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Everything posted by eddl

  1. Thank you for checking. Any MSFS key assignment? Like the Just Flight BAe 146 uses the otherwise unused ELT assignment to implement the function 'AP Sync'. If not over there, maybe a predefined key binding in PSXT itself, working both for the follow-me on the ground (block/unblock) or clearing airspace once in the air. As a VR user everything would be better than a button in the GUI. 😉
  2. (6) will take care that aircraft on parallel approaches will not disappear once the user aircraft is turning into the localizer. Think of KSFO where approaches are close to each other. What parameters does Sim Connect offer to automatically detect being on approach? Gear down trigger is a bit late as you say, maybe there is something better. An other possibility would be a predefined user action within the sim, like landing lights on/off two times, that could be done in any stage of the flight - clearing the box around the user. Following up on that thought, flashing the taxi lights on ground 2-3 times to enable the follow-me car would be great for VR users. Or maybe a rarely used MSFS key assignment to either enable follow-me on ground or clear the box around the user aircraft in the air. Let me know what you like most. Any thoughts welcome. Something like this would remove the conflicts with real world aircraft ignoring the user aircraft, resulting in a perfect experience. 🙂
  3. Thank you. With US airports the stream snapshot could be quite effective, as I often get several updates within the first seconds of scanning. On some European airports this will work too, but not as effective. I have monitored the update counter while continuously pressing +1min in RT Pro. Often a lot more updates within a short timeframe that way. Of course learning a single airport 24/7 for a week gives the most output, but it takes two years for 100 addons... and often quite frustrating with smaller airports like Skiathos, requiring a whole week of learning catching 30 movements in total. Quickly browsing though RT historic data can be more effective, but of course it is manual work and not 'set and forget'. But I get your point.
  4. Did another flight with the recent build and it was great to get guided in the line-up queue. Good to see the follow-me disappear at 45kts. While we are at it ... later on approach I got in conflict with a SWA B738 being vectored right onto my path on the ILS localizer. No chance to establish any reasonable separation. That got me thinking again: Next to the "block/unblock" buttons we need a further option "Clr App" (clear approach) with a checkbox. When ticked it checks the following parameters every ~5 seconds: (1) landing gear on user aircraft must be -down- AND (2) user aircraft must NOT be -climbing- When true, then check if there are any injected aircraft meeting all of the following parameters: (3) within 5NM of user aircraft AND (4) laterally within 1000ft left or right to user aircraft AND (5) within +/-3000ft altitude in relation to user aircraft AND (6) on same track/heading as user aircraft +/- 20 deg AND (7) NOT on ground AND (8) NOT climbing That way - if the user option is ticked - PSXT will automatically remove any aircraft which will not have sufficient separation on the ILS, in a pre-defined three-dimensional box around the user aircraft - with no user interaction required other than lowering the landing gear as a trigger. Hope to see no false positives with those parameters. In severe crosswind the detection might fail, but pointing the nose to the target aircraft or to runway heading for a few secs will solve it. Parameter reasoning: (1)+(2) make sure that user aircraft is on approach and not on climb-out (3)+(4) creating a 2D box (left/right/ahead/behind) around the user aircraft (5) adding a third dimension (above/below) to that box (6) ignores any flight paths crossing that box in other directions (7)+(8) avoid removing departing traffic on same runway. This is an issue too, but let's now get the approach detection right and find parameters for conflicting departures later. 😉 I hope I explained it well - otherwise please ask. 🙂 Thanks a lot for your time!
  5. Hi, the forum search did not help me, but it might have been answered in the past already. Is there any reason for the Learner to be limited to a minimum 5 minute interval between airports? I think I could collect way more data with an interval of 1 minute. Still trying to understand the underlying algorithms to get the best output from of the learner. Many thanks in advance! 🙂
  6. That's true. Maybe a nice challenge, isn't it? 😉 I had the same issue, but I kept trying for about 3-4 weeks, every day a few minutes more until it got too bad. The dizziness completely went away then, but the "training" in the first weeks was not much fun to be honest. But it was totally worth it later - it totally changed my sim experience and I cannot go back anymore. I really hope you can experience PSXT bringing airports to life in VR some day in the future, it is just great. Even better than on a screen. Thanks again for your help.
