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About united4life

  • Rank
    Flight simmer
  • Birthday 05/14/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    My interests other then flight simulation include, aviation photography mostly, reading, and working on computer programs in my free time

Flight Sim Profile

  • Commercial Member
  • Online Flight Organization Membership
  • Virtual Airlines

About Me

  • About Me
    Over all aviation has been my life ever since I was little and took that first flight to Australia aboard a Qantas 747. What a day that was and what Ive turned into, a truce and certified AVGEEK. Besides flight simulation Im an avid ambition photographer who is based in New England but do travel domestically for other photo shoots, Ive worked wth companies like Spirit Airlines, Wiggins Airways, JetBlue and my local airport in New Hampshire on different photo shoots. When Im not doing that Im working up on finishing my degree and spending time with my family as well as working on and learning new computer programs.

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  1. Just recently a few weeks ago I decided to escape the cold of the North East and head down to Florida fora day trip for some plane spotting fun. I managed to meet up with a few other spotters and did some photography at KFLL as well as KMIA. The overall experience was great to say the least and I look forward to traveling back there again soon. Here is one of my favorite shots I took down at KFLL, which is also up on Jetphotos now. What are your thoughts on Air Canadas newer livery? Do you enjoy this one or the Toothpaste livery???
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