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About Flypops

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  1. Okay, finally got it. Don't really understand what caused the glitch. Briefly turning off Defender and Malware Bytes maybe was the answer though I've been running those both without incident for a very long time. Thank you Oliver for your replies.
  2. I received notification of the new version (4.30 build 12) from SimMarket this morning and downloaded it only to find it still says 4.20. Anybody else?
  3. Thank you very much. I've been using these since you first posted and the updates are outstanding.
  4. So after having issues with my PMDG 737 I had to remove and reinstall the aircraft. Since doing so and making no other changes to my usual workflow, my radio will no longer hold a frequency change. As soon as I go the ATIS, or Clearance Del., or any other frequency it makes the change and then immediately reverts back to ground frequency. Any ideas?
  5. Hi Dave, I don't know if this has been asked before but I've often thought of it. In fact every time I use the Frequency drop down menu I wonder if it'd be possible to add a double click on the desired frequency to bring it up to the COM 1 position rather than inserting it in STBY only to have to then go down and click the COM 1 window to transfer the frequency. It'd be a nice feature IMO. Single click to STBY position, double click right into active COM 1.
  6. So after re-starting I finished the flight with no further issues.
  7. Maybe a one off glitch. I closed and re-started and so far all is good.
  8. The latest beta (7F) is constantly hounding me to adjust course by a significant amount when I am flying perfectly on course.
  9. Go to the store in which you purchased it, either SimMarket or JustFlight. You will find the download links there.
  10. It seems it's bringing the airline over but using the previous flight callsign. Beta 7E
  11. Meanwhile back at the ranch, they're still waiting for Weather Radar, some semblance of usable ATC and a multitude of other long awaited bug fixes.
  12. Ok Dave, I'll send the file on the next occurrence.
  13. Thanks for your reply Dave. But this is happening when nothing in the flight plan changed. And the "File" button remains green.
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