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Guest wathomas777

What's really sad is that I am definitely hooked.Even if I wanted to, I can't seriously fly with FS98 and get any real enjoyment out of it. FS2000 just didn't work well on my system. FS2002 is still the best out there, but now that I have a taste of those clouds, it's really hard to go back.


Thunderstruck / Streetgang,I agree with both of you. I especially like the 'mouthpiece types' comment. ;-)


Hi Vortex,You got it exactly right !!!!I thought that I should do the modest approach in my resignation. But you completed all my thoughts. ;-)Each point in your examples, is right on the spot. I couldn




Staffan;Your departure is a definate loss to the entire Flight Simming World. You and your work will be missed by many including myself.My only hope is that someday you may recinsider, for the benefit of the true flight simmers who appreciate your work, and return to those who admire you.


I too am depressed about the state of things in the community as well. As everyone probably knows by now. :-)Unfortunately I love sim flying too much to quit, can't afford to take up real flying. So I decided it was time to start planning and building my own home cockpit.:-jumpySteve


Oh cut the crap people. Yep...there are also another "trends." People expect instant gratification. It doesn't matter if the company that they ordered from may be having problems, such as overloaded servers due to a popular and anticipated product. I mentioned LAGO in previous posts to Ahlberg because they are without doubt a reputable company, but have had server problems in the past. I've see at least two instances over the years of people complaining about not getting their purchase immediately. The other "trend" is to post on other forums, here and on FLIGHTSIM rather than the developer's own, which would be the proper thing to do. Sure, their forums may be inaccessible for the same reason as stated above, but just give it a few hours.Not only LAGO, but FSD, and others, have been subject to the same sort of abuse. Ahlberg is just as guilty as those he complains about. I'm guessing that he has received his A310 by now, what he was complaining about in the first place. Another "trend" is to be a "drama queen," announce your departure from flight simming, and suck up all the plaintive begging for you to stay. Those that do so, with a few exceptions, are just as bad as the people that they complain about. Well guess what? Most of them will be back, including Ahlberg. For those of you who want to leave, just do so, disappear and forget the dramatics.


Not bad. It took 20 posts for the first Clueless One to show up.

Intel 10700K @ 5.1Ghz, Asus Hero Maximus motherboard, Noctua NH-U12A cooler, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB 3200 MHz RAM, RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, 100TB of disk storage. Klaatu barada nickto.

Guest Speedbird1

W2DR - I bet you edited that response to Edam about a 1,000 times to make it postable...;) This is what I came up with :-erks

Guest Terblanche

StaffanFunny thing just happen - I posted a message in this forum on the topic of GREED a week or so ago and I can not find it. It must have been deleted ... I wanted to give you the link!Anyway - this has been my concern for a long time now. Full credit to so many people like you who have done a wonderful contribution to our hobby for free. (Too many names to mention)Full credit to so many payware designers and programmers who do a fantastic job and for who I do not mind to give dollars, pounds and euros (too many names to mention) BUT ... you are right Staffan: too many attitudes; too much greed; too easy to assume; driven by greed and ruled by hedonism - and that's exactly the reason why places like Kazaa, E-mule, E-donkey and private forums will grow and the two evils will destroy this community - for what is left of it.Of the topic: (I'm really asking for this message to be deleted, am I)It's much like we complain about the heat in Europe but we do not mind to pollute our air to such an extend that our whole ecology is that horrible f word ... I mean GLOBAL WARMING is the biggest Weapon of Mass Destruction and we simple do not care!Same with the trend in our flight community. The joy of our priorities have shifted to such an extend that we have abandon our maintenance on our aircraft as long as the customers pay - we will fly and de hell with the checks on engines, wings, fuel and crew!Enough!! Let me shut my mouth. You will be missed but I truly understand exactly what you mean.T


Thank you Edam,Although you are sure to be flamed by a few loudmouths, you are absolutely right. There is far too many expectations by the "free" comunity. I don't understand this mentality, but I guess it's just the sign of the times. This comunity was much better in the past not because there were less payware publishers, but because people didn't complain and didn't have high expectations of freeware releases. When freeware was released, they accepted it with gratitude.Now freeware is EXPECTED on regular basis. When released it better be bug free and have all of the bells and whistles of the payware offerings. Never mind that the payware is developped over a long time by some very knowledgeable and talented GROUPS of people, who got tired of being expected to donate their time and talents.Wake up people, the payware released these days is state of the art, and not something someone can slap together in an evening or two.There is still plenty of freeware out there, even with Ahlberg gone, for all of you who don't wish to buy addons. So quit your crying, people, and go create some freeware, so people can ooh and ahh over you too!Pete S.Just my opinion, if you don't like it, you'll get over it! :-)

Pete S.

