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Everything posted by Jelge

  1. Thank you. I was on the verge of asking the same question when I stumbled upon this thread. I don't remember having much trouble when I moved from Windows 7 to Windows 10 on the same computer but moving to a new computer with Windows 11 really made me work for it. Once I was able to configure it, another minor inconvenience surfaced. On the old computer, shift+3 opened the 530. On the new computer it gives me the 500. Shift+8 now gives me the 530. I don't remember ever seeing the 500 on the old machine. That may just be a difference in the selected aircraft or I have forgotten that I had remapped it.
  2. 4 Hours? Must be nice! I can't do it in a month. I have owned nearly every version of FS since FS4 and I was looking forward to buying FS 2020. I have even been computer shopping to replace 11 year old laptop and 15 year old desktop but there is no point because Microsoft has no interest in selling to anyone who doesn't have the very best internet connection. My current connection only allows 85 GB a month and frequently won't support streaming video (although it has been good this last month, I am 2 days from the end of the billing cycle and have used 76 GB without downloading any software). I can throw more money at the issue and get more GB but I can't do much about the speed because of where I live. Cellular modems and satellite are the only "high speed" options available to me. Europe isn't the only place in the world with slow or no internet. The good ole USA has vast tracks of land that are that way along with some of the cities.
  3. I have the original boxed FSX and FSX-SE currently installed on my computer. I hadn't used the boxed version since I installed SE but tried it a little last night just to see. SE does feel smoother. I have only attempted one add-on and it's installer did not work for me but I cannot say for certain it was because I have both versions of FSX installed since it wouldn't install when the boxed version was the only version there. After performing a manual install it worked perfect.
  4. Many years ago I was hunting moose in Alaska. While traveling across a section of tundra with vegetation varying from knee to waist high I encountered a set of strange tracks that only existed for a few hundred feet.The only other tracks in the area were from my ATV and they could be easily followed all the way back to camp. After studying the tracks and discovering an empty case of aviation oil shoved under a bush, I decided someone had landed, changed the oil in their airplane and took off again. It was a pretty rough ride on the ATV and I shudder to think what it would have been like in that airplane for the brief time it was on the ground.
  5. I'm not sure what is going to happen with my training now with the corona virus trying to run amok. Got cancelled today and I would bet my flight Thursday is cancelled as well. Probably can't take the written exam this week either. Better safe than sorry though and it's impossible to maintain 6 feet separation in a Skyhawk. At least now I can practice procedures at home with equipment similar to what I am actually flying. Thanks again for the help!
  6. Many thanks, I have the 530 on a pop up and working as advertised. The add-on aircraft is very tempting but I can slew the virtual cockpit down and right far enough to where the 530 isn't blocking anything important so I think, for the moment, I will deal with it there since the idea is to not look outside until at decision height. It'll be easier than setting up weather in the sim. Still no add-on button. I was looking at the wrong window (FSX main menu screen) before but I hit "alt" while flying and the menu at the top popped up. I had forgotten it was there because I hadn't flown the sim in years.
  7. I don't know about that A2A airplane. Price is double what I paid for FSX-SE (my original copy of FSX was a gift when it was released). I feel I already have more than enough invested in this venture with ground school, instructor and aircraft rent. This is $50 I really don't need to spend right now when the 530 should work just fine in the stock airplane.
  8. I don't see a menu at the top of the FSX screen. Just the mute, - and X buttons. The one I am fooling with is the stock 172SP that came with the sim. I will try the a2a version. The GNS looks exactly like the trainer I downloaded from Garmin before I found out about RXP except that this has autopilot options instead of the CDI. Either way, no "add-on" button on it or FSX-SE. I wish I could upload pictures so I could verify I am looking at the correct things. I guess if push comes to shove I could open a photobucket account or something.
  9. Some additional information... -Windows 10. -I let the installers run as configured. -No log files present in the documents folder. -rxpGNS2_menu.dll is in several places, including the documents folder. -Clicking "garmin gtn v2" in start menu flashes a window telling me it is current. -Garmin trainer is installed and opens. It doesn't do anything but it is my understanding that it shouldn't at this point. -Several different simconnect file versions tried. The last one was downloaded with FSX-SE on 20-21 March 2020. -The only RXP file that appears to do anything is the installer but nothing happens after it appears to be finished. The only other RXP file that seems to open is the instructions. At this point, I would say I have double clicked them all. -rxpGNS2.dll and rxpGpsAnnun are both in the gauges folder. Cab file was put there manually. -Cannot find configuration screen mentioned in other thread that is accessed by holding shift and right clicking but I could be trying it on the wrong file(?). -I have not seen any windows resembling the ones pictured in the "add-on" section of the manual. I have above average computer skills but I am NOT a programmer. Once upon a time I was a computer science major but the Apple 2c and Commodore 64 were a long, long time ago (nearly 40 years) and I dropped out before advancing past Pascal to pursue other interests. I miss DOS 6.
  10. I started by trying to install the 530 in the original FSX (no service packs or SDK) with no avail so I started digging and found out I needed Gold or SE. After seeing what kind of money was being asked for the discs I chose to download and install SE and went through the installation motions again. Still no Garmin 530. In one of the downloaded files there is a readme file that outline how to write an installer but at the end it says the file can simply be copied to the folder so that is what I did. No avail. The manual calls out an "add-on button". The associated picture doesn't look like anything I have seen in FSX. At the end of the manual there is guidance for getting the "add-on" button by copying and pasting a few lines into a "dll.xml" file found in the appdata folder. I have 2 files that fit the description so I modded one and tried then I modded the other. Still no "add-on" nor 530 appearing in the sim. I am an IFR student flying a Skyhawk which happens to be configured with a Garmin 530. If I can make this work I think it would be a great help but so far I have not been able to make it happen. It's been close to 20 years since I messed with configuring airplanes in the sims and not one bit of it looks familiar anymore. What am I missing?
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