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The Dungeon
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Everything posted by sim4life

  1. Alright, prove me wrong then. You know, people left P3D not necessarily because the developers of the other sims were so outstanding. They left because LM was so terrible. People in here should target their anger and disappointment against LM, not against the other sims or at the 3rd party developers who left. It was LM who caused this, not the other sims.
  2. So after about 13 years, those are your highlights regarding the 20 year old bugs. Yeah you kind of proof my point here. At my work I would be expected to fix all of the above and more on an afternoon or I'd be fired for slacking.
  3. If you're doing serious integrations you'll for the most part depend on other systems and interfaces like prosim or the plane's own SDK and various other libraries and software. You simply can't build a realistic cockpit just by utilizing generic functionality in P3D using simconnect. Simconect was bad 20 years ago and it's almost just as bad today. And it's purpose is not to cover every single feature in every single airplane, it's a generic system. This is of course true for any other sim as well and it's the way it should be. No sim should be bloated with such functionality but it should be written in such a way that it allows 3rd party developers to integrate their stuff, which is the case for all the big sims on the market. In other words, your argument is totally pointless. Nobody can argue with this as it's absolutely true. However, this topic was supposed to be about the future of p3d. There are many important things that p3d can do for me right now that the other sims can't. I could do like most of you guys in here and conclude that this makes p3d better than the others. However, I'm thinking about the future. I don't want the FSX situation over again, where my sim is pretty much a flying museum using old core software and ancient addons where all the developers left 10 years ago. The other sims are moving forward and have active communities and active 3rd party developers. P3d does not have any of that. It simply doesn't. They all left and they're not coming back. There are issues in p3d that are pretty much showstoppers for me and there are certainly similar showstoppers in other sims. However, this is about the future. As LM still haven't managed to fix many of the 20 year old FS/FSX bugs, I wouldn't bet my money on them fixing anything any time soon. The other sims are actually fixing stuff and working together with the community. That's way way more important for me than which sim does what better than the others right now.
  4. 61 pages of absolutely no facts about the future of p3d. 61 pages of speculations, dreams, hopes and wishes. But mostly rants, name calling, people getting warned and banned just for stating the obvious, i.e. that pretty much all 3rd party developers and almost the entire community have left p3d for other sims. For me that is not a sign of a sim that is alive and kicking. No matter if it's 2 or 2000 pages.
  5. That's weird. I've built and used full size realistic cockpits for various sims during the years and not once did anyone of the sims force me to fly under bridges. In fact, I don't even have an Xbox controller in my current 737 cockpit. It would be cool to have one though.
  6. Wow, you guys are really obsessed with MSFS. You bring it up in pretty much every single post no matter what the topic is. And then they warn and ban us who respond for talking about MSFS. Anyway, no, this is absolutely not how MSFS does it. Taking a bunch of blurry aerial/satellite photos and then try to cover up the fact that it looks terrible by using even more terrible looking autogen is not how they do it. Most of us stopped doing that 10-15 years ago. Because it's simply is not the right way to do things.
  7. Trying to fix a broken engine by applying 2d textures and various workarounds is a dead end. It has do be done in the engine itself, either by generating a totally made up world or create one based on real world data. For example, the Unreal Engine is very popular. This would have to be a core part of the software though, you as a user or 3rd party developer can't do much about it if it's not there. Some people still seem to think that P3Dv6 will be based on Unreal although LM pretty much denied it. There are other products already built around such technology but it is a big no no to mention such software here. More info: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/unreal-engine-5' Example showcase: If you compare the above scenery to 2d tile textures, do you see why working with Ortho is considered a thing of the past? If you want to get started working with Unreal and creating content for it there's a ton of tutorials on Youtube and other places.
  8. I get that you have some newly found love for Ortho and I appreciate your enthusiasm. But sorry, this looks absolutely terrible. If you enjoy doing this project for yourself then by all means continue. But if you think people are going to share your enthusiasm you're going to get very disappointed. Many of us hade the same kind of enthusiasm when Tile proxy was a thing for FSX some 10-15 years ago. Back in those days photoreal scenery products were also a thing, created by people who just discovererd the Ortho thing as you have now. Those sceneries still didn't look as bad as your screenshots but Tile proxy and the photoreal concept pretty much disappeared anyway. So I think you're at least 10 years too late to the party, because trying to build a realistic scenery based on 2d textures is a dead end. Many people tried and all of them failed. There's a reason why this is not how it's done anymore. Even if you get extremely detailed hires textures using perfect color matching and seasons, it's still 2d textures. You seem to thing that autogen is going to help you. Sorry, it won't. It will just make things even worse. In fact, autogen is something you should avoid. Autogen was invented as a workaround, not a solution. "We don't know how this area looks so we're just going to throw in some generic random buildings and hope it looks ok". No, this is not how you should do it anymore. Sorry but someone had to break this to you.
