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Guest Collezio

VERO Flight Simulation Environments Lab., NEW ERA for FSX ?

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Guest GabrieleC

:( I just realized I made a big mistake in the area size of the first release. It is 38.153 sq.km (not 16.000) = 14.731 sq.milesThis means that the production speed with today's single PCs is 40.000 sq.km every 2 weeks (not 20.000)

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Typos in some of the above math have confused things. LCSims, you said "CONUS has 3,121 sq. miles" when obviously you meant 3,121 thousand sq miles. tf51d, you took the 5 gigs per 1000 sq miles, which was for all 5 seasons, and multiplied it again by 5.So there are about 3 million sq miles in the CONUS. And 1 gig per 1000 sq miles per season sounds about right. I currently have done 2000 sq miles of NM for one season at just over 2 gigs. 5 seasons plus 1 night, which should compile down to a much smaller size gives us about 6 gigs per 1000 miles. Multiply by 3000 to get the CONUS and you have 18 terabytes for final BGL product. Is that about right?Currently my source material for one season is coming it at about 50 gigs for my 2000 sq miles of NM, or 25 gigs per 1000 sq miles. That would be 75 terabytes for the CONUS for ONE season. Multiplied by 5 is nearly 400 terabytes.I probably messed something up. Please correct me if I did.

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Guest GabrieleC

Our next release is 38.153 sq.km (14.731sq.miles) = 21GB (only summer and night)the complete package is spring/simmer (one single variation) + fall + winter + har dwinter

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Yes Jeron you are missing something. What you are missing is something that maybe we have to find the way to communicate better as we want everybody to understand what it is. Ok let me try here...
Ooooooooookay, NOW we are talking!!! Thanks for your lenghty post! I did read the Why-vero page of your site, but this post made it much more clear what's really happening and what you mean with that 'new era'. Also the extra information you shared about 3D and the pricing was very interesting! You are right about having to find a way to communicate better: I am just a normal guy who knows his way around 'FS-land'; I am not an expert but I am also certainly not someone who just bought the FSX-box and never looked at anything else after that. I am just a VERY interested FS-customer (and I have been so for about 20 years by now). Well, so if someone like me reacts to the given information (on your site and in posts here) like I did in this topic, then you can be sure others will react like that too...! Now most people would just leave it for what it was and move on (without actual reacting), but since I am always interested in 'new era's', I posted what I posted (call it honest, blunt or whatever you want :( ). I am glad this resulted in your lengthy post, and hey, maybe one day you will thank me for being so open and blunt :( because now you may realize not everyone simply falls for 'the new era' line: you need to communicate (a lot) and realize that new customers do not know what you know. :( Anyway, thanks for the answers (no need to get into it all again, because you made yourself pretty clear now). Now I will keep an even closer eye on what you are going to produce and I most certainly will give your first release a try! (See how easy it can be to attract new customers? Just be friendly and ultra-clear and don't just shout 'Here's the new era!' B) B) )The only thing that bothers me now is how I am going to get 21 Gb of data on my FSX-computer using the internet... Also, the info says "Just unzip the files in the AddOns scenery folder": will it be possible to unzip it all on another drive than the one that holds FSX? I suppose so, but I'd like to be sure.

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Guest GabrieleC

No no no you've been a very very bad bad boy in your previous posts. :) Too much negativity toward something you didn't know.But, like I said, it may be true we had to communicate better what VERO is all about.Anyway, I am glad to see you like this now and yes, you can store those BGL anywhere you want (external HD, USB, etc). You only need to add the new scenery in the scenery library.You need to download all in separate files. It takes a while, I know. Or you can have everything delivered via regualr mail or FedEx. We ship from both USA and Italy so if you are in the US, shipment won't be that high. But if you live in Redding, just ring Dan's bell and tell him I send you to him :)I saw you have registered to the site and download Shasta. Let us know what you think. Oh don't forget to see the night in hard winter. :(

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I saw you have registered to the site and download Shasta. Let us know what you think. Oh don't forget to see the night in hard winter. :(
Yes, that was me. :( I just installed the summer textures for starters (I think Niagara will be my next test). What's the resolution of Shasta? It certainly doesn't look as highres as the SF-Bay preview. Even at 2000 ft agl it doesn't look as sharp as the screenshots of that one. Guess it's better (for everyone) if I wait for a high-res version with autogen of one of your products before I say what I think of it. :(EDIT:I like Niagara more, mainly because it has more color (talking about the summer textures here). With Shasta I have the idea a black and white picture was used and only one kind of green (very blue-ish) was used to color the trees. Still, even at Niagara I only begin to like it at at least 3000 ft agl. But again, there is no autogen and no 3D buildings (at least not new ones that fit the scenery), so the disadvantages of photoreal textures are still very obvious to me. Sometimes, when you look at something from the right angle, you get the impression it's almost real, but more often it keeps looking odd. I'm anxious to see a demo with autogen (and even more anxious to see that new 3D you talked about! :( ).EDIT 2:Tried two winter textures from Niagara (the 1st version wasn't included in the rar?). Let's just say I am not impressed... I think it's better for those who are interested why I am not impressed, to download the Niagara demo for themselves. Right now I don't think it's doable to make realistic season variations by editing textures only. I think I will wait until this the following is realized:
Man... fasten your seatbelt... this is not about having some 3D objects. It is about having complete REAL cities with REAL buildings, REAL walkways, REAL light poles, REAL parks, REAL everything in FSX. (...)Anyway, don't take this as a promise. We still don't know if we will be able to do it. It's an yes 80% at the moment. It's something that doesn't make me sleep at night, believe me.

