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Dermot McClusky

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About Dermot McClusky

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  1. I agree with you there, that really does seem like the root cause. I finally broke down and took it in to a local computer shop here hoping they can get to the bottom of it. I figure worst case scenario is they can't figure it out and I'm only out $60.
  2. I do, I've run it and recorded multiple sessions while I fly to see if anything is overheating; (un)fortunately, everything looks great. All of my components seem to be running at spec. Overheating hasn't been an issue at all. I know random shut downs tend to point to either a) overheating components or b) a bad PSU, but I've been able to rule those both out at this point.
  3. I appreciate the suggestion. I did do a stress test on my GPU last night; ran at 90%+ usage the entire time and didn't break a sweat (highest temp was 61C, but stayed in the 50's most of the time). Passed with flying colors.
  4. I have on previous shut-downs, but all I get is an error message saying my computer shut down improperly, nothing else. I should go check them again in case of any changes, I suppose, but that was all I saw previously. I've actually undone and re-seated all of my cables to everything when I changed out my PSU, so I don't think it's a cable issue (I wish it was!). I'm actually connecting via virtual desktop; the VR set isn't hardwired to the PC at all as I have my charging cable plugged into a powerstrip from the wall. I've tried the link cable previously but had a terrible experience, but virtual desktop has seemed to work almost flawlessly. I agree with you, heat is not the issue. I've stress tested the system components as well as recorded/monitored all components during my flights and had no issues at all w/ overheating. I'm at a complete loss as to what's going on.
  5. Just tested it without; flew the same aircraft through the Vegas strip at ultra settings and it was super smooth without any issues at all. So clearly it's a VR problem, but that could mean the Quest or it could mean issues w/ the hardware in my PC just crapping out on me because of the demands of VR.
  6. Good idea, I'll try a stress test and see what happens. Hm, maybe so. I played w/o VR for the first 4-5 months without any problems. I can't find anything online for people have similar issues that have been pinpointed to the Quest3, but that certainly doesn't rule it out completely. I hadn't really thought of taking it somewhere for diagnostics, so that might be a good thing to look into. When I swapped out the PSU and swapped out the cables, as well, being careful to seat everything well. I've checked the power cable and it's also seated well. I'm kind of wondering now if there's possibly an issue w/ the power strip or outlet? Obviously it's a long shot, but your comment makes me think I should try looking at those first as I could replace them inexpensively and at least see if that changes anything. Thank you everyone so far for your thoughts!
  7. I almost forgot to mention: I've stress-tested the system w/ OCCT and had no errors/problems.
  8. I built a new PC in January 2024 w/ the following components: 1000W Superflower PSU, ASrock Steel Legend X670E motherboard, 64 GB G.Trident RAM, AMD 78003xd (w/ Peerless Assassin cooler), PNY RTX 4090 in a Fractal Torrent case (high airflow). When flying VR (Quest3) my PC will randomly shut down, and I mean completely power down in an instant (no lights, no fans, no reboot...nada). This has been repeatable in particularly high-intensity places, such as flying down the Las Vegas Strip at night when my FPS starts struggling, though it also happens at times when I'm doing something simple like sitting in the cockpit of a BAE 146 at a gate of a not-very-busy airport (I keep traffic low). My graphics settings are all appropriate when compared w/ others I've seen posted online and I get a steady 40-45 fps the majority of time flying, with the exception of places like the Vegas strip, as noted above. Problems I've ruled out: 1. Overheating: I've recorded multiple sessions on HWmonitor and my temps across the board (Mobo, CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.) are fine with the exception of 2-3 spikes on my CPU to 89-90C (but these are short-lived and within tolerance for the CPU; most of the time is in the 70's). 2. PSU failure: I've swapped out the PSU, even going WAY overkill to a 1200W unit and the problem persists 3. RAM: I swapped my RAM out and still had the same issue 4. Drivers: GPU, CPU, mobo drivers are all up to date My next steps would be swapping out the motherboard, then the CPU, then finally the GPU, which would represent essentially a totally new build except the case. For obvious reasons I'd REALLY like to avoid this kind of cost, but I don't know what else to do. Does anyone have any ideas I might be overlooking?? Thanks in advance.
  9. I think Shack95 is secretly a competitive Geoguessr pro.
  10. I've been curious about how the system will decide on placing tree types. My assumption with the many new tree species is that AI won't actually be able to use satellite imagery to place specific tree species accurately, but more that it will simply place certain types of trees in certain regions somewhat randomly based on broad rules the devs put in. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like it would be too granular for the AI to try to pick out the location of exact species.
  11. I can't speak for others, but I like to post YT videos in the forum just to annoy you.
  12. Lol, yeah, that's how I feel, too. It was worth a shot, haha.
  13. Very common human psychology, so you're not alone! Our brains like novelty and anticipate change. If you know what the hedonic treadmill is, that's a similar issue. I'd say give yourself some leeway and take a break from simming for a month. I bet in a few weeks you'll be itching to get back in the Duke and Fenix.
  14. I mean, I think it would be crazy to think the system requirements would decrease. Considering I spent the first 3 years of MSFS2020 on a 1070 and i5-8600 without any problems, I'd say being able to keep the same requirements is quite the accomplishment.
  15. I'm glad they're doing the discovery series again. Interesting they're holding off on discussing ATC. Given how incredibly difficult ATC has been historically for any company, I'm not going to expect miracles, and they obviously have a philosophy of leaving the really in-depth stuff to the 3rd party specialists given what he said about Navigraph, but something decent and basic would be great if they can pull it off.
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