  9. Can you point me to any comment where I state that I prefer MSFS? Please, a single one? Don't you think that the MSFS hate has gone a bit too far when you even blame people who hasn't even said anything about it? I know that this kind of bashing makes you popular in here as it is the right opinion to have, but I still think it's silly. This forum is not about loving p3d any more, it's about hating everything else. Sad, very sad indeed.
  10. The numbers, i.e. the facts, says that the vast majority of users and 3rd party devs left p3d almost over night. My opinion is that this is very sad and that the attitude we see in here is partly to blame for this. You can look at the numbers and analyze what caused this and try and turn it around and prevent it from happening again, or you can deny it and jump on every one who express an opinion in here that is not "the right one".
  11. Nobody argues with you feeling like that or that it would be wrong feeling like that. I have been extremely frustrated with most sims at times. Unfortunatelty, the future of a software cares very little about our feelings. There are other factors at work here. P3d won't be the sim of the future just because I feel that the current version made me happy while another sim made me frustrated. Actually, if you really like p3d and want it to succeed, denying it's flaws and defending a developer that doesn't do a very good job will only make it die faster. If it's worth defending one should make sure that the developer understands this. LM never did and the community is now gone.
  12. Alright I can give you another explanation then, based on facts. This forum is far quiter because extremely few are using this sim these days and almost no 3rd party developer has any intention of developing anything new for it. And again, I get no joy from that, but denial isn't going to make me any happier.
  13. Well, that's kind of the point. Most of us prefer working with developers who actually communicate with the community and tells us what's coming in the next version. Developers who care about bug reports, listens to feature requests, presents a road map, and so on. That's how you involve the community and 3rd party devs and evolve together. I can't name a single sim other than p3d that completely screwed it by doing the exact opposite. You on the other hand try to use LM's total lack of communication as something positive. I guess that's the ultimate sign of denial and that it keeps your hopes up. Since we haven't heard a word, it must be something big. Maybe this summer. Maybe this christmas. Maybe this year. Maybe this summer then. Ok nothing this year either. Wow it must really be something big. Also, you miss the fact that p3d is beyond the point of no return. It doesn't matter if v6 is going to be totally awesome (although it won't, give LM's track record) even if it's ever released. But even if it would be awesome the marked is already gone. The community and the 3rd party developers won't do that kind of U turn twice, it doesn't work that way. LM has clearly showed that they have no intentions to work together with the community and 3rd party devs. A new version number won't change that fact.
  14. Did you read the flightsim community survey? Did it give you any kind of hint? Is the p3d forums here full of life and positive attitude? Could that be another hint?
  15. Well, it kind of is. Maybe not at first but things will move in that direction sooner or later. Anything that is not improved is degrading, especially in the software world. Good luck reinstalling your 15 year old FSX with 50 addons, where 80% them require a long gone activation server or a manual registration process from a developer that left the business 10 years ago. And your 24 core CPU and $9999 GPU won't be of any help either. You can remain in denial and wait for this to happen again or you can do something about it before it's too late. And as I said some of us are actually in this game to follow the technological advances. Using a simulator in a freezed working state would make this hobby completely meaningless for me. Especially when seeing how other sims improve daily and getting all the attention from the 3rd party devs and the community working together.
  16. Because I'm a heavy p3d user and have been so from day 1. And I'm angry with LM for totally screwing it up. And I therefore gave my 2 cents on the "Future of p3d" as this topic is called. If you don't like facts or my opinion, well I can't do anything about that. If opinions like that are not welcome here, maybe you should clarify that the rules here are that you are only allowed to express positive opinions of LM and p3d. This rule is pretty much alreay in place though, considering how people get bashed and banned for stating facts and expressing negative opinions of p3d. I mean just look at this thread. If you own another sim you're obviously not even worth talking to. Thaẗ́'s not exactly a sign of a healthy community.
  17. You don't talk to users based on they having bought another sim? Omg, this really confirms the childish level in here these days. Another way to see it is that users who use multiple sims actually have real experience and knowledge and are not stuck in their own little bubble. But yeah, I have bought MSFS. I have also bought X-plane. And FS9, FS2004, FSX, P3D, DCS, Aerofly and pretty much any other sim out there. I have also developed addons for most of those sims. I do not like all of the sims I've bought, not at all. But they have still given me valuable knowledge. And you know, one can express criticism and facts because one actually like a sim. I really liked P3D but LM completely blew it. Sitting here trying to defend them and convince the community how awesome they are is just silly and pure denial. Many of us invested a lot of time and money in this sim and we're not happy how things went.
