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About houstonhear

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    Flight simulation, women and whiskey, in that order.

    No, wait -- Flight simulation, whiskey, and women, in THAT order.

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  1. Sorry if I left the impression that I thought there was some kind of deception going on. I simply saw the goal resetting, not realizing that it was a moving monthly goal. All is clear now.
  2. I must be the curmudgeon here. I bought it last week after reading the new review. I then scratched my head, wondering if this was a case of "the emperor's new clothes". Does the fact that it is new mean that it has to be better? Yes, it was smoother, but perhaps I have FSX tweaked just right, for I saw no justification for going out and buying the same aircraft, scenery, etc. etc. again, let alone the time needed to install and tweak all of that. It was still FSX, but for another $59.95 (academic version). Maybe it is because my system is not up to snuff. Although it was state of the art when I built it, it is probably middle of the road now -- Intel i7 4770k liquid cooled @ 4400 MHz on an Asus Maximus VI Hero, 16 GB DDR3 @ 2400 MHz, NVIDIA GTX 780. In any case, I got my refund and wiped it from my computer, so, no harm no foul. Personally, I will wait for v. 4.0.
  3. Is it just me, or is the goal shown in the Donation Statistics window a moving target? It seems like a few weeks ago, the donations amounted to almost half of the target. Then, I logged in a few day ago and, all of a sudden, the donations had been reset. Just wondering. . .
  4. I just purchased P3D v 3.0. I was trying to install the PDK Interface, as recommended. However, I cannot get past the first step in the Guide. It states, "Navigate to your Prepare3D installation folder (which I did). Right click on the 'Modules" sub-folder and select the 'Paste' option." I have no 'Modules' folder. Any suggestions? Thanks
  5. I have used "search" many times to help track down a topic. It was definitely not there when I originated the post, for whatever reason. But, yes,it is there now.
  6. Thanks, Jim. I went through the list and still could not resolve the problem. Something appears to be really screwed up in scenery somewhere. I did a restore from a date before I was having problems. No luck. In any case, I decided to just uninstall and start all over from scratch, reinstalling everything. So, I put disk one in from FS Gold Edition and it no longer can be read. It has been sitting on a shelf in the case, unused in about three years. There is not a scratch on it. I tried cleaning it. Still no luck. No problem reading any other disks. Woe is me.
  7. Yes, it does look like we are in Performance Mode. I guess that it is important for everyone to let us know that they are downloading P3D v3 and how many megabytes they have downloaded so far. I wonder if there would be a way to put a header on the front page stating that the system was in performance mode? I also thought it might be the logbook.bin file, so I moved it out of the folder. But, relaunching does not rebuild it. I will try a repair. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Repair did not work. No problems found.
  8. Sorry, I must be blind. I cannot find the "search" button anywhere in the forums. I know that I have used this function in the past in the forums. All of a sudden, I can no longer run FSX. The opening splash screen is displayed, but that's it. I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling -- same scenario. I am sure that this topic has been covered, so I was going to do my research before bothering anyone.
  9. I download the trial version of Next, SP3. It ran fine yesterday, but today when I launch it, I get the following: "Verification Problem There was a problem verifying your trial license with our servers. Please check your internet connection and try again later." I can launch Opus FSI with no problem, so I don't think that there is an internect problem on my end. I did a quick search of the FAQs, but nothing came up. Any ideas of what I should check? Thanks
  10. Thanks for the explanation, Pete, and thanks for the video, Taz, it was most informative. After reviewing everything, it looks like the free version meets my current needs.
  11. I was wondering the same thing as the OP. If I understand correctly, the main reason for buying it is for the programming ability for controllers, if you need that capability. It appears that everything else that is needed is available in the free version. Is that correct?
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