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  1. I will pre-order this no matter what, kickstarter or not. Good luck with development and the way forward.
  2. The update log history for all updates can be found here https://p2atc.com/index.php/public-beta
  3. You have the exact same motherboard as me, didn´t see any reason to do ddr5 after reading reviews. I have an ARCTIC Liquid Freezer II cooler. It needs a bracket to be compatible with the 1700 socket but it´s relatively cheap and does the job well. I´m not overclocking anything since I´m happy with my frames. Everything else is on air. Very happy with the setup, my 2600k lasted for almost 11 years, hope this one lasts a long time too, enjoy your new pc! Jon
  4. I paired my 3090 with a 12600k a couple of days ago. Had an old 2600k from 2011 that was still going strong but had a hard time with dense sceneries in xp11, p3d and msfs, often going down to 14-16 or even worse occasionally. Now I'm sitting happy with V sync on and 97% stable 30 fps in 4k with pretty much everything maxed in msfs (Flybywire), and pretty high settings in xp 11(FlyJsim stuff) and p3d(fslabs/pmdg). Have a lot of games on steam and all of them that were giving me trouble before are now smooth, I cap everything at 60 on my pc since it seems to solve some problems with older games. And yes, I had a couple of months of the 2600k paired with the 3090 which is of course complete overkill :) But I got it secondhand some months ago (because reasons) for a slight discount, didn´t want to pass the opportunity by since I was always going to buy the new Alder lake when it came out so I went for it. As far as I´m concerned it´s a great purchase, especially for mainly single threaded gaming/simming. Cheers/ Jon
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