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About DLH7LA

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  1. Thanks for that info, I thought it must be something like this 🙂. That explains why sometimes there are many missing, especially if they only fly in super remote areas. I (and hopefully others as well) will report back when I find some more fixes! Im totally aware of this and it surely helps to populate the parked updates, unfortunatly most addon AFCADs are quite simple or just to old to give accurate data for PSXT... Searching the whole airport file makes it a lot more complicated instead of just checking the LOG after a flight. But this is just a problem for "fresh" airportfiles, usually they fill up pretty fast with real positions so the soft entries do not play a big role. I have realized that I am one of the few that try to optimize PSXT to a different level then most other users 😄 For now I will stick to 30.2 until your VERY interesting feature will be released. I know of some people that use PSXT next to VATSIM to mainly populate the airports with parked aircraft for the immersion, but I am not aware on how extensive they use(d) the logs. On the other hand my "transition" to AIG is basically complete so not much finetuning is required anymore, I should be able to live without the parking logs soon. Keep up the good work!
  2. Hey, I was just wondering why some live aircraft where not matched with the correct installed textures (WGN 744 in my case) and I found out, that in the dbase file there seems to be some false info about cargo aircraft. In the case of WGN (its a solely cargo operator) its for the regs N258SN, N415JN, N452SN, N513SN, N543JN, N545JN, N581JN, N781SN, N799JN. With the "MissedLiveries" I found some more errors, Amerijet is also a cargo only operator and the following regs are incorrectly marked: N319CM, N349CM, N378CX, N396CM, N432AX, N656GT, N657GT, N743AX, G-NIKO (which is acutally operated by ZAP but flying for AJT at the moment). VTM is also a cargo operator and all aircraft are marked as cargo=false. On a sidenote, what was the reason you removed the airport file changes and parking logs? It always helped me to identify incorrect matches and keep track of the airport files (soft entries where they dont belong, when airlines changed terminals etc)... Best regards! EDIT: Found some more: N797AX, N916BR, N811TJ (completly missing). And worngly saved as cargo but is pax instead: N263SG, N322SG, N480MC, N640GT, N641GT (completly missing), N645GT, N649GT (and wrong airl=CMB instead of GTI), N662GT (CMB again), N625AS, N626AS EDIT2: And some more: AAH, AIP, MGE, TSU, IFL, KII, MTN, JUS, WIG (and seems to be missing all C208s), all seem to be cargo only, some had pax configs but are not flying them anymore according planespotters.net 🙂
  3. And some more GOV (to be-) fixes from the OCI: 201AS 73AS MIL USA USM VMR1 VR57 VR59 VR61 Slowely the PSXT errorlist gets shorter... 🙂
  4. I just figured out that planespotters.net lists all aircraft of DHL and Amazon including all operated by aircraft, DHL has many own aircraft or operator that exclusivly fly for DHL but for Amazon it is quite easy as they dont have any own aircraft (for now). https://www.planespotters.net/airline/DHL https://www.planespotters.net/airline/Amazon-Prime-Air AIG already uses AMZ as a fakecode for Amazon, this code has been used last in 1998 so it should be safe to use 😄 Are those lists of good use for you?
  5. Yep you did, and with the recent changes to PSXT I needed to change my way of editing so I wanted to start fresh with the whole AIG package with way more airlines and special liveries, it was just so much easier to edit one sorted file instead of over 350 files with the need to scroll and search a lot more... Thats what I was afraid of, this will make AIG updates fairly complicated, as there are too many AIG planes without any reg at all, including special liveries. But it seems like this is the only way to get them working correctly with PSXT. Im glad i still got some space on my SSD left 😄 Unfortunatly AIG decidided to stick to their own offline AI options, only opening up a little bit for VATSIM matchmaking. I always hoped for a simple one-click downloader of all liveries without all the flightplans and those many small flightplan updates, like the FLAI pack, but this will probably never happen. Thanks! Will share those to when I get there! They all operate with their original airline codes, so no differentiation to the 'operated for' flights The problem is not the live matching, I can control those with the regs easily as those fleets are fairly small. The problem is the static aircraft created, for example on several airports an original Atlas Air parks at different stands / ramps then the Atlas Air - operated for DHL flights. Other airports maybe served only with their original colors and they never see the 'operated for' colors. Thanks and happy new year!
  6. Hey, I recently started switching from FLAI to AIGs OCI since my modified liveries.xml is now obsolete 😄 But I discovered, that if I update the ATC_ID entries of the AIG OCI aircraft, the second I install another livery with the same model, the AIG Manager will check an rearange the aircraft.cfg, deleting my manual entries... There are plenty of aircraft with the same aircraft type and airline, for example for old color vs new color, several special liveries (Emirates Expo stickers), alliance liveres, different engines etc. Maybe I am overthinking this and there is already an easy solution (other then the SPECIALS parameter) to this but maybe it could be possible to create a file (similar to the old liveries.xml) with only those aircraft with more then one entry for same airline + type? My SPECIALS parameter is also filling up very quickly, making it a super long line... The idea in my head is for PSXT to create a file like this: So the users can edit this file to something like this, where PSXT sorts it after unedited and edited, the edited part should never get automatically changed, for example when OCI releases an update I realise that there wont be many users using this, so maybe it could be optional to activate with a hidden parameter? With the OCI there are plenty of PVT and GOV fixes already, but I still have some on my list, mostly its USAF and USN, which should be fixed to GOV. And my last suggestion for this year (😄), maybe you could add some "opf" info for DHL and Amazon to the regionals as well? There are plenty of airlines that fly on behalf of DHL and Amazon with different colors then there housecolors. Thank you as always for your support!!
  7. Hi, I have a strange and a little bit funny problem with ADSB Live, when I watch the live traffic taxi around or come in to land it seems like they are either really really drunk or kids on to much coca cola as they swerve around like crazy, on short final they make huge S-turns and the touchdown goes from the grass on the right side all the way to the left side of the runway... The only way to avoid this problem was to install version 2020.5.19.6, there everything works as to be expected. I even tried your latest release 2020.8.12.11, no improvement there either... Any chance I can fix this issue as apperantly no one else has this problem with the current version? Thanks!
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