  7. Some features are already included in the latest release - just incredible! Thank you so much.
  8. Hi Nico, just wow! Thank you for considering my suggestion and even implementing it so quickly! Thank you so much! I did a test flight to check it out. I would like to share my personal thoughts about it - no critisim by any means. In general it was a great addition! the follow-me car blended in perfectly into the airport environment car movement very smooth easy to spot, but not too eye-catching - which is good seeing it taking off and staying in sight all the time from my cockpit window during climb killed a bit of the immersion for me i'd prefer an option to hide it when >45kts in VR I could not see the information line, therefore unable to test the "hints?" feature not your fault, this is a general MSFS VR issue I had trouble selecting the preferred blocked aircraft: at KLAX, the algorithm always auto-selected the aircraft on the parallel taxiway right to me in non-VR this might not be a big issue, as you have several options (unblock and block again when the correct aircraft is closer or take the callsign from the information line) but in VR I cannot see the callsigns near to me due to the missing information line and to unblock/block aircraft I have to open the virtual desktop window, and to fiddle around with the GUI => I failed to hit the block button in the right moment, as I could not see the other aircraft moving during virtual desktop view This could be improved by providing a "next" button, which blocks the next nearest aircraft within the 300m radius. Another possibility would be to have a callsign dropdown menu. Maybe there is something I did not think of. I would suggest only to show the "follow-me car" option in the GUI when the model is found in the community folder, otherwise hide it And some general thoughts about choosing the follow-me car as the replacement object. Do not get this wrong, the follow-me is an obvious choice - especially with the model readily available. To take the spot of the blocked aircraft I would have to stand on the follow-me car and not behind it, but this is only archievable in outside view - killing immersion when toggling between the views. Standing behind the follow-me conflicts with the aircraft behind me in the line-up queue. With collision detection off, if will bump into my aircraft (and totally scare me in VR view) - with collision detection on, the aircraft behind me disappears (which is expected, but not ideal to have two spots in the queue empty). Only solution I see here is to have a ground marker instead of the follow-me, which can be a semi-transparent circle on the ground with a radius of about 50m, so I can see the front part from the cockpit right in front of me. Needs to be a 3D model of course and packaged as a MSFS aircraft. I really would like to see this as an option in addition to the follow-me car. Still having this on my to-do-list, but it is difficult as I am still not familiar with the SDK. For me personally this would also not kill the immersion as much as a follow-me guiding me to the runway as the ground circle would be a more "neutral" object. And while we are at it: operating PSXT in VR is doable with the virtual desktop window - but did you consider to create a sim-toolbar with the most important options? I have seen a similar toolbar in the videos about FS Traffic: https://youtu.be/YFwQAJWCLsg?t=348 Possible controls for the toolbar: traffic injection options block aircraft options collision avoidance options destination/gate/learn options So only the ones which matter the most when sitting in the aircraft. Not trying to ask too much, already happy as it is. :) Thank you very much again for PSXT and all your hard work!
  9. Thanks for your reply! You mean that the ratio of gate vs apron parking population is solely depending on the real traffic in the airport file? There is no priority given to gate positions? Is that correct? But it does not apply to soft-learning, which might prefer gate positions - right? I am asking because I see a major discrepancy between real world parking in really matured airport files, just one example is EDDL. Therefore I came to my assumptions in the topic. Many thanks for your time and input!
  10. Hi, I am currently learning a lot of airport files on multiple computers 24/7. I plan to share them once completed. When testing completed airport files I try to balance them using the parking percentage, it varies from 20-40% per airport. So default 30% is already a great starting point. But I have the issue that gate positions are almost completely full, while apron positions are mostly empty - resulting at completely large empty areas at many airports. Did you think about adding another user-defined option to balance gate vs ramp positions? Currently it seems about 80% in favour of gate positions, but for many airports 60-70% would be more appropriate. It would be great to manually fine-tune this. Options in the airport file: - % parked aircraft (default: 30) - % gate positions (default: 75) - NEW Many many thanks for your great application, it really gives a new dimension for MSFS flying! 🙂
  11. My plan was to use a 3D model for an aircraft, it already has the required format to get imported into the MSFS SDK. But as I said I failed so far creating a working AI aircraft. Nonetheless, I am very looking forward to your implementation, sounds great! Thank you very much in advance. 🙂
  12. Hi, thank you very much for following up on this topic! In the last day I downloaded the SDK and fiddled around to create a very basic AI aircraft (model to be decided), but I failed so far. 😞 It does not even require flight dynamics as PSXT will manage this I guess, but it did not work out and I could not find a guide for this. I have looked for 3D models which might fit here and found something like this: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/household/household-tools/map-pointer-cde7519e-91ab-440c-95ca-67dd8f1d4bb1?index=47 (I would sponsor this or something similar in case it gets implemented) Not too big, not too eye-catching, but still visible. The follow-me is a nice idea, but having it accelerate along the runway and see it take off feels kind of strange. 😄 Would be nice to have some lighting at night, but then my knowledge about the SDK is completely lacking, even though I sent a considerable time in the documentation. It is a nice idea to assign this marker to a fixed real-world flight number, but I would prefer to use this after collision detection on ground, so I can take any spot in the line-up queue, no matter where the aircraft ist going to. Still thinking about it, any feedback is very welcome! Thanks a lot!
  13. I have no knowledge about creating models, but I will try to check the options. Just exchanging the aircraft model after ground collision with a different model, showing some kind of moving ground marking would be great and should hopefully not too difficult (well ... still a lot of work to implement it including user option). Thanks a lot for your feedback so far! Maybe someone in the community being able to create a very small and simple AI object which can be used as an moving indicator on ground.
  14. Thanks for your feedback. But it could be a model which moves? It can be anything, just a small marker that moves instead the actual aircraft. Can be a small ball (about 2m diameter) or whatever is easily available as a model and not too intrusive. Must be visible from the cockpit within 100m distance, to be able to monitor it on the ground and follow it.
  15. Sure, but I would have to spend most of my time in the cockpit chasing this aircraft. Also not really possible in VR. Therefore my suggestions for departure and arrival, not requiring to follow a specific aircraft enroute. Thanks for your help.
  16. Yes, I am aware. But seems impossible to follow it very closely from departure till landing. And I cannot see where it is in the sim to use its position in the approach separation, or can I? I would need a second pilot to monitor the real aircraft I guess. 🙂 Seems not an adequate solution unfortunately.
  17. Hi, I have a great time using PSXT - thank you so much for this masterpiece of software! There is just one thing that would improve it even more - if time allows of course. Scenario: busy airport like EGLL, line-up queue on 27R, full approach with minimal spacing on 27L. As the injected real world traffic is not aware of the user aircraft, they won't give me the time and space to line up and depart and on approach I cannot squeeze myself between other arrivals without getting too close to them. For departures: I use the collision detection and taxi right through a fellow aircraft and take its position in the queue. Other aircraft will not run into me anymore then. But I have to anticipate what the now invisible aircraft is doing. If there is currently no other aircraft lining up, is this my call or is there an aircraft on approach? I suggest to replace the aircraft I purposely ran into with a transparent unobtrusive circle on the ground, still showing the aircraft position, but without the aircraft being displayed. That way I can follow this ground marking and have my space in the line-up queue and proper spacing on departure. Remove the circle at about 60 knots speed, so it does not follow the invisible aircraft into the air. Suggestion for arrivals: I would also like to take a position of an injected aircraft on approach, to have proper spacing. But intentionally flying into it to get it removed is not an option. Is there a way to clear other aircraft on approach? FSLTL has a toolbar to do that. But maybe you can add an collision detection option for that. Still thinking about the parameters though. Maybe a button to clear all air traffic which is 2 nautical miles around me (plus/minus 3000ft)? Just some ideas. Looking forward to your input. No pressure at all to implement this! 🙂 Thank you!
  18. I get those stutters in the NYC area with 150+ planes around me when I set the injection range to 40NM. So it is likely down to system performance as already said. When lowering the injection range everything is smooth again.
  19. Thanks for your reply! The generic liveries are all white. The pink ones I am talking about are clearly texture errors, they are even bright pink at night and really stand out at the airport. Any clues here? Thank you.
  20. Adding to this topic as my request is very similar: I use FSLTL and AIG models and sometimes I see AI aircraft with all-pink colors, which seem to miss textures. It is possible to find in a log file which aircraft/livery is affected, so I can delete the faulty entry? And would PSXT be able to catch this problem and hide aircraft with texture issues? Many thanks.
  21. Dear both, many many thanks for your kind help! Everything fully understood and I got it working. 🙂
  22. Hi Kiek, many thanks for your quick reply! That sounds easy. But I am wondering how PSXT_Learner can learn a freshly installed 3rd-party-airport then, without requiring the MSFS community folder. What are the steps required to start learning a new addon airport on the server? Thank you very much. :)
  23. Hi, I was wondering if learning airport traffic is possible on a remote computer, like a server. Running the learner all day on the gaming rig is very inefficient and not always possible. I would like to use a server which is online 24/7 anyways, but does not have MSFS installed. Which files or which file structure are required to allow learning? So I could recreate a slim and non-functional MSFS environment and PSXT Learner is still happy to learn. Many thanks for this great tool!
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