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Everything posted by moodiefr

  1. There are a lot of such people. And I think that all this isn't groundless
  2. I'm not sure what to believe about UFOs. I think there's a possibility that they're alien spacecraft, but I also think it's possible that they're some other type of advanced technology. I think the government is probably not sure either, which is why they're being so secretive
  3. I'm nebie here too, it's nice that you're getting back into flight sims! VATSim is a great way to add some realism to your flights.
  4. Hi! The GTN 750 is a great GPS navigator, but it does require an up-to-date AIRAC cycle in order to function properly. If you're using an outdated AIRAC cycle, the autopilot may not be able to follow the magenta line on your flight plan.
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