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  1. By now I think a significant part of the community (that's been following the G500/600 saga) considers this a bit of a running joke. Reality XP started advertising the G500/G600 on their website around autumn of 2016 as "upcoming" (and still does to this day, 7 years later), so it's safe to say that a 7-year time span has exceeded the criteria for establishing reasonable doubts in terms of Reality XP releasing the product at all. The developer should be credited with working closely with users when they have issues with Reality XP products (and additional credit for conveying a human and sincere apology when support stopped without warning for a time) as well as maintaining a (seemingly inconsistent) presence on the avsim forums. Community engagement on behalf of developers is really valued by so many of us, so thanks should be offered in full to the developer for offering their time to us. There exists a tense reality for both the developer and customers when a compelling product slowly transitions from "upcoming" to 7 years later (and still "upcoming"). From the outside, the perception for many is that the G500/G600 has found a home in purgatory. The dilemma in Reality XP's hands is not an envious position to be in: Alter the website's language regarding the G500/G600 (or remove it altogether) and risk denting the company's credibility, or maintain course and keep the community guessing (while expectations continue to suffer over time). Mitigating product development obstacles in tandem with an engaged community's thirst for new information/updates isn't exactly trivial. At the end of the day, most of us just want to know if Reality XP is ever going to get this out the door, or at this point is it reasonble to consider the G500/G600 project abandoned?
  2. First try running X-Plane as administrator. If that doesn't work, uninstall the GTN. If you installed X-Plane "As Administrator" then re-install the GTN "As Administrator". If you installed X-Plane without choosing run as administrator, re-install GTN normally (do not run as administrator).
  3. I created a RealityXP.GTN.defaults.ini file and pasted accordingly - didn't work, produced same symptoms (black screen, right click not working, draws in windowed mode but not on the 3D panel). I kept fiddling with the defaults.ini file (altering the frame.rect = 0,0,0,0 in the defaults.ini file made no difference) with no success and finally decided to: 1) Paste the entire contents of the working ini file into the defaults.ini file 2) Deleted the RealityXP.GTN.ini file so it would create a brand new one upon first launch 3) The RealityXP.GTN.ini file did indeed get created upon first launch, but still produced the same symptoms. 4) Unloaded GTN 750, loaded again, still not working. At first glance it seems like the settings in RealityXP.GTN.defaults.ini aren't taking precedence, is that accurate?
  4. I ran into an issue today with Carenado's F33A and the GTN 750 showing a black screen in the 3D cockpit but the windowed (show window) GTN works. - right-click on the GTN screen to open doesn't work - 3D cockpit GTN buttons/knobs all work I remembered this working with the F33A without any pre-configuration from me. I loaded the Carenado Cessna Citation II and it worked so the GTN plugin is ok. Compared both planes' INI files and made some changes to the F33A INI file, nothing that I changed worked. I deleted the F33A's INI file and loaded the GTN 750 and it created a new INI file. That INI file didn't work either. All attempts and alterations to the INI file(s) produced the same symptoms: black screen and right-click to open doesn't work. I didn't have success when changing any of the following lines in the default new INI, which seemed like a logical starting point. [GTN_750_1.PANELS] ; display window if true. visible = false ; show screen only gauge if true. nobezel = true ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS frame.type = PANELS What did work was restoring a backup of the INI file from 1/3/2019 - that's the earliest backed up version I have. Here are links to the default new INI file that gets created if there isn't one (as of 1/30/2019), and the working version INI file that I verified works in the 3D cockpit as well as windowed mode (also as of today, 1/30/2019). Working version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpryisc8nh71hfc/WORKING RealityXP.GTN.ini?dl=0 Default new version as of 1/30/2019: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui3s0ffqzs1vjtg/DEFAULT NEW RealityXP.GTN.ini?dl=0
  5. Does anyone know of a plugin that displays the dataref name that is being manipulated in real time, like datarefs directly tied to a switch/knob/dial? I'm trying to find a way to basically: Click switch X and see a popup of the dataref that's tied to it. This would make it hard to screw up mapping keyboard shortcuts to the wrong dataref or guessing until you get the correct one. Most of the time it's really obvious and easy to assign a keyboard shortcut to a given knob, but occasionally not, especially in the case where there's no documentation or description or used datarefs. I've tried using the built in data output in X-Plane 11, but sometimes the readouts still don't display the dataref I'm trying to hunt down. I've also used DataRefEditor but it's almost useless in terms of what I'm trying to quickly accomplish.
  6. Good Grief! I almost forgot - the Carenada S550 Citation (v1.2 at least) also works with the GTN 750 without any pre-configuration, including the 3D panel.👍
  7. Thank you for the reference. This was in fact the case: I installed the GTN 750 "As Administrator", and the security settings of all RealityXP folders reflected this (the owner was Administrator). As soon as I took ownership of every RealityXP folder I could see the Checklists option in the GTN 750 Utilities menu. Another method I had success with was to simply uninstall RealityXP, do a manual search/cleanup for leftovers, delete leftovers, then re-install (but not as administrator). Lastly, I could have started running X-Plane 11 As Administrator (this made the Checklists option re-appear) from then on but chose to reinstall.
  8. I can confirm that the Carenado F33A Bonanza works with the GTN 750 and shows up in the 3D panel without any pre-configuration.
  9. I'm using the Cessna S550 Citation II, XP 11.30, and the GTN 750 integration is sweet! I downloaded a checklist for this bird (checklist.gtn is in the aircraft folder - I've also tried this with checklist.ace) but I can't find the Checklist option in the Utilities menu. Am I looking in the wrong place? This is what my Utilities menu looks like: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxwzom0i7u6lqk1/GTN750.jpg
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