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Everything posted by ALF1

  1. I have these throtles properly calibrated using FSX. I do not have FSUIPC. On startup 22% N1 on both pulled back fully, and they work OK through taxiing and the flight. The problem is that when I come in to land and cut the power at 30 ft RA, the throttles, pulled back to the stops, still show 35% N1. I have to either press F1 to make the airplane think I have power at idle, or push and pull back the throttles again after the nosewheel has touched down. If I don´t do this my reversers don´t engage. Besides being annoying and improper I always end up applying reverse thrust too late in the landing roll. Can anyone here enlighten me on how to fix this ? Alberto Ferracuti
  2. Double post I am sorry because I edited without my full name. Please delete.
  3. My thanks to all of you for your input. Now I too will enjoy more realistic nosewheel turn radius !!! Alberto Ferracuti
  4. Personally I use Navigraph Ultimate 1 year subscription. They now have LIDO charts used by Lufthansa and I have gotten used to them. The new IPAD app is particuarly useful. You can download all the charts for a particular airport and have each on a separate tab, all you do is press on any one tab and bam you have the ground chart, parking, star or many stars at the touch of a finger available. In that package you also have access to the latest and current AIRAC cycle and it is a breeze to install the navdata into the FMC. Alberto Ferracuti
  5. Just a thought--I have disabled all the keyboard controls of any autopilot function. I control the autopilot either through the MCP in the virtual cockpit or the GoFlight MCP hardware. Both always concur and operation of one is simultaneusly done on the other. One thing I noticed the other day is that if the Control Wheel Steering feature is used too harshly you will effectively break something in the autopilot system, and the only way to fix it is in the failures in the CDU. And to the OP, did both autopilots fail ? did you try system B ? Did you reset both flight directors on ? Proper operation of the Autopilot and Flight Director System is one of the most difficult and thorough steps in this airplane. If there is any doubt whatsoever in how to use it with confidence you really have to study the system hard. Alberto Ferracuti
  6. Using FSX I transitioned from the old airplane to the new Weather Radar enabled NGX the other day. I thought I would share my experience here. I followed the instructions here in the forum and the first thing I did somewhat to my reluctance (I had a flawless NGX working) was to uninstall the old airplane. That was a breeze using the Program Removal feature in the Control Panel (WIN 7 64 Bit). All your airplanes will be gone in all the airline liveries. If you saved the old livery downloads, it is very easy to reinstall them again. The only glitch that I had was an annoying recall fault on Before taxi flows in the Fuel System and the AntiIce system that generated a Master Caution even with everything set up correctly. I emailed a ticket to PMDG support--the forum being down in those days--which was answered within minutes by Paul Gollnick of PMDG Technical Support (How better can it get ) ?, and he pointed out to me that I should start the flight from scratch, not from an old saved flight. Anyway the main point here besides a kudos to PMDG support, is that I removed all the flights saved with the old airplane and the new NGX is working flawlessly now. As far as the WXR, I can only say WOW! using ASN it has a very realistic paint to precip in the cloud direction. If there is a lot of scattered precip around there will probably be precip and not cloud but if the echoes are large and associated with CB´s the precip will be there and if you point the airplane in a safe direction you will see visual relief as well from the heavy clouds. I am very happy with the WXR version of the NGX. Alberto Ferracuti
  7. Is there a way to operate the nosewheel steering tiller in the PMDG using FSX ? You would need that to use the full real angle. The rudder pedals limit nosewheel deflection I believe by 15 degrees in the real airplane so increasing the number to 75 would make centerline taxiing more sensitive and difficut ? First post and unable to edit my signature at this time. Alberto Ferracuti
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