So based on my experience uptill now I have some suggestions/things I hope for. I want to see a different version of the plane. This video runs down exactly everything in a da-42 VI
So what do I hope for?
GFC 700 digital autopilot integration in the G1000 and the fuel pumps in the place where it is supposed to be (where the autopilot is now).
If possible I hope for them to have the weather radar in there aswel.
Here you can see the use of that (same youtuber same aircraft) As this is for learning purposes it will be good to learn to deal with all the bells and whistles of this plane.
Aswell I hope to have the engine test integrated. Maybe the final suggestion is too much but as we say in holland if you dont shoot you always miss. The TKS system working with some kind of simulation.
These are the same things I wanted in the alabeo da-42. They do not have it implemented aswell. I know it is stated this one is different but as of now it is exact the same model with the same system and functionality.
Well those are my 5c, What do you think?