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Everything posted by demontraitor

  1. Was looking to see if I need to add an airline, but no airlines showing in the Taxi Maint' window. I would post a pic, but this forum is not compatible
  2. I have noticed that Traffic Global and P2ATC no longer seem to "talk". I have been cleared for take-off while other planes are about to land. I used to get instructions to wait. Anyone else getting this?
  3. oh lordy, I was clicking on the ADD button lol. Thanks dude!
  4. There is an ADD button in the airlines, which does nothing. And there is no mention of adding airlines in the manual. The manual seems out of date regarding the Airlines tab.
  5. oh thanks. I did wonder - I went straight to the data files lol
  6. Hi NSZ (REDNOSE) does not appear to be in the database? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Air_Sweden 🙂
  7. That is what I am using. But I am always getting the same irish fella talking about runway 28 lol
  8. How do you properly randomize ATC-Chatter. It is not working for me. Thanks
  9. Hi, using Beta5p1 I have ATC-Chatter installed etc, and the Randomize Chatter Play Order CHEKCED, but I am sure at every DEST airport in Europe I get the Irish guy controlling Runway 28... "cleared to land runway 28", "cleared for departure runway 28" Does anyone else NOT get random chatter? Thanks
  10. When flying out of EGSS I am handed over to Radar Director on 136.2, which always fails. The frequency is selected, reverts to .00 and I get a BING noise, and I lose ATC and I have to manually select London CTR. :/
  11. Coming out of EGSS I always a frequency change that fails... "CHANNEX One Four Zero One Contact STANSTED Radar Director on One Three Six Point Two, enjoy your morning ~Radar Director on One Three Six Point Two CHANNEX One Four Zero One"
  12. Using B6 Otherwise an amazing and excellent app!!! TUI Two Seven Zero Zero HEAVY good evening . Radar Contact. TUI Two Seven Zero Zero HEAVY Descend to cross BONEK at Flight Level One Two Zero then Descend via the BONE One Romeo arrival with the BONEK transition to cross LCA at or above Flight Level Two Three Zero QNH is One Zero One Zero at LARNACA International Here is the flight plan.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fx4Dn5c4CKKZpymC8uTPi4RGGIVs8uW6/view?usp=sharing Regards 🙂
  13. Would like to see this too. I usually use Traffic Global, but it seems to be crashing my sim too often. Just installed latest WT3.5.0 so would like P2A and WT to talk to each other :)
  14. This is happening again... I have the "Force pilot runway" option checked....
  15. I already had that all set, seems to have reverted back... thanks
  16. Hi here is part of the flight-plan from EIDW > ELLX. ATC directed me to RWY16 😕 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SerializableFltPlan xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SerializedSIDPlan> <AirportIdentifier>EIDW</AirportIdentifier> <Name>PESI5G</Name> <RunwayName>RW34</RunwayName> <EnrouteTransitionName>PESIT</EnrouteTransitionName> <RunwayTransitionSIDId>0</RunwayTransitionSIDId> <CommonRouteSIDId>3768</CommonRouteSIDId> <EnrouteTransitionSIDId>0</EnrouteTransitionSIDId> <ActiveWaypoints> <FPWpt> <TrackCalculated>false</TrackCalculated> <TrackDistanceCalculated>false</TrackDistanceCalculated> <TagType>Airport</TagType> <TagId>2632</TagId> <Type>Runway</Type> <OwnerType>SID</OwnerType> <Identifier>EIDW</Identifier> <Name>RW34</Name> <Via>DIRECT</Via> <Position> <Latitude>53.43699</Latitude> <Longitude>-6.26197767</Longitude> </Position> <Passed>true</Passed> <Freq>0</Freq> <AltitudeConstraint>NoRestriction</AltitudeConstraint> <NavFix_Id xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetAltitudeCalculated>false</TargetAltitudeCalculated> <FirstAltitude>202</FirstAltitude> <SecondAltitude xsi:nil="true" /> <ManualTermination>false</ManualTermination> <TargetAltitude>242</TargetAltitude> <SpeedConstraint>NoRestriction</SpeedConstraint> <FirstSpeed xsi:nil="true" /> <SecondSpeed xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetSpeed>0</TargetSpeed> <TargetSpeedCalculated>false</TargetSpeedCalculated> <Track>0</Track> <TrackDistance>0</TrackDistance> <TrackETE /> <MagVar>-2</MagVar> </FPWpt> Regards
  17. Hi This is what I get from ATC: "TURKISH One Niner Niner Eight Descend to cross RILEX at Flight Level Three One Zero then Descend via the RILE Two November arrival with the RILEX transition to cross SADIK at or above QNH is One Zero One Two at ISTANBUL" Data missing it seems?
  18. It's fine. If I turn off the option for SIDs and STARs, I don't need the coordinates. Thanks 🙂
  19. Hi, hoping for features to help my (and potentially others) workflow... Obviously, as most do, I use Simbrief and when using INS navigation it is perfect for inputting the coordinates as it uses the same format as the INS requires, so: Q1: Would it be possible to have an option to change the coordinates format in the INFO box? I usually use P2ATC to pick the best waypoints to use when inputting, but keep having to go back to Simbrief OFP to get the coordinates. Q2: I have always used the "ATC assign SID STAR etc, as I assumed this would be more realistic?" But, if the SIDS and STARs differ to the original OFP, how to do insert the procedures into P2ATC flightplan without affecting the "FILED" status e.t.c. I have had the trouble mostly when being assigned a different STAR and Runway and if I insert these into the P2ATC flightplan the FP loses its FILED status. If I re-FILE, I end up getting a different SQUAWK. Unless I am doing something wrong? If I apply the assign STAR and approach, do I need to FILE again? Also... if getting a new STAR e.t.c from the original OFP the coordinates format change mentioned in Q1 would help "programming" the INS computer as it's not easy trying to find a useable coordinate format... i had been known to quickly EDIT my simbrief with the new STAR, and re-generate it which gives me the waypoint coordinates I need haha. I am probably using the worst workflow ever! Thanks for your time
  20. Brilliant thanks I cannot fly without P2ATC:)
  21. This route was a little off.... EGBB/33 DCT HON UL612 MID L151 SITET UN859 SOPIL DCT BALAN DCT EVPOK DCT NARAK DCT GAI DCT LOMRA DCT ROCAN DCT IBRAP UN13 LORES LORES1R LEPA/06L https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tg3dU2zCsIpANBTvfsx5yhSYFjSqbWMZ/view?usp=sharing Pic
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