I am not sure that a better graphics card will reduce stutters. To me it seems like stutters is caused by main thread limitations.
My cpu is a Ryzen 9 5900, quite similar to yours and my gpu is an rx 6900. What I did to get the best out of my hardware was to, with developers mode on and fps displayed parked at EGLC airport facing London center, checking the main thread.
There are some settings that are cpu intence, tlod, olod, buildings and raymarched reflections so I keep these at 150, 150, medium and off.
I ended up with 20 ms for the main thread and then adjusted graphics settings until I reached 21 - 22 ms for the gpu so that the gpu is the limiter, not the cpu.
Then I checked the framerate, it was 38 fps but since this was the worst case senario I locked my framerate at 40 fps.
Now it's running smooth, no stutters and the graphics are really nice, everything at ultra or high exept for the above mentioned and trees, grass & bushes and ambient occlusion set to medium. By the way, my headset is a Reverb g2.
You could try this and see where you end up and then decide whether you need a better gpu now or wait and upgrade everything.