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Guest GabrieleC

That was how Shasta area was. No BW, no colored trees. Just image optimization. I don't like that area either as there is not many colors. SF is a lot better as you can see by looking at the pics.Shasta is at 1mt/pixel. If you don't like it at 2000 agl, then don't go for photoreal my friend. It's just not for you. I have emails of guys crazy for how they liked that area at 500feet so... I think you are too far from that :)Hi-res (30cm/pixel) in SF area will be only areas around the 6 main international airports. The rest is either 1mt/pixel original or 30cm/pix resampled to 1mt/pix.My opinion, as simmer, about the different resolutions is that 30cm pix is usless as when you are below 600" you are either in approach or take off so... not much time to look out of the window. Plus, the autogen will hide the textures are that height so... simply useless. But this is my opinion as a simmer. The 30cm/pixel areas (real, not resampleed to 1mt) are there just because I wanted to test the loading speed while flying over it. My PC is not the end of the world and so the loading speed is not enough to load it. Only super i7 PCs will handle perfectly the 30cm/pixel, uless you take off from those airports so you will have the textures loaded for sure. Anyway, those are separate BGL files so you can enable or disable at will, like e separate scenery.There won't be any demo with autogen. Just the pics.NIAGARA - I am sorry you didn't like it: :(I think you are not going to be a photoreal lover, even with the 3D you are waiting for. Anyway, thanks for the questions yesterday. It helped me to unplug my brain from developpment and think more "marketing and communication". That allowed me to develop some ideas about ways to communicate better on our site what we really do/are.G

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For me it is always which matches reality the best right now. I have always loved photoscenery but I have to admit orbx pnw is the best for me right now because they seamlessly seem to blend generic textures and photo textures in a believable way.Until they get the other areas of the US/World the next best for me is photoscenery-and of course the hugely increased perfromance using photoscenery gives is also a nice side product. I currently have almost the whole US done with a combo of Sim Savvy and LC sims products.It is all personal preference of course.Here are a couple shots of Mt. Shasta from my aircraft-compare to the default fs and then photoscenery and decide which does the best justice. (I have some shots of Niagra falls somewhere too but it was a little far away for the shot to be of use in a compare).I find Mountains,deserts, and areas with lots of man made/natural phenomena in photoscenery is usually spectacular-cities and metropolitan areas usually not as much-though if you want to fly over a particular landmark very useful. GabrieleC-looking forward to see your end product!

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Guest GabrieleC

Hi there!What photoreal scenry is the second picture from? Sim Savvy?

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Hi there!What photoreal scenry is the second picture from? Sim Savvy?
Real aircraft scenery :(

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Guest GabrieleC

Ah ok. I understood they were 2 shots, one from real life and the otherone from FSX. :(:) Sorry!

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Ah ok. I understood they were 2 shots, one from real life and the otherone from FSX. :( :) Sorry!
Here is one of flying over near the falls..(real again).

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Guest GabrieleC

Wow! I whish I was there with you!Geof, if you have more US areas...please send it to me! I really need it as refenrece and also I can use them to make screenshots in FSX to compare it to real life.By the way... In July I'll be in NC to get my PPL... come fly with me! :(

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Wow! I whish I was there with you!Geof, if you have more US areas...please send it to me! I really need it as refenrece and also I can use them to make screenshots in FSX to compare it to real life.By the way... In July I'll be in NC to get my PPL... come fly with me! :(
Good luck on the training-sounds like a good way to go!

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Hi,For me the best compromise for photoscenery in terms of quality, size, performance and price is Simsavvy. Right now, for less than 200 $ you get Arrizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, washington, Wyoming, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New york, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode island, Virginia, Vermont, West virginia on a 5000GB hard disk driveAlabama, Florida, georgia, North carolina, south carolina, mississipi and I believe Michigan will be offrered as free upgrades by june 1st.Here is a screenshot of Vermont (clouds added by Active sky/ REX):

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