  18. There are a few projects that were initiated before the p3d platform died. I guess the developers hopes to get at least a few bucks for the work they spent the last years. The number of respected developers initiating new projects for the p3d platform in 2023 are maybe not literally zero but pretty darn close. Many of the p3d users are still in denial and thinks that the p3d platform has a bright future. I mean the biggest thing that excited the p3d community (what's left of it) in the last months was a totally non-interesting article on the p3d web site, and a developer forgetting to remove som fictional internal "p3d v6" menu option from their internal testing screenshots. If you're a developer you can't afford that kind of denial. No community, no income. Simple as that. Don't take it from me though, take it from the flight sim community survey.
  19. I waited for that aircraft as well. I also stopped waiting for that aircraft quite some time ago. In fact, someone pretty much developed an entire new flight simulator while I waited. I get that there might be some users over at the fslabs forums that will get it but most not on the p3d platform, I'd guess. Here in the p3d forum I've honestly only seen a single user talking about it regularly. I consider that some kind of indication.
  20. Impress? No, not at all. I would consider your list the bare minimum one could expect. In fact, taking into account how many years the above took and the amount of known things they still haven't fixed and the complete lack of any kind of general evolvement, it's nothing but a huge disappointment. Anyway, you're getting off topic. This thread is literally about "the future", not "the past". No matter how awesome you think LM is for fixing the basic stuff, the flight sim community survey again confirmed what we all already knew and that is that the p3d community is dead in the water and that almost every single one of the developers we care about are long gone. I don't like this any more than you do but you gotta be honest here. LM was fat and happy and let the 3rd party developers keep the platform alive for many years as there really was no alternative. They didn't really do much themselves. And they cared absolute zero about the community. Of course there are a lot of good addons already available and p3d won't probably just stop working any day soon. But again, this topic is about the future. Those of us who used FSX know how fast a working sim degrades when it's no longer developed or has a working community. Hardware will get incompatible, Windows introduces updates that makes things incompatible, addons get incompatible with each other and there is noone there to fix it, activation servers starts to get shut down so it gets harder and harder if you must reinstall something, and so on. But more important, I really want my sim to improve all the time and I want to enjoy the new technologies and advances in software and hardware. If I wanted a static sim that is freezed in a working state I could just go to a museum.
  21. I'm amazed to see that this "popup to separate monitor cuts my FPS exactly in half" issue is still being discussed after all these years. Come on guys, a simple visit Google would have shown you that this issue (or rather non-issue) is due to how DirectX and multi-monitors and some FPS measure tools work. It has been discussed for about 15 years now (yes, seriously). It still shows up in the P3D forum and all other DirectX software every few weeks. Short summary: the fact that it shows exactly half the FPS when placing panels on a separate monitor does NOT mean that your FPS was cut in half. There is a technical explanation for this you can read about if you're interested. Of course this is not the same as saying that the performance is not affected by pop-up panels. It certainly is, but the "exactly half FPS" thing has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with performance. Simply use a different FPS tool if it bothers you or just be aware that is is how things work.
  22. Nobody knows? I even uninstalled MSFS, cleaned out any traces of it, and reinstalled it again from scratch. Same problem. I've also found many other bugs and issues even though I've just started. In 95% of the cases when googling them I end up in some thread or bug report from years ago with frustrated users wondering why it's not fixed. Sometimes there is some answer from Asobo that they will look into it (which they appearently don't) but most often there isn't even an answer. For example the completely broken "home cockpit mode" reported in 2020 that is still in 2023 just as broken. For cockpit builders seeking to remove the VC it seems we're supposed to use terrible workarounds like creating a custom camera in front of the VC's front window (which will totally screw upp the view aspect/angle). Unfortunately I can't even save that view due to the bug described in my first post. Having lived with LM's inability to fix even the most basic bugs for many years I'm really, really sad to see that MSFS is in the same state.
  23. I'm trying to create a custom cockpit view but I've not been able to succeed. I sit in the cockpit and adjust the view to my liking and then press the key combination to save a custom view, e.g. ctrl-alt-0 with the default key binding. When I'm then in another view and want to go to my custom view I press e.g. alt+0. This causes an infinite loop where MSFS appears to be struggling between two different views, causing a flickering/flashing effect where it goes between those two views about 20 times a second. It does not stop until I go to e.g. external view and then back into the cockpit. However, every single attempt to load the custom view enters the flickering loop again. Any ideas? I've googled this issue and I can see that several users have experienced this exact issue over the last 2-3 years. Some of these users had conflicting key bindings, causing MSFS to load two different views at the same time. This makes sense, but unfortunately this does not seem to be the problem for me. I've checked, double checked and then checked again. No conflicting bindings. I've tried the default key bindings, I've tried several other (unused) keyboard bindings and I've even added the save/load custom view bindings to a joystick that is completely clear of any other assignments. Still the same problem every time though. Any ides? Also a related question, can you enable some kind of notification or see in a log file that a custom view was actually saved? MSFS is usually very verbose (to say the least) when it comes to tips and notifications, but when doing things like saving custom views it seems that one can only assume or hope that it worked.
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