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Some dll´s you might need.

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Regarding Win7 64 systems: This is probable old news for most of you, but if there are anyone out there who missed this it might be of some help. I have played with the NGX some time now, and I have yet to experience any CTD (knock wood). My suspicion is that putting these dll files into the FSX root folder will actually increase overall stability. This is not scientifically proven though...but it wont hurt either. The reason for my claim is that before getting hold of these dlls, I would experience CTD with 90% predictability when fiddling with FMC on the MD-11. And after I put these into the FSX folder I could no longer produce CTD no matter what I did with the FMC (even adding lots of various FIX points witch was a guaranteed killer). So here are the files: msvcp71.dll (version. 7.10.3077.0)msvcr71.dll (version 7.10.3052.4)UIAutomationCore.dll (version 6.0.5840.16386) Hope this help.Robert

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Guest FSMP

If you really want to copy these dll's to another location ( and there should really be no need to do so), it makes more sense to copy them to your FSX directory, if you want FSX ( and it's addon dll's) to be persuaded to us them. That being said, it is totally unnecessary to do this. Geoff

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Either they are somewhere on your computer (just search), or you must download them (just google). Robert

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Guest FSMP
Either they are somewhere on your computer (just search), or you must download them (just google). Robert
If you start downloading odd version of dlls from the internet, and just COPYING them into Windows, GOD HELP YOU,You can look forward to re-installing windows. Geoff

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As long as you utilise common sense when downloading/placing DLLs, you should be fine. This sounds like the exact problem I'm having, I already have the automationcore but I'll try the others, thanks.

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Regarding Win7 64 systems: This is probable old news for most of you, but if there are anyone out there who missed this it might be of some help. I have played with the NGX some time now, and I have yet to experience any CTD (knock wood). My suspicion is that putting these dll files into the FSX root folder will actually increase overall stability. This is not scientifically proven though...but it wont hurt either. The reason for my claim is that before getting hold of these dlls, I would experience CTD with 90% predictability when fiddling with FMC on the MD-11. And after I put these into the FSX folder I could no longer produce CTD no matter what I did with the FMC (even adding lots of various FIX points witch was a guaranteed killer). So here are the files: msvcp71.dll (version. 7.10.3077.0)msvcr71.dll (version 7.10.3052.4)UIAutomationCore.dll (version 6.0.5840.16386) Hope this help.Robert
The advise now from both REX and Orbx is to delete the uiautomationcore.dll file from both your System 32, SysWow and FSX folders (just renaming them .txt instead of .dll, so you have it for backup).They are suspecting that this file has been causing FSX crashes.I'm having trouble with the REX weather engine now and getting crashes during flights, usually right when I make a mouse-click. First thing REX asked is if have have deleted the uiautomationcore.dll file from my root FSX folder yet.I don't have it there, so that's not my problem, but I did delete if from the SysWow folder after taking ownership of it and I believe that has stopped my crashes from Orbx scenery.

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I use REX to give me looks and Active Sky Evolution to give me weather. No problems for me there. (I also use ORBX scenery btw). NB! I added the version data for each file to make sure you get the right one. Robert

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If you start downloading odd version of dlls from the internet, and just COPYING them into Windows, GOD HELP YOU,You can look forward to re-installing windows. Geoff
You are not supposed to copy them into the Windows folder. They are meant to be copied into your FSX folder. Robert

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Gonna give that a try, renaming it in the sys32 folder.




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The advise now from both REX and Orbx is to delete the uiautomationcore.dll file from both your System 32, SysWow and FSX folders (just renaming them .txt instead of .dll, so you have it for backup).They are suspecting that this file has been causing FSX crashes.I'm having trouble with the REX weather engine now and getting crashes during flights, usually right when I make a mouse-click. First thing REX asked is if have have deleted the uiautomationcore.dll file from my root FSX folder yet.I don't have it there, so that's not my problem, but I did delete if from the SysWow folder after taking ownership of it and I believe that has stopped my crashes from Orbx scenery.
Quite strange that.I have sometimes got CTD while moving within FSX menu and read about the uiautomationcore.dll fix. Since I put into the root folder that .dll I have never had CTD when moving in the FSX menu (Praying.gif ).Bye.

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Regarding msvcp71.dll & msvcr71.dll , I was reading elsewhere that taking ownership of these files in their original location fixes the crashes also. It's working for me so far, I'm just not very knowledgeable about problems that might arise from taking ownership of system files.

Chris Hicks

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This seems to have actually fixed my CTDS, none yet... managed to do a few full flights. Thanks!

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I hope more people would try this out since it seems like a very promising solution to various CTDs, especially regarding manipulating the FMS in PMDG aircrafts. Robert

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Guest FSMP
You are not supposed to copy them into the Windows folder. They are meant to be copied into your FSX folder. Robert
OK, that makes a lot more sense. MY BAD - I missed that "FSX Folder" part in your original post. Having the CORRECT (or suitable versions) in the FSX directory will force their use, if a suitable version is not being specified in the dll's manifest. Loser.gif

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