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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. You are awesome! Ill try that out when I return home!
  2. Good Afternoon. Having Trouble with Addon Organizer today. I keep getting and unhandled exception when trying to export scenery for external tool. Export aircraft is working just fine just can't get Export Library for External Tool to work. The Exception naturally creates a blank Scenery file however it does go through the steps of saving the current scenery file before the Null Object happens. Any Help would be great. ********* Exception Text ************** System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at P3DV4AddonOrganizer.SceneryElement.ExportToSceneryCfg(StreamWriter writer, Int32 index) at P3DV4AddonOrganizer.SceneryExporter.bExport_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) [snip]
  3. Odd issue and I'm not finding anything in the search so I apologize if a duplication. When fly the HGS on the NGX in the clouds, the HUD keeps dimming in and out to a point where you can not read it. Thought this is odd as clouds should not have an effect on the brightness of the HUD. Also, bad time to loose the ability to read the hud also. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Man, Can say thank you enough for this! Love this software...I tried in fsuipc in the p3d v3 client but didn't seems to work the same. I just prefer yours.
  5. I was referring to how my company personally handles these and was asking if you were doing the same so no, didn't answer my question, was just giving an example. So based on the answers above, you are both sitting and waiting while also moving on to another project? If you are all actually waiting around, I suggest a company outing...go zip-lining...was very fun team building excercise we just did for all of our employees. You all definitely earned it. If you have moved on to another project...might it be the NGX perhaps? :)
  6. So I have read all your responses however the question has not been answered. As a professional developer for a development company, we have many of times, especially lately with xcode and apple, where updates and fixes of a third part partially or fully stop a development. This does not stop my company from developing however, we simply move to another project. Now before ever non-developer and sim enthusiast jumps by back, Im not saying that PMDG is slacking or anything to that effect. I am simply hoping to ask the original question in a more detailed way to hopefully get a more clear picture of the NGX. So here is my question; Has the hotfix stopped all development period thus the dev team is taking a break OR, are there other functions of the T7 that are being worked on while waiting for a hot fix OR have you gotten a jump on the NGX during this time while nothing can be done on the T7 meaning a shorter turnaround on release of the NGX after the hotfix. Again for you trolls out there, I am not trying to badger, I appreciate PMDG and believe they have done a spectacular job FOR FREE I might add converting us over to 64x. Just trying to get a better picture if the NGX is getting moved to JULY now instead of the initial proposed release of mid June.
  7. There are minor stutters but nothing that would effect gameplay. Infrequent for me but that won't last long. Please understand this is before Orbx Global or UTX is installed. Stutter will intensify once I install these as well
  8. I'm using a gtx970 SC with V4 and 16Gb ram. Sim so far has been good to me but have not loaded orbx or UTX in yet. That will be the real test I suppose. Card is running 99% out of KSNA with sliders max and road traffic maxed too. I'm getting around 30-40 FPS in city. Around Seattle, same setting and flying the raptor and the lightning, I'm getting around 60 FPS in city and 100+ still above FL180. The GTX 970 is fine for V4 but it will be pushed to the limits when addon's are in play.
  9. Bueller? Bueller? This is the official support forum for PMDG right?
  10. Anyone ever see this problem when undocking the 2d panel in the NGX? I fly in virtual pit but I use the 2d panels on my touch screen monitor for easy touch screen access. Have never seen the textures like this before. Notice the textures are perfect in virtual still. Any help appreciated.
  11. Definitely the bat! I'm with you though. Love my MD-11 and now that I've recently made the move to P3D, lets just say the tricycle needs crutches.
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