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Geezzzz, how many times do I have to say it, I HAVE BOTH, AM RUNNING BOTH and like wxRE Better for the above stated reasons. If you want a more in-depth review that pretty much is just a bunch of words, I'm sure someone will provide it for you soon ;-0(

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Guest WorkingStiff

Actually what you said was that you had a problem with Marc over installing FS Meteo on multiple computers. So its understandable that you are probably biased against FS Meteo in the first place.


Well, that is understood, but since I still have a working version of FS Meteo (5.1) I went into this open-minded, just read my posts in the wxRE forum today. With that said and as I said on the thread I started, my first impression is wxRE is a winner and I'm glad I purchased it. I still have FS Meteo and will continue to compare them.

Guest WorkingStiff

hmmmm....I just checked the FS Meteo website and the current version is 5.2. I didn't know ActiveSky had a forum; I'll check the posts there...thanks.


hmmmm....I just checked the FS Meteo website and the current version is 5.2. LOL, exactly my point! ;-) I can't get the upgrade becasue he doesn't shoe me in his "database" even though I purchased through simmarket.com With that said, I'm glad I didn't get it as two people that fly with me online have had all sorts of trouble with 5.2 (weird,wacky berometor reading, i.e. 32.84) and complete "Grey" outs, not white outs due to bad visibility.Anyway, as I said before, I'm happy with wxRE and appreciate the support so far (not that I've needed it yet) ;-) But at least they have a forum ;-)


err, it's late, that should read "show" not shoe ;-)


SteveJones or somebody else... On what settings do you usually run FS Skyworld and Active Sky?I haven't been confident how actually the FS Skyworld works... does it consider what kind of weather Active Sky is updating to the FS?So if it's light clouds when departing and when later on Active Sky changes weather to thunderstorms, does the FS Skyworld notice this and install automatically the thunderstorm cloudset...I have tried to understand this by looking information about this in these forums and elsewhere... There has been some explanation how FS Skyworld works, but i guess i'm a little bit "homer" ;-) because i still don't get it...So, can somebody recomend what kind of settings to use in FS Skyworld program when running Active Sky at the same time? Thanks!-HJ-


Sounds good to me. Price and PayPal makes it attractive for me.QUESTION: I have installed the demo for FsMeteo and used it a few times. Newer got beyond that. What do I need to do to remove the demo? I killed the exe by renaming it to Xexe. Are there some dlls I should also cull out to purge the system of FsMeteo?Thanks,BobThe FAQs for the TB20Gt are loacted here http://mtco.com/~rsam/FAQs.htmWe R [email protected] us make it better!http://mtco.com/~rsam/fartslogo.jpg11/23/02


HJ-Here's my understanding of it. wxRE does not automatically install cloud textures, it uses whatever cloud sets are already installed in FS2002. If using with FSSWSe, you must first select and install the cumulus, high/mid level and thunderstorm set you wish to use (I believe during wxRE beta testing, or possibly in the final manual, there is some caution about using FSSWSe V-Sky....I'll have to check). My impression is some testers like FSSWSE better, some default, depending on the type of weather they are trying to simulate. So, unless you have FSSWSe updating cloud sets randomly during your flight, the set you start with will be the types of clouds used by wxRE for that particular flight. And regarding your question about transitioning from light clouds to thunderstorm, yes wxRE will sense this from what is reported in the METAR and TAF, and then simulate.....both types of clouds are installed and available in whichever cloud sets you are using. HTH, Steve J.


Regarding wxRE vs. FS Meteo, as a beta tester of wxRE and owner of FS Meteo 5.2 I'll share my 2 cents worth.There are some comparsions referenced above and in another thread. I think both programs are very good -- here are the main advantages for ME of each.I believe wxRE has made a nice attempt, within the limitations of FS2002, to improve the dynamic nature of weather. It looks at TAFs and calculates weather changes when this is not provided by the METARs. It simulates wake turbulence (though because of my type of flying lately I haven't personally tested this out thoroughly). I like the updates it gives me during flight on upper level winds and weather at the destination airport. The manual is very complete and educational. I think it will continue to get even better, although as a new program, it will probably experience a bug here and there along the way (however the beta test program involved a bunch of people to help minimize this).FSMeteo 5.2 has been rock solid for me and is a mature program. One thing I find more convenient with FSMeteo is the "Decode Local" button which translates the local weather into plain English. I'll have to say, however, after going through the wxRE Aviation Weather Guide in the manual, with detailed description of how to read METAR and TAF reports, this decoding is less important, but still is convenient.This is in no way a complete comparison...but just some of the main features that I find attractive in both excellent programs.Regards, Steve J. KHEF


afraid for me Active sky wxRE is a resounding NO! as i can't get past the e-commerce server to buy it...........something about an error in the information i submitted..........tried two separate credit cards.......never encountered this problem before.........shouldn't e-commerce be easy and user-friendly??.....got me well and truly browned-off and turning my gaze in the direction of fsmeteo............alan d kerr


Thanks Steve! Ok, now i start to get the picture! I previously thought, that only one FSSWSE cloudset-category is used at the time for all types of weather situations in FS2002. I will try and install one set for each cloud category before starting FS2002 (cumulus, high/mid level and thunderstorm sets you mentioned - I actually didn't notice those blue category buttons at all :-shy )... Ok, then the Active Sky will allways use those installed FSSWSE-cloudsets when weather is changing in the FS2002, no matter what kind of weather is currently on...Currently i have got kind of odd-looking clouds with combination of Active Sky and FSSWSE, clear blue skies and tiny very dark puffy-clouds... at least it seemed a little bit wrong in my point of view but i will install all the clouds again and will do some experimenting! Active Sky itself has been working like a charm... just hadn't had cool clouds with FSSWSE yet!Thanks for help!


Well my initial post before I went to bed :-eek was to simply state that I had bought the program-immediately tried it in some very changable weather in my area (low ceilings and no precip-to even different ceilings and snow) and found it works very well in duplicating these.I do own fs meteo but never bothered to upgrade to the latest version so I can't possibly compare the two-but it looks like there are threads elsewhere that do this.However the one compare that is readily apparent is price-unless I have the wrong info it looks like active sky costs about 1/2 as much as fsmeteo....http://members.telocity.com/~geof43/Geofdog2.gif


I've gotten a little deaper into the program and love it more than I did yesterday ;-)Ability to see the winds aloft forcasts for your entire route of flight (Very nice for flight planning). Detailed metars of any reporting station along your route of flight (determined by your current location and your destination automatically, or you can also add additiona metar stations if you wish by typing them in kind of like you type in waypoints during fight planning).Exportable to Flight Max if you are using that (nice for the weather radar to be accurate).No weather display window like FS Meteo (which you have to pay separatly for by the way ;-) However includes "Flightwatch" Very nice you can tune your "comm" radio to 122.0 and receive updated info of your present loction and your destination. That's almost as good as the weather window and really more realistic. It's the same as tuning to a FSS station in the real world.Ability to create your own custom metars...Kind of kool to type in a 80 knot crosswind ;-) Then the ability to save this metar to recall at a later time.All-in-all a very nice product that I'm very happy I purchased. Great job ActiveSky!!!Now off for some lightning ;-)

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