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  1. You found the Aeroflot career mode ?
  2. Thanks! Hidden in plain sight
  3. Interested in maybe getting a license to explore the other map options but can't find any pricing even thru the license link in the tool. Slightly related, with all the world updates to mfs2020, are there any meshes still worth getting
  4. The twist axis on this stick can go bad and get very noisy due to a cabling issue internal to the joystick. I went through 2 sticks before I gave up and bought some pedals and disabled the stick twist axis.
  5. https://github.com/ElPumpo/TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker Been using this for a while with no issues. Automatically removes bloat on install
  6. For those that like a continuous set of legs to fly. I posted this a while ago in a different thread. My current favorite is https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/random-flight-generator/270848 This will generate multi-leg flights in a sequence, ie A to B , B to C, C to D..... up to 10 legs with various options. I believe pretty much every airport in the world is contained in the accompanying data base file, airports.adb. This file is built from the spreadsheet file airports.csv which can be opened and viewed. What I've found is that if you delete the database file, the program will generate a new one from the spreadsheet file. You can therefore create a new airports.csv file, after backing up the original, and copy and paste only those airports you are interested in into the new file. Pretty sweet. Ed
  7. No unfortunately. Both the latest paid and free version exhibit the same behavior. I mainly use Fs2crew pushback express as my main pushback tool. I just check in on toolbar pushback every time there's a new release because I really liked the pre-planning capability. Same with GSX pro, every time there;s a new release Ill do a re-install and check it out, but always end up back with Fs2crew.
  8. I have the paid version, latest update, and the pre-planned pushback still not working without zig-zagging, using the stock A320. I fly exclusively in VR but as an experiment I found that the pre-planned pushback works correctly for me in 2-D mode. I haven't yet tried to see if it will still work correctly in VR if I plan the pushback in 2-D mode before entering VR.
  9. just to close out the thread it turns out both the cable and the headset were bjorked. Picked up a used G2 headset only ( no cables or power brick ) on E-bay for $120 which has been working perfectly with the new cable ( but not the old cable ). The only issue I had was no sound from the game, but sound into the headset from other sources so I lnew the headset was fine. Turns out Windows had muted the FlightSimulator app volume. This is a tough one to diagnose unless you know that windows has a seperate app by app volume setting independent of the global setting, and that it is only accessible when the app is running.
  10. Have to agree with @micstatic . I'm on my second TCA sidestick. I tried to repair the first one because of the twist axis issues but ended up making a dog's breakfast out of it. Bought a second one and a set of rudder pedals and disabled the twist axis on the stick. To your point, I don'y fly the PMDG that often but I have not noticed any ground steering issues post SU15
  11. Have you taken a look at delivery optimisation to make sure windows itself isn't reducing your internet download speeds ? https://www.flightsimulator.blog/2024/01/29/performance-boost-tricks/
  12. @psolk On the download page at Flyawaysimulation.com "In MSFS general options under traffic ships and ferries should be set to 5-10 % for best performance. Increasing above 10% will not add any traffic to this project."
  13. Will the Active Sky turbulence models replace the need for the RealTurb V2 addon ?
  14. It's a new cable. I'm leaning toward the headset being bad but would like confirmation before shelling out for a new/refurbished one.
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