpoint the problem. I upgraded my GPU. No luck. Upgraded my sim. No luck. Bought another FFB2 stick. Still the same issues. I’m convinced the problem is actually DirectX. I hace DX12. Do you have that as well?
  20. Have you ever restored forces, and found that all of the forces were not restored properly? Or do you ever start your a flight and the forces are not correct at the very beginning after the flight loads?
  21. What are your computer specs? Do you use DX10, 11, or 12? What is your sim? Thanks!
  22. Well I know it’s been a while but still no luck on my situation. I have since moved to P3Dv4.1, and I have changed my GPU since also. I went from a EVGA GTX960SSC to a MSI GTX1060 Gaming X. I actually loose forces more frequently now than ever before so it has not gotten any better. The author, Dirk, still denies that his program is faulty and will not help try to resolve the issue. I even found an (expensive) never used MSFFB2 joystick still in its original packaging and everything on eBay. Hooked her up and still the same blotchy forces. I actually did some digging g and I’ve pretty much narrowed it down to DirectX itself. I think this is where the problems lay....
  23. Hello to all. Does anyone here have FS Force? More specifically, do you use a MSFFB2 joystick? If you have ever experienced frequent loss of forces I’d like to hear from you! Or if you have both the program with the joystick, and have never had such issues, I’d like to hear from you as well. Thanks!
  24. Hello to all. Does anyone here have FS Force? More specifically, do you use a MSFFB2 joystick? If you have ever experienced frequent loss of forces I’d like to hear from you! Or if you have both the program with the joystick, and have never had an issue, I’d like to hear from you as well. Thanks!
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