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  1. Further to my previous post about CTD with the FMS expansion pack.....I reinstalled it and haven't had any problems since....not sure why I didn't try that earlier.
  2. I'm not sure about the change in CPU usage, but when I use the FSW LJ35a with the FMS expansion package....and I have the latest beta installed.......I get about a third of the way through the flight and it crashes to the desktop. BTW, I have the milvix radar installed but I don't switch it on during the flight. When I use the same plane and do the same flight with the dual Flight 1 GTN750's installed, no CTD and I can complete the flight.
  3. is anyone else having CTD when using the FSW Learjet 35 with the FMS?
  4. Hi Ramon, I installed and tested version 1.2 and it works flawlessly....great work. Thanks again. Steve Smith
  5. Thanks for the further update / Hotfix Jevon.....take some time to enjoy now.
  6. I absolutely agree with the comments provided by previous posts. I've been driving the Carenado CJ2 (now CJ2+ !!!) using P3d V4.2 along with Active Sky / ASCA / Rex 3d SkyForce / ChasePlane....and a bunch of scenery addons from ORBX and airport scenery developers......no problems at all using the IMPRESSIVE latest mod. This is a fantastic addition and thanks again to Jevon and others who contributed so much to the creation of this GTN mod. One note I'll mention....with respect to the checklist......I believe that there is a bug in the GTN Complete software that prevents the checklist page from showing up in the GTN 750 under utilities. I've opened Jevon's checklist using the GTN trainer (latest available version) and it works perfectly. I just can't get the GTN 750 in the CJ2 (or any of my other aircraft that use the GTN 750) to recognize the checklist. I have the latest version of P3d V4.2 installed along with the latest version of the GTN Complete software from Flight1. I believe that this a known issue with the Flight1 GTN complete software (along with the absent tab for importing flight plans into the unit) in P3d V4.2. Supposedly this is being worked on at Flight1 and will be fixed with some future update, hopefully. I only mention this item because it was featured in a YouTube video posted within the last month showcasing Jevon's mod. Again great work Jevon. Blue Skies
  7. Don't use FSpassengers either....but I'm eagerly awaiting the release of your mod for the CJ2.....fantastic work and thanks so much for sharing with the community.
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