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  1. So... what does the Cloud Recovery TLOD "+" do?
  2. My mistake, I tried to condense the description of the issue, instead it became incoherent. I've opened an issue on Github explaining the details of the issue I'm seeing. Also, sorry for posting in the wrong thread. For some reason, Google sent me here when I googled "AutoFPS avsim". Now, it doesn't. Perhaps it eventually indexed the other thread. I'll direct my follow-up questions about fps settings and locking to that thread. Thanks for your advice!
  3. Hey, new AutoFPS user here. I'm flying in VR (in SU15) and I try to keep up with the daily 0.4.1 releases. Forgive me if this is a frequently asked question, but my forum-search-fu is weak and I only browsed through the last couple (of 80) pages. So far, my experience has been generally good (apart from a few instances when AutoFPS seemed to forget what it was doing, e.g. in low fps situations it would refuse to lower cloud quality from high to medium to low, instead it stopped at medium). My goal is a rock-steady (as far as possible) 30 fps with the maximum available eye candy. I set up SteamVR to cap the frame rate at 45 fps (so AutoFPS has "room to work"), AutoFPS is trying to maintain 35 fps with 10% tolerance. In my head, this totally makes sense. But I'm also not confident my understanding of the inner workings of AutoFPS is correct. 😄 Is there a recommended way to achieve a "locked" (in SteamVR) framerate? Should I use "auto throttling" instead or lock the framerate to the framerate I actually want (30 fps)? Thanks for your advice!
  4. Uh, I checked out this "Maintenance and Income Tool". I might be running a lot of confused code on my machine and never know it, because it's hidden behind a polished GUI, but in this case the confusion is so obvious that I'd rather not try. Instead, I picked up the A2A Comanche. Thanks again for your advice, Don! (The Katana isn't available for P3D. It seems updating the installers of their legacy products isn't among the highest of priorities for Aerosoft.)
  5. Thank you very much, I will look into all of them. I did have A2A on my list of publishers to try, but I wasn't aware their aircraft came with maintenance and failure stuff -- is that what they call "Accu-Sim"?
  6. Turns out, if I had done more than just the most superficial research, I wouldn't have had to ask that question. I learned two things: 1) P3D truncates my large numbers already when entering them. The "to" value is capped at 600 minutes. That's not enough for what I tried to do. 2) P3D doesn't seem to save individual failure configuration at all. No matter what I enter, when I quit and reload P3D, all the failure configuration is reset. So there's probably no way to circumvent the cap in the GUI. There goes my dream. I guess I have to find a GA plane that simulates damage "externally", like the mentioned airliners do.
  7. Oh, we've come full circle quickly. That's not my understanding. Example: I set a minimum time of 0 and a maximum time of 100 minutes for the failure of a component, then I do a 50 minute session. As I understand it, I end up not with the certainty of having a failure, or the certainty of not having a failure, but a 50% chance (or risk) of having a failure. My original question was about this and about approximating (not simulating!) realistic failure rates by using much higher numbers than 100 minutes, ie. numbers like real-world MTBFs, in the thousands or tens of thousands of hours. I'm grateful for your explanations about my "bonus question" from the original post, about failure data being persistent when saving sessions. I know now what I can't do. I can't use an aircraft without a "virtual overhaul" between each of my sessions, since P3D's failure "prediction" will be reset whenever I start a new session. I have to check and see what I can do. I still don't know, for example, if P3D actually handles a maximum failure time of 600,000 minutes correctly, or if it caps that number internally, and if it does, whether it caps the times before or after creating its set of failures for a session. If it doesn't save that failure information anywhere, I have no idea how to check this.
  8. Oh, I did! But I didn't learn anything relevant to my question. All I learned is that Lockheed-Martin has outstanding skills in Copy-and-Pasting.
  9. I'm vaguely aware of that, but I find no joy in flying airliners -- and I've tried! I have to make do with what I've got. I'll just try experimenting with ridiculously large numbers, I guess I will have to see how P3D behaves. Thanks for your advice!
  10. Hi, if I set the "Fails in" timeranges for failures from 0 to <a ridiculously large number of minutes>, will I end up with an approximation of a realistic failure rate? Without having done any research, let's assume typical mechanical instruments had an average of 10,000 hours between failures, can I set the "to" argument to 600,000 minutes for all mechanical instruments and end up with a failure rate that feels realistic? I assume P3D rolls the dice on session start on when in the given time range a component will fail, and I will only experience the failures (if any) that fall into the first few hours of that very long time window? My goal is to have a (very small) risk of component failure, not a certainty either way. I want the sim to keep me on my toes, to surprise me long after I have forgotten about this setup change. I kinda want to experience the panic and/or confusion when it happens. I'm sure that will be very instructive. Is this something you do, and, if so, how? Or is it a stupid idea, and, if so, why? Bonus question: will the behaviour be more realistic if I always save the scenario at the end of a flight and always continue from this saved state? (in other words: are the dice that P3D rolled persistent across sessions if I continue a scenario?)
  11. So here's what I learned about my own question in the past few weeks: Beside FS2Crew (mainly for airliners) and "It's Your Plane", there's also "Multi Crew Experience" (which also has a demo). I'm still using VoiceAttack, though, because I already owned that. It works for most of what I want to do, it has the obvious drawback of not knowing anything about the state of the simulation (e.g. the "landing gear up" and "landing gear down" commands both just send the same key, if I tell VoiceAttack twice to put the "landing gear down", it will just retract it again). The aircraft I ended up with are the Lancair Legacy for fun and the Turbine Duke from RealAir for serious business. They both work great in FlyInside and support the Flight1 GTN750 whose touchscreen is much easier to use in VR than the default GPS. I ended up getting the full (new) range of Orbx (Global, Vector, OpenLC) and FreeMeshX (until I can get a mesh for Europe from Toposim). And while I was at it, I also got a GTX1080 to be able to use the highest resolution in FlyInside to reduce the shimmering of the GTN750 display and improve the overall visual quality in VR. It's still not good enough to make out details on the map of the GTN750 without using switching to the adjustable quick-zoom, but all the "normal" instruments are easy to read without zoom. Next challenge: find out how to make the in-game ATC honor the flight plan (including procedures) I have set up in the GTN750.
  12. Hey Justin, long time no see. I'm sure Western Europe is in the pipeline, that's the region I'm most interested in (Germany and its neighbors).
  13. That's really admirable indeed. Funny story: I dug deep into my old mails again, and it turns out I was too cheap to get the lifetime membership, I only got a three year membership (in 2004) which, I guess, has expired by now. While that's kinda sad for my wallet, it also provides me with a chance to support Justin again. Thanks again for pointing me towards Toposim!
  14. Ah, thank you so much for the explanation. I tried to get help recovering a product I purchased back then. I seem to remember it was some kind of "lifetime membership" that would entitle me to get all the in-house FSGenesis products for free forever. I can now see how the new owner would not feel the need to help me out there.
  15. Sorry if this isn't the right forum. In 2009 I purchased stuff from FS Genesis, they still have a working web site, but they don't seem to respond to customer service tickets. Does anybody know whether the company still alive?
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