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  1. The latest RKSI I'm having was by Ray Smith in 2018 but I do notice that the 4th runway was added in this airport. Does anybody has the latest freeware for this one? Thank you
  2. Does anyone know any program similar to the AivlaSoft EFB v2 that show you the airport charts that is taken directly from the Flight Simulator airport files. AivlaSoft EFB v2 is to complex and heavy but I just simply want to view the airport layout and taxiways. I know Navipragh does provide one but it is based on scanned or real world charts from Jeppesen charts. Thank you guys
  3. Is there a way to make this possible? Like in real life (and of course later FS games), when it's night, aircrafts is illuminated with airport lights. But in FSX, if you are at the airport, it looks very weird, the airplane is completely dark, like you would crop the airplane picture into the scenery. Is there any night lights or a way to make this happen 😄 Thank you
  4. Hello, I am having this problem where I load my sim to a parking lot and the position doesn't seem right. Usually with my freeware addon scenery. So, When I try using Ultimate Grow Crew X with the map then it shows in the correct position, But what I am seeing the plane seems to be pushed a bit more aforward. Does anyone have any clue. Thank you 😄
  5. I usually add more addon airports (those freeware airports to be added in Addon scenery). Normally UGCX will ask that it finds new scenery and have to rescan again to update its database. But now I don't see the scan anymore
  6. Hi again, I updated to V2.4 already but the problem still insists.
  7. Hi, noramlly when I tried to modified the scenery, UGCX will scan and update the database for use during FSX startup, but it doesn't seem now. I only see FSX seeing the changes, but not UGCX.. I'm on the Beta version now. Thank you
  8. Is this option possible? If yes then how could it be used together? How should I configure? Thank you 😄
  9. Hello everyone. I have just installed the FS Recorder v1.33 but after loading the sim in, there is no entry for FS recorder shown in the Add-on section. I tried to see the manual but no help. I have checked that all the path/s and the dll.xml file work normally. Any suggestion please? Thank you
  10. How to I hide some of defaults aircraft that I would never be using but not deleting more moving it somehwhere else because I heard that some add-ons still refer to these models. I tried the Panel.Off method offered in this forum but it is still there in the aircraft selection screen
  11. I accidentally install the new FMS DATA (Navigraph) to my newly purchased PMDG 777. I want to start the tutorial within the given manual with the default AIRAR cycle that valid the SID/STAR and waypoint that provided there. So I wanted to ask is there a way to reuse/reverse the Navdata? Thank you
  12. Hi byork, Yes, I spawned the aircraft in the parking spot. I checked other thread and maybe because of add-on (updated airport)? I'm not sure 😄 I'm new to the forum. How should I do it? Through this reply or sending you a private message. Thanks
  13. I purchased UGCX on Aerosoft just today for my FSX:SE and I receive this message. Please advise me what to do.
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