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About ALF1

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  • Birthday 11/10/1961

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    Commercial Instrument Multiengine Certificates and Ratings

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  1. Not overly impressed based on the youtube video. I did not hear any sound when they turned the Fuel Pump on. We can't hear anything on the hydraulic systems. And nothing is heard on equipment cooling and high N1 cruise engine sounds. Basically it is just the same switches sounds a bit accentuated.
  2. Ahhhh!!, Thanks so much Paul. And or else it is the master or engaged command system A or B which becomes automatically the master that provides the clues correct ? One last question: Back from old school the flight Director the brains and the autopilot the muscle, but in small piston we never did dual channel autolands. What happens exactly when dual channel autoland engages at 1500 RA I believe and both masters, which FCC flies the airplane ?
  3. You guys are not answering my question. Please see my not being clear on the FCC providing clues for the FD when both nav radios are tuned in to ILS. I THINK that the master provides clues unless both masters are active with both A and B systems engaged but I am not sure.
  4. SPOT ON!!! GREAT THREAD!! I want to thank both the OP and Rostyslav for enriching my knowledge today. I had never flown an ILS from the F/O side. With only the NAV1 frequency tuned into the ILS, VORLOC and GS arm in the FMA's, because the airplane is still flying other roll and pitch modes. Notice however that during this time the VORLOC and GS triangles in the PFD are not shown in the F/O side PFD. As soon as CMD A goes into approach mode however, the FD and FMA's in the F/O side disappear. Now tune the ILS frequency in NAV2 radio, everything back to normal. Except that now channel B is providing FD clues for the F/O side. Learn something every day. EDIT: I want to ADD to this post instead of correcting what might be a wrong last sentence. This for knowledge base reasons. It appears I am still a bit confused and would like further enrichment. So now that we have the ILS freq. tuned in NAV2 radio, is the FD on the F/O side now receiving clues from channel B ? or from the MASTER channel ? Then, what happens during DUAL CHANNEL AUTOLAND with both CMD A and CMD B engaged ? is each one independent and the aircraft flying from which FCC ?
  5. I see what you are saying. My wideaspectview was false. Set it to true in the fsx.config and the result at .76 zoom is very nice, better than .32 and false. Here is a view. Capture
  6. This does not cut it and I am using Ezdok. Correct me if I am wrong but any zoom setting has to go with a seat depth position. The virtual cockpit does not work, I cannot operate anything as the little hand is not available.
  7. Kyle, what are your recommended settings ? Maybe .40 ? although when I pan around the cockpit I stumble on a few things because I am actually leaning behind the seat rest.
  8. Check my thread "Blue Screen after 15 minutes." These guys especially Jim helped me get to the root of the problem. I updated all my drivers, least of which and hardest to do is the BIOS--you can probably fix your problem without updating the BIOS. I purchased DriverAgentPlus, and it does a scan of your system and you can download and update the outdated drivers very easily. Then, you can monitor your core temperatures. I am now almost 100% sure that my unstable overclock was the cause of the problem. According to tech inferno real temp, some core temperatures shot suddenly from 49 celcius to over 70 celcius. I lowered the overclock in the BIOS as per Jim´s guidance and videos, and lowered the voltage too. Since then, temperatures at the most demanding moments during FSX seldom go above 65 celcius and if they do they read much smoother with no spikes. I think, but I am not sure, that those spikes in temperatures are signaling an unstable system. I now run 4.6GHz on 1.25 Volts with absolutely no problems. P.S., As Kyle says, there is no such thing as too much airplane. The NG consumes about 700,000K of your available 4 Giga for FSX, or about 17.5% of total available memory, and would result in an OOM instead of a BSOD. Further, the airplane would not be to blame as it is the SUM of all your goodies running that causes the overflow. You can download Process explorer for free and see how much virtual memory you are running for FSX. The more scenery, airports, traffic etc etc. you have active, and an OOM is coming. It will not be a BSOD. The NG is software, and BSOD is a hardware issue as Jim and others have stated.
  9. Hey guys, I really appreciate the input from all of you gurus. Paul, it is nice to see those settings as they are my next step if my 4.6 with 1.20V yields more BSOD's....so far so good though. Jim, I have downloaded and installed ALL driver updates available subscribing to Driver Agent. The only thing pending is the dreaded BIOS upgrade. I finished the NVIdia upgrade to the 368 drivers, and wanted to share my settings since they yield a SWEET!!!! graphic presentation and very smooth. This with the GTX 780Ti. You have to enable anisotropic and antialiasing in the FSX graphics section. [url=https://flic.kr/p/KDuoWd]
  10. And you have verified that the speed brake is not armed in the cockpit ? Sorry dumb question but just make sure. Then we'd have to see what is arming it.
  11. Did you arm APP in the MCP ? if so, what were our white indications for roll and pitch mode in the FMA´s ? Sometimes when you arm APP, FAC and or G/P show up instead of VORLOC and G/S, then your aircraft while still in LNAV turns the wrong way while you think it is going to intercept your localizer.
  12. I have a Corsair AX 850I. I have lowered the Core voltage down to 1.20V and the system runs even cooler in FSX--no problems so far. temperatures don't go over 60 celcius. I have 4.6 GHz. I must have a good overclocker in this particular unit. As I lowered the voltage FSX seems to be running smoother at the same frequency but lower voltage. I plan to fly with this setting for a very long time--a full month many flights in all kinds of weather. If it holds well, I might try bumping up a bit but I will never ever go over 1.30 volts again. I don't know what the heck they were thinking when they did that.
  13. Dan, why don't you get the Paro Buthan airport scenery ? you would enjoy it. You go to a fix TAKTI FL160, come on down towards Paro VOR, go over the airport at 11,500. If you see the airport, you go for the approach, if you don't you bingo. The whole procedure from then on is visual, you use the mountain ridges, the river, the temple, the roads--all ground reference maneuvers. Getting out is the inverse--same way you got in. Lots of fun.
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