10th gen CPU I7-10700K, MSI MPG Z490 Gaming Edge MB, RAM 32GB Corsair Vengeance RGB-DDR4 3600, 

2X 1TB Sabrent Rocket Q M.2 Nvme SSD. Enermax RGB CPU Liquid Cooler.(Still waiting on Evga RTX 3080 Video)


A few things to say here, as a member in good standing also since the sub-LOGIC days, but first I would like to offer a sincere thanks to Edam for his post. You have without a doubt proven our point ("our" being the point that the other 99.9% of the people have made in this thread) about why Staffan and so many other good people are leaving this hobby in an incredibly clear and undeniable way. By the way, are you a history major? If not, get someone to explain just how much people like Staffan have done for FREE so that you might enjoy this hobby as it is now. It isn't MS that's advanced panels and aircraft as far as it has - it is the freeware developers like Staffan. Anyway, I digress.Staffan, as someone who has admired your work and had to pleasure to converse with you the odd time, I am extremely sorry to see you bailing. I'd like to tell you to stick around, but you may find yourself a party of one insofar as the "old guard" goes. I've considered bailing myself, and suspect that FS9 will be my last version of FS. Mind you, my leaving won't leave so much as a ripple in the proverbial pond. Your's, and a number of others before you that have left, will leave something akin to a Tsunami. Your's was the first realistic 737-200 panel ever produced, and it was extremely good, nevermind the technological limits of FS98. I hope you'll stay, but no one that understands things like respect for others, selflessness and true community spirit could blame you. It is interesting that it appears as though most of the folks who have posted to this thread are from "the old days" when such spirit existed. It is true that things evolve, and sometimes not for the better. The FS "community" (if one can call it that anymore) is most definitely not a "kinder, gentler" society. That is a shame because it stifles good debate and thus learning, and thus again, advancement. I, like most of the "older generation" (of which I am one, I guess), here have had many a good debate with other members over flight dynamics, instrument placement, etc., and while we sometimes were at total odds with the other person's point of view, we always kept our respect for each other in both our posts and our minds. This is something that is fast disappearing as the "new generation" moves in. One poster mentioned that it is more "gamers" now than simmers (or words to that effect), and I believe he has hit the nail right on the head. I have seen more flames in the past year than I did in the first 7 years on these forums (of various types), and rarely do the flamers advance anything in the hobby by their actions, unlike even heated debates of the past did. Indeed, I suspect most flamers don't know who people like Staffan are, and worse, don't really care. They want what they want, when they want it, and don't give a damn about the hours and hours of sacrifice and hard work that has gone into some of these projects, thus hold no respect for the people that made it happen in the first place. Insofar as the payware packages out there - I wonder how many of those would be possible today without the knowledge that was gained by people such as Staffan and freely passed on to other members of the community so that they might advance the hobby. Now that knowledge is being used to make money from, without so much as a thanks going out to the individuals who made it possible in the first place. How many programs made money from using FSUIPC, which was freeware (and still is for most users) for all that time? Quite a number.The points made about some payware developers are ones I agree totally with. Many payware people are very good at customer support and for a few bucks will give you years and years of outstanding service. Others are exactly the opposite, yet you get flamed if you object. On one payware company's site, I saw quite a number of posts expounding on how wonderful this product was over and over. Just a few minor bugs, like the airplane didn't fly at all right, the panel didn't work and there were serious texture problems, but hey, this was the best FS aircraft ever produced. Excuse me??? Just what was so great about it with all those things wrong! I never saw Staffan, or Fred, or Don, or Milton, or any freeware developer for that matter, produce something with that many flaws in it upon release! Some people seem to develop this sense of loyalty to someone they've paid money out to for an FS add-on. That's fine when it is warranted, but an airplane that doesn't fly right, doesn't look right and doesn't work is not the best add-on ever produced for FS, at least not in my books. But just try to point this out, no matter how carefully worded the post might be, and duck! (no I wasn't one of the ones who tried to debate that issue! I saw what was happening to others and decided it wasn't worth the abuse they were taking).What is happening here is a genuine shame, but it is a trend I fear is irreversible. It is of no consolation, but notable nevertheless, that one other forum for a totally different game than any flight simulation, I visited today, is probably 10 times worse than any FS forum that I've seen for idiotic and immature responses to legitimate questions. If I were the moderator/owner of that forum, I'd be shutting it down or spending most of my day deactivating accounts. There is simply no excuse for that kind of behaviour at all. Here, too many potentially great simmers disappear before they get beyond newbie status because of the treatment they get from a relatively few babies who can't cope when someone disagrees with them or posts something that strikes them the wrong way. That's bad. It's worse when the people who have paid their dues and deserve all the respect and thanks in the world for what we have today, call it a day. I saw a response or two to Staffan over the A300 issue and was appalled by it. If only those posters knew of whom they were talking to. Then again, maybe they wouldn't care anyway. A world without respect. Scary.Glenn

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