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Guest Coneman

Well, maybe if you didn't come in here with the attitude that your view point is the only one that matters, you might get a more congenial response. I dunno, just something to think about about.Todd

Guest flightpro08

Ahhhhhh.... cool your engines boys. I don't know about a lot of ppl here, but I like being around planes (watching landings, takeoffs, from the terminal), it's just nice. FS2002 (and its addons) with all its nice exterior models, does also include Cockpits, Virtual Cockpit. If you don't like the spot view, you are free not to use it. If you'd like to watch thru the spot view (or wing view), FS2002 is nice enough. If you only like addons with virtual cockpits thats your business, but to a sense, its the freeware aircraft designer's business whether he/she chooses to make a wing view or great model.I would also like to add, that i respect different opinion, like yours. My opinion is ppl enjoy eye candy, because if FS was striped to the minimum to be as real as it gets with only a great VC or cockpit, then it would look like this. (clue: blue is the sky)


Hey Cas,I enjoy your input around here, keep it up. As one who has read your posts, I assume you did not mean to offend. However, the way your first post was written could be seen as putting down wing views and those that like them. It seemed somewhat, shall we say, aggressive. I am not supprised at the response you have received, though as I have already said, I don't think your initial post came across the way you intended. I enjoy the occassional wing view from a passenger jet as well, as that is the only view I will ever be able to experience in real life.Tony


Well I for one, being a real pilot, would choose to see both hehe. I'd only go for a VC if the designer was able to create a stunning, realistic 3D model, and not something like a basic 2d BMP interia backdrop.Since Fs2000 especially, i used those wing view quite often. Now that designers are starting to incoporate them into their Fs2002 designs, I'm enjoying using them just as much, but now they come in even more detail.I like using these wing views, because it adds something relative to relate to against the background, and adds a greater sense of speed.That's one thing we need in FS, something we fly to relate our speed to the background, instead of just looking e.g. down or to the left with the ground just whizzing by or from IAS.I've always been one for detail and accuracy, so i tend to go in the direction of the wing views, because a/c modelling and textures are quite realistic now, so a wing view is quite realistic. VC are getting better, every shape and texture starting to look like the real thing, but this aspect is still quite new and still could be improved - just like virtual cabins.In short... Keep the wing views. You view your flights from different view points (ie. if only the cockpit, this makes it abit boring) eg. you can how smooth your landing was from a passenger perspective which is an encouraging thing, see the wing bounce up and down adding realism..... etc.The next thing will be condensation above the wings, then you won't have anything to complain about!CheersWill


Seems from a previous discussion on this topic that the real pilots on this forum preferred them. From that I gather that those that don't actually fly think that looking out the cockpit view (whether VC or 2D) is like really flying, I guess. (Of course, some non-flyers also liked wing views). Seriously though: If wing views being added detracted from some part of the simming experience (like you couldn't have a VC), then I could understand that people wouldn't want them. And yes, some folks are most likely making a commmercial killing out of having them, but that's just business. So- why not just avoid looking at the wing views if you don't like them? Personally, I find them a blast. As I can't relate to actually flying a big jet, but can at being a pax (read "wing viewer") in one, there's something nice about seeing the wing in FS. Maybe it's just that I'm too tired from work when I get home :)Bruce.KBJC, Jeffco, CO


>I'd diffenitly choose a VC over wing views anyday. I'm >beginning to think some people treat FS2k2 as an eye-candy >sim rather than a flight sim. :-roll >I treat "eye candy" with just as much importance as panels and flight dynamics. If it wasn't for eye candy (looking out the window), I'd never have taken up "real" flight in the first place!VC's, wing views, and more animated parts for exteriors, are just fine with me!!!!!L.Adamson


sure you did not say word "useless" but that is impression I got from reading this:"...but please, wing views? "Well it does read with a note of sarcasm, insinuating that wing views are "poor" "not needed" "..what's the point"... (not your words) my interpretation of your post ONLY.Anyway I don't mean to argue with anybody here hell...I DO NOT GIVE A S__T !!!What is important is that there are people who make aircraft, give it to us here for free and so lets enjoy them.If I was desining aircraft and made wing views instead of VC cockpit, because I would think I can't do it right, I would feel little insulted by comment "...but please, wing views?"Also you are prabobally talking about some comercial add-on aircraft.. then I understand your dislike in the fact that they would include wingviews not virtual cockpit. I myself do not buy comercial products for the aircraft so I don't care... I bought 777-200-PRO by phoenix and the 767-300 from Wilco, but for the Panel only... (never liked their aircraft visualwise) I think POSKY makes way nicer aircraft then any comercial product I saw so far.So yes I agree if you are looking to buy the 330 you talking about then it would be crap to buy it and they made wingviews.. well I wouldn't buy it with wingviews even though I like them, but I would sure buy it with virtual cockpit!My post was originally thinking you are talking about freeware aircraft and I think any negative comments about freeware and not fare... freeware should never get any negative said about it.. unless it's dengerous to your computer cuz someone doesn't know how to make software.. well that would be exception.We lost already too many good falks to this...Andy


On my very first flight years ago I ever took on a 150 the first thing the instructor did was have me look to the left wing and judge my attitude angle of the wing and the horizon. The second step of Lazy eights which is a maneuver required for the commercial ticket I am working on now is:"Fly crosswind and select an upwind reference point abeam the wing tip"How about turns about a point or eights-on-pylons and other aerobatic manuevers?Pretty hard to do without a wing-and for prescision maneuvers I prefer working with the 2d over the virtual.So for me, having a wing view is very important. There is no reason both a 2d and 3d view cannot both be included-we did on our deb for this very reason.http://members.telocity.com/~geof43/Geofdog2.gif

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