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Everything posted by Florian-K

  1. I do have this problem partially. I have set the GTN as Master with Connect GPS to autopilot enabled. I'm using X-Plane's default KAP 140 implementation, all plane specific scripts regarding the autopilot have been disabled. When switching the autopilot to NAV mode, everything works as expected. The plane will follow the ILS when the GTN is set to VLOC and will follow the gps flight plan including holds and LPV approaches. But if I instead set the autopilot to HDG mode and activate GPSS in X-Plane (via Dataref sim/cockpit2/autopilot/heading_is_gpss) to simulate how the KAP would work in combination with the GPSS provided by a Garmin GTN + Aspen 1000 combination then everything works like a charm except for holds. I assume that this is due to the fact that the RXP plugin just sends the waypoints of the flight plan to XP but isn't otherwise involved in the GPSS part. And therefore XP will just follow that flight plan to the next fix instead of going into a hold. I assume that this could also be a problem with DME arcs (I haven't tested those yet as there are no arcs procedures in the area I currently fly). So in order to work properly, the GTN plugin would probably just have to enter a few extra waypoints to the flight plan if a hold is activated. This would also mean that we could see the hold on a PFD that depicts the active flight plan. Other than this, both the RXP GTN and GNS are really great as a easy and cheap solution for real world pilots to get really proficient with the Garmin navigators! Best regards Florian
  2. In the meantime I figured out that gps_discrete_out_1 / gps_discrete_out_2 will have bit 15 and bit 2 set in GPS mode and bit 6 set in VLOC mode. The question on how to determine the master remains though...
  3. I'll want to pick up this question and add another one: Looking at HSI_source_pilot will only work if I just have one GNS/GTN, but I have two units, a GTN650 as NAV1 and a GNS530 as NAV2. Both are configured to work on the pilot side, as I'm using a Apsen EFD1000 replica as HSI which can at least in reality cope with two NAV/GPS sources. In that case, looking at HSI_source_pilot isn't sufficient: If I want the units to work correctly, I have to set the CDI sync feature of both units to "GPS -> SIM" because otherwise switching the one will automatically switch the other one as well. But in this case, the Dataref will only show the state of the current master device, not the other one. But in order to correctly render the appropriate bearing pointer for the other unit (e.g. GPS2 or VLOC2), I'd need to recognize if that unit is switched while not being the master as well. Which brings me to my second question, I cannot figure out how to detect which GPS is currently the master device. I'd hoped that there is a "gps_unit" so we could compare that against the "gps_unit_1" and "gps_unit_2" datarefs, but there isn't. And comparing the bearings against the hsi_bearing won't work if both units are following the same flight plan. I can force the system to select a defined GPS at startup by hotwiring the appropriate command once my Aspen loads but there's no way to detect whether the two run out of sync, at least not if on the same flight plan. Best regards Florian
  4. As you don't intend to ever install the data on a real unit, the registration doesn't matter.
  5. You can probably just register an non existing plane with an invalid foreign registration, e.g. registration DXSIM with serial number 0123456789 and Garmin ID 0123456789.
  6. @RealityXP: If I understood it correctly the issue with FS2020 is that it doesn't allow plugins to load external DLLs which is required to run the Garmin trainers. But what if the Garmin trainers were run in a separate application while the plugin would communicate to the external app via network protocols. While this would obviously just work for the popout version and not for the 3d cockpit (so it would be an intermediate solution) it would let us cockpit builders finally run the Garmin on a different computer and therefore free resources from the PC running the Sim. You could even market this as a different version for other platforms (e.g. XPlane) as well, where the built-in GNS also currently also only runs on the Sim PC. Best regards Florian
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