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  1. I also notice the quality of displayed traffic getting worse and worse. Also lots of traffic disappearing right at the threshold of the runway before takeoff.
  2. Yes indeed, is there a fix to this on my side?
  3. Hi, I couldn‘t find a topic which resembles my problem so far. On departure at EGLL today I found many many taxiing/flying airplanes/flights with same flight number which appeared duplicated on the ground as well as in the air. On the ground they taxi very close behind each other and als run into each other. In the air they fly above each other, one is landing, the other is just hanging in the air at some point. I tried to turn PSXT off and on, but the problem prevails. Is this a known issue?
  4. Good catch from you as well. i checked my other airports such as LOWW and LEBL and find airl=PVT entries there as well, though to a lesser extent than ESSA and ENGM, where it‘s almost completely PVT. I hope this can be fixed.
  5. When I look up ESSA or ENGM archives I find a lot of lines saying airl=„PVT“… What does this mean?
  6. I see a lot of movements on the apron amd taxiways at ESSA which is great. But my parking positions are empty. Is this going to change as well?
  7. KIAH has purple ground marking, which means really bad. But do you see stable movements in the sim?
  8. Thanks, I‘m gonna follow this. Scandinavia (ESSA, ENGM) seems to be slowly coming to live as well.
  9. Hi fellow simmers, After the good news from Balthasar, that he was able to source two new data providers for improved ground traffic, I wanted to ask you what your observations around the sim world are. I‘m away from home so I can‘t check myself but I‘m really curious how your experience is now. thanks for sharing!
  10. This is unfortunatelly a well known problem everyone has. The reason for this is really bad ADS-B data, if I remember correctly. I wish that this will improve somehow, as I love flying in that region and both airports Stockholm and Oslo are really beautifully made.
  11. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate PSXT. I was flying in the sim from London Heathrow today and being in line for take off with all the real departing traffic and seeing all the other activity on the ground and on approach felt so incredibly realistic and immersive. I really really like this and can‘t imagine using MSFS without this anymore. Thank you!
  12. For some reason, today everything worked and the QNH changed values as supposed to. Must have been a temporary glitch the last two days.
  13. Yes, the QNH value at the origin airports are absolutely correct in the UI and match with both real METAR data and RealTraffic data. What I mean is: I depart from my origin, letˋs say KJFK, there the QNH is correctly set for example at 1016. Now I fly to my destination where the actual QNH is for example 1002. But even on approach at the other city the QNH in PSXTraffic UI stays at 1016 (like it was at my departure) and does not change to the correct arrival location value. This results in all arriving traffic flying at a wrong altitude. Just out of interest, at which point should the UI be changing the values? I have PSXTraffic running the whole flight.
  14. Hi kiek, I`m using PSXTraffic and on my last two flights (EBBR-EIDW and KJFK-KBOS) I noticed that the QNH from the departing airport in the UI is still the same value at the destination airport which results in too high or too low landings by AI traffic. Even if I restart PSXTraffic on approach the QNH value from the departure airport is indicated wrongly again. Has it always been like this and I didn`t notice before or is this a bug? Thanks for clarification.
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