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About Mephic

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  1. Hi Tomasz,

    There are some topics within our manuals that may not provide explicit instructions, with good reason.

    However, there is quite a bit of supporting information available on the internet, one of which I will provide a link to a UNS FMS_re-write as it has some very good supplemental information.

    Hope this is of some help to you.



    1. Mephic


      That is amazing resource Sir! Thank you so much. Looking forward to your Q300 :) 

    2. crosswind


      No problem....we are looking forward to it as well.....once we can clean up the final phase of the Q400.



  2. What I meant is button sound for fuel pump seems different. Ill need to listen more
  3. On Facebook someone stated that sounds can differ a lot in different models also depending on age of aircraft. I guess one button will not sound the same after few years but fuel pump sounds are different a LOT
  4. Anyone tried it yet? https://secure.simmarket.com/immersive-audio-ngx-cockpit-sound-immersion-fsx-p3d.phtml Movie sound awesome. Author states it was recorded with participation of two rw pilots and inside 737 cockpit.
  5. Once again - share scenario you want to fly in when you say it does not release VAS. You can't even compare super-duper graphics of P3D to FSX but even if you do, still FSX is much worse in releasing VAS. You're doing something wrong.
  6. I really don't understand what you must do to p3d to reach over 3 gig... can you share scenario with settings?
  7. I own this scenery and the reason of stutters is complex airport mixed with huge city of Budapest next to it. If you turn traffic on you will get stutters. If you use vector turn off tertiary roads completely and traffic on secondary roads and check for result. Was much better in my case when kept traffic on 7%
  8. Please ignore. I found a way to make it work by manually editing simobjects files. I have to admit my 6.0a has the most useless manual I've ever seen (installer itself doesn't do its job either). Bad joke for this price.
  9. Hi It's a huge let down. I purchased addon for over 30 EUR just to find out that following manual line by line equals only default traffic visible in P3D 3.35. Please tell me I didn't just throw away my money. Does anyone have any clue what might be wrong? MyTraffic entries are added both to simobjects and to scenery library. What am I doing wrong?
  10. What size of Rex textures you use? I just left quite heavy add on scenery (Moscow) in my NGX with high settings and didn't get over 2 gig. I use REX for runways (4096) and ASCA for clouds (2048 DXT5) No road traffic and building autogen density on dense. Most of shadows on most of reflections off. My tests show that vegetation is not bringing more vas. Buildings and 32 bit textures are. Also airline traffic in big airports...
  11. If he has asn for fsx he also gets a discount for as16 for p3d. Discount is cross platform. I'm few days after making the change and honestly - it was a good decision. P3d is a completely different animal when it comes to settings management (for me best set up of fps is 30 locked externally and unlimited internally which is something that didn't work in my case in FSX - just an example). Terrain is more realistic thanks to cloud shadows. Vas management way better. All of eye candy stuff is fantastic. Full recommendation although prepare for lot of tweaking (fortunately in settings not cfg) to find best and consistent fps.
  12. I just installed a2a 172 and no problem there sgsaa is fine so it's bad texturing from Carenado I guess
  13. Hi I'm testing my new P3D sim and I am really amazed by its quality. There is one thing which bothers me and this is jagged edges of shadows in cockpit of Carenado Bonanza (default). Is this normal? Sim AA setting seem to not affect it at all and 4x SGSAA is not bringing any improvement either.
  14. Hahaha no she does not. She has a brother but that might not be your treat Yep she did. I was talking a lot about it and she knows that flight simming is my passion and its like a drug but without bad consequences. So she really supports it and that's why I love her! (sometimes she flies the CESSNA 172 with me crossing fingers that I land properly )
  15. Well I will tell you result since I'm uninstalling STEAM Edition right now and throwing my card at screen (wife convinced me!)
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