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Max Paperno

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Everything posted by Max Paperno

  1. Since the MSFS plugin can't connect to FSX, I'm not sure any of those MSFS pages will work. (Perhaps you're thinking of the test version I built for you which was actually the MSFS plugin but modified to use the older SimConnect... which is what eventually became the FSX-specific plugin.) Unfortunately I haven't come up with a good way to have the same plugin (the actual binary executable) use a specific version of SimConnect per sim... short of writing some kind of "SimConnect proxy" service. The main issue being that the old SimConnect libraries are 32-bit which cannot be used by 64-bit programs, while the new SimConnect is 64-bit so we have the opposite problem. On the other hand, if I publish two separate "MSFS" versions which only talk to MSFS or FSX, then they can't be used on the same TP install at the same time. So the two versions seemed like the best compromise. I'm thinking of writing a utility to convert "MSFS" pages to the "FSX" version and vice-versa. The TP pages are just text files in JSON format and can be edited externally (very carefully, of course). Would that be useful? Thanks, -Max
  2. Thanks Ernie,appreciate it! The plugin has also been published on GitHub now along with the MSFS version. If anyone has questions, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to share. Ernie was the one who motivated this FSX version by pointing out that the MSFS one doesn't work with FSX (anymore?), so thanks for that! I thought SE uses a later (higher version) SimConnect.... if so in theory that should work (the FSX version even works with MSFS, just w/out some newer features like multiple Key Event parameters). But if not, let me know and perhaps we could do some tests. Cheers, -Max
  3. Hi, I got/saw this recently on a new test module I was throwing together. From what I can tell this has to do with the main/top level project XML file (the one that gets loaded into the project editor when in MSFS). IIRC my issue was that I had path names in the `FolderName` and `PackagesMetadata` attributes of the top-level `Project` tag (to get the outputs into a sub-folder, didn't seem to work for other reasons as well). But maybe there is some other similar issue in your file. The `Project` tag also has the `Version` attribute that (I think) the package tool is complaining about. It should say `Version="2"` in there. HTH, -Max
  4. MSFS Touch Portal Plugin new URL/repo/maintainer and many new features: https://github.com/mpaperno/MSFSTouchPortalPlugin Supports multiple Touch Portal devices, WASM integration, any and all Sim Vars and Key Events. Certainly not just a "hotkey" front end. Solid and reliable Sim connection with status display, logging, and a lot more. If anyone can actually cause MSFS to crash from just using this plugin (or even my WASM module), please provide a reproducible scenario and I'd be more than happy to look into it and fix. Stability and performance are key. Cheers, -Max
  5. Hello, I’ve just published the first version of a project which allows remote access to basically all the Gauge API functions available to a standalone WASM module. It consists of, yes, yet another, WASM module, but also includes full client-side implementation libraries for both C++ and C#/.NET. It is completely open source and licensed under L/GPL v3. (I hope this is a good place to post, since it’s not really an add-on for the general public but is geared specifically towards other programmers as a tool. And I hate promoting anything, but not sure how else other devs would find out about it. I hope someone finds it useful.) A WASM module-based Server and a full Client API combination. https://github.com/mpaperno/WASimCommander Please see the extensive README info on the front page of the repo. There is also example code, full reference documentation, and a full GUI for testing/experimenting. Support is provided via GitHub Issues and Discussions, not forums. I'm happy to answer any questions, etc, but I do not want to step on any forum rules or take advantage. Thank you for your time! -Max About me... I've probably never posted here or maybe so long ago that I don't remember it. I'm definitely no stranger to this site, and greatly appreciate the resources here (thank you!). My first FS experience was on an Apple II, then later my lowly C64, and MSFS 1.0 on the best PC we could find on campus (late at night, naturally). I've been programming professionally for almost 30 years, and tinkering for over 40. In the last decade or so I've really come to appreciate open-source software, from both a user and creator perspective and try to support that model as much as I can. All my other open-source projects are hosted at GitHub as well.
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