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Pilot In Command V2

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Guest Agamemnon

RandyLMAO You`re just getting mad because you think I have lumped in the NG with the other airliner addons that have come around since PIC got released being chocked full of BUGS.Thats so cute.;)You are also correct as there was not one glaring nasty should have been fixed before release bug in PIC.Can you say the same about the NG?Now I`m not going to get into this any deeper with you because I won`t debate with another developer`s attack dog on this forum but if you want to continue via email you can contact me at troywins@usa.comIn the final analisys I believe that the LDS developers have the best chance for a smooth trouble free release as they do have a good record in my eyes.Oh and for the record I don`t expect perfection and I`m sure there will be the odd little thing might get through.That is what I consider normal.I just want to add that rationalizing poor workmanship is just plain tacky even if you are a betatester and have a vested interest in a project.Good Luck LDS/TestersTroy

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Guest prichards

Of course there will be bugs in 767picv2! Most bugs get found out after the release because the beta testers are limited to there own custom PC's. its not until the product is released on hundreds or even thousands of PC's that most bugs start to show up. I also can't wait for the 767 and I'm sure it will be right up there with others link PMDG!

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Guest toothpic

Will these bugs be Beta, Gold or Platinum Bugs???????This is very important to me, I have previously searched the forum and found no reference to any multicoloured bugs.. therefore I demand an answer.......KevBTW for those with no sense of humour this is a sarcastic post ( Dont flame ME!!)BBTW If you have no sense of humour why are you reading this pointless thread anyway... Question, When will it be done???Answer When its finished!!

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>Gold, Platinum, Alpha, BetaI heard Wade the other day say something to the effect of,"My God, we've gone plaid!" I am of course assuming this is beyond Gold as very few have ever gone plaid. The only other time I have ever seen this before was in Spaceballs.:-lol




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Guest Chris_Tripp

Nice to see a bit of "tongue in cheek" stuff (..Kev)....seems all developmental forums have their resident dickheads (Sorry for the bluntness... but geez.. will they NEVER get the message that "what will be, will be" and NOT before its released... and WHEN it's ready)..New product zen....1. Don't ask when it will be released, trust me, they WILL tell us.2. I suspect it's a tad too late to be asking for added features..3. What features it does include I dare say will be included in the manuals, which will come WHEN it is released.If'n you're like minded on this subject, hop over to the PMDG Forum (they're suffering the same woe's as here) and read the "Pogo Stick" thread. It's bloody hilarious. and soooo to the point. Only prob being, the people it's taking the mick out of, probably won't get it!

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Guest toothpic

Maybe they are speed bugs????????????? :-yellow1 Kev :D

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I don't think that we are flight simmers at all. We get so many new addons and patches that we become PC administrators and experts on changing config files to try and boost the system performance just a little bit more. All 767PICv2 is going to do is get us to spend another $35 or whatever the price is, install it, rave about it for a week and then spend the rest of the year trying to configure the system to get it to run just a bit faster, with better graphics, sound, scenery etc.Flight simmers get great jobs in IT because of this.Must go and get a faster processor because my FPS has dropped to 15 and that JUST IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I need to check out the forums to find the 16,000 tweaks that will make it better baby.Maybe we are all just crazy nutheads.Rgds, John

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>2. I suspect it's a tad too late to be asking for added>features..I can assure you that the forum is read, and ideas gleaned from the various requests for features. :)


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First of all Troy, lets not bring other sims into this discussion but since you needed to go personal to defend such slipups in posting... Now I will say PIC was in fact very very good at it's release. In fact better than any other sim of it's type. A tribute to the team's dedication and effort. Many factors come into play in this particualr regard, foremost was TIME spent, something *another* developer had to learn the HARD WAY. Anyways as it stands now it certainly holds it's own with as many rewards and more users than most other add-ons. But back to the point of your original post, you implied that it was almost PERFECT which in reality is totally false. Ask Tero since you seem to be unaware of things not *perfect*. Again this goes back to what a person regards as a BUG. PIC and every other software program is FAR FROM PERFECTION. But then again how much perfection can one desire for under 50 bucks? This is not directed towards PIC but ALL software. You can make claims but no matter how long someone tests there will always be something that can be done better or missed altogether or just not modelled the way it should be. Even full motion lacks in some areas. Maybe your perfection standard is different than others'? I was pretty #### happy with the latest PIC, would still be happy with THAT version in FS9! So just because I believe your post was a bit silly does not MEAN that I thought PIC was. I seriously hope you don't equate you freebie version of testing with PIC's greatness..Randy

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Guest Agamemnon

RandyFirst of all I do respect your knowledge in these matters and understand where you are coming from as to the position that you are taking.I would also like to apologise for my remark about you being an attack dog but you come across in such a way as to lead people to believe you to be a little too intense in your enthusiasm let`s say.Now on to what I meant as far as the release of the original version of PIC being released in a near repeat near perfect state.As far as I was concerned I was able to the best of my ability (Not holding an ATP Lic)follow a complete flow from preflight to shutdown without any undo incident with failures disabled.The only exceptions to this as far as my knowledge was concerned were the following.1.Pitot heat was inop2.AP loc capture was iffy at best at high intercept angles/speeds3.sid/star selection was problematic as far as avaiable mem was concerned resulting in very poor perfomance.Now Randy this is just from my own take on the release of the original v1 of PIC and to the best of my knowledge otherwise I was able to fly the plane acording to the supplied data with little or no incident.Now when I started to fly the NG in comparision I could not follow a flow like I could with PIC and unless you are in denial you would have to agree and you would have to see the NG was unfit to fly at the time of release in comparison with PIC.But that is not the whole story as between the release of PIC and the NG there came the DF 734 which was as bad if not worse than the NG in regards to system fidelity and fuctionality at release compared to PIC.I guess that is what has shaped my thinking as to what has been my experience with complex addons to date and why I think so much of the developers that are designing v2 as we speak.To be honest with you Randy I truly wish I could say the same thing about PMDG as the NG is ok to fly and I fly it often as I am in 2004 and Picv1 is not an option but they from my point of view did not give it the time before release to let be what it could be in my eyes.Now I know you`re an ok guy because I`ve seen you around way before PMDG came into FS so take it easy on yourself will you as it is obvious that you are getting tense and I mean that sincerely as this is just a hobby afterall and it is`nt worth one pound in bloodpressure believe me.Happy Holidays to you And YoursTroyJust a note that the DF734 was not in the same league as PIC/PMDGNG but a compairision of simulated systems as advertised.

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Hey Troy maybe I was a bit harsh in my reply to you. I don't have anything against you or your help on PIC. Wade and company know that I have always held PIC in a special light. This is a good time, a time to look forward to PIC finally in fs9, not something that I want to cause a rift in the forum over my opinions. So I know you all do your best, it was good enough for me last time and will exceed my expectations this time around too!*Peace*Best Wishes,[h4]Randy J. Smith[/h4]http://www.rawbw.com/~bdoolin/shinault/southparkcartmad.gif[h3]PMDG 747![/h3]Caution! Not a real pilot, but do play one on TV ;-)ASUS KV8 DLX | AMD 3200 64 | 1 GIG PC 3200 DDR | GIGABYTE 5700 ULTRA | ViewSonic VP192b 19" |

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