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About sudqui

  • Birthday 12/24/1969

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  1. Hi. The trouble continues... Now the window that showed me the fs2020 error is: unknown software exception (0x80000003) in the application in the location 0x00007FF65771CCE2. You know what is happening?
  2. Hi. Today I have flown from lemd to lepa. Without using IVAO. Only using fsairlines and rksoftware. The flight It was ok. I left the plane un the parking for several hours. I went yo see It if the sim It was working still and It was Frozen. There was a Window open with the Next text: The application could not be started correctly (0xo000012d). click accept to close it. Do you know what is the problem? Regards.
  3. I have flown without any add on, without ivao, without rksoftware, only pmdg and fsairlines. The flight lasted 3 hours and without problems. Then at the airport I was parked for about an hour more and nothing. everything ok. Tomorrow I will do the same adding ivao. see what happens.
  4. Hi. But what does this software do exactly to fix the issue? Regards.
  5. Hi. What is the gais ship mod v3?
  6. Is there an error code where we can see what is happening? Where can I find it?
  7. Hi. the sim has crashed even without using ivao, I don't know what can happen to it. Regards.
  8. Hi, my add ons are rksoftware (for PDMG and opencokpits hardware), ivao, PMDG. I also use fsairlines.
  9. hi. I'm starting to suspect that what's happening is because of Ivao. Yesterday I made a flight from LEMD to GCLA without connection to ivao and without problems. This morning I did GCLA-LEMD and again the error occurred when being connected to IVAO. I'm doing the offline flight again to see what happens. I'll tell you. Thank you.
  10. Hi finally a tested it with empty load. It works.
  11. I ithink there´s a bug in this path because I had have another flight to LEZL and there is no bugs. Regards,
  12. I have flown 3 flights this morning from LEMD to LEPA and during all three the simulator has frozen. I think there must be a fault in that path. How can I report this error? I have msfs